Fentanyl: A Major Player in the Drug Overdose Epidemic | SouthLight Healthcare

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"One thing I think that people need to understand about fentanyl is probably about 60 percent of the people that are testing positive don't actually know that they're taking fentanyl. And that's truly frightening."
As the second largest opioid treatment clinic in North Carolina, SouthLight is seeing the direct impact of synthetic fentanyl. Our opioid program director, Kellie Ross, tells it like it is, driving home just why fentanyl is so dangerous and how SouthLight is taking steps to combat its use.
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As the second largest opioid treatment clinic in North Carolina, SouthLight is seeing the direct impact of synthetic fentanyl. Our opioid program director, Kellie Ross, tells it like it is, driving home just why fentanyl is so dangerous and how SouthLight is taking steps to combat its use.
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#southlight #southlighthealthcare #behavioralhealth #substanceuse #substanceusetreatment #substanceuserecovery #drugrecovery #addictiontreatment #addictionrecovery #recoveryjourney #recovery #alcoholrecovery #raleighnc #wakecountync #opioids #opioidtreatment #opioidtreatmentcenter #opioidrecovery #harmreduction #healthycommunity #recoverystartshere #judgmentfreezone #fentanyl #fentanylcrisis #actiq #fentora #duragesic #sublimaze