Causes and indications of nail biting in psychology

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Many people resort to following many involuntary behaviors to get rid of stress and anxiety, such as: tampering with locks of hair, taking off and wearing rings frequently, or nail biting, and nail biting is considered an unhealthy habit .

Causes and indications of nail biting
The habit of biting nails may be an occasional condition where a person can get rid of it on his own, but it may turn into a repetitive behavior that cannot be eliminated, and this condition and similar habits are known as Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB), Although there are no clear reasons for this behavior, there are some factors that may lead to nail biting, and we mention the following:

Genetic factors: Some studies have shown that children whose parents used to practice nail biting are more likely to follow this behavior, even if the parents stopped biting nails before the child was born, but it has not been scientifically proven that nail biting is a hereditary condition.
Psychological stress: Nail biting is a habit that may reduce stress, anxiety, or even relieve boredom, so some people do it to relieve stress.
Extreme focus : Sometimes some people practice nail biting without awareness, so they are in a state of intense focus on something, or when they are facing a specific problem.
Feeling bored: Some people bite their nails involuntarily when they feel bored, hungry, or lonely.

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