Your Brain On Fentanyl (FIXED)

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A look into one of the deadliest drugs.

Created by: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown
Written by: Rachel Salt & Gregory Brown
Illustrated by: Max Simmons
Edited by: Sel Ghebrehiwot & Mitchell Moffit

Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit

Snapchat: realasapscience

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Created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).

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Hey friends!
We're just reuploading this video to clarify the lethal dosage of fentanyl. Thanks for understanding, and for always watching and supporting our channel :)


"50 times stronger than HEROIN" I think we should all pause and recflect on how extremely DEADLY that is


Just withdrew from this. It was the worst thing I ever went thru. Never looking back on doing it again either. I'm just happy I can finally put it behind me. Did it for a year lost everything, time to get everything back. Y'all wish me luck !


Overall the world we live in sucks. Most people get depressed or overwhelmed and turn to drugs to escape reality. Don’t ever laugh at a drug addict, addiction is real and all it takes is one taste to become a statistic. I hope everyone looks out for each other


i remember the first time i od'ed on oxy, i was convinced i need a shit ton to feel anything, i don't remember how many mg i ended up on, but i could barley breath cause my brain was so shut off, i remember laying down in my bed unable to move and i could slowly feel myself going in and out of consciousness, i started projectile vomiting after having my most scary near death experience, i don't know how I didn't die that day


My sisters last fatal OD was dude to fentanyl. She was clean for almost a year and one split decision took her life. Stay strong my friends. Someone out here loves you and would rather you be here on earth. ❤️


If there's any addicts here thinking of getting clean, you can do it. I used to be a homeless, IV drug user for years living in a tent behind a graveyard. I used to make jokes that id be moving over there soon. I've gotten my life back on track. I have a job, and custody of my kids. U just have to make the conscious decision to stop for u. Not cuz mom dad or gf says u have to.


Fighting this addiction right now hardest thing ive ever had to go thru hope everyone going thru this gets thru this battle


Just started working at an Opioid treatment center, set to open sometime in the next month. I live in a small town where there has been a ton of community backlash over the "types of people" it will bring around. They call them junkies or "zombies." They don't see them as sick, or even human beings deserving treatment just like the rest of us. I wish people understood how serious this stuff is. Thank you for making this.


I overdosed on fentanyl twice, in the same week, in 2011. However, I've been clean since 2/11/12.


I started doing drugs since my teenage, got addicted to fentanyl. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Fentanyl addiction actually destroyed my life. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 4 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


My boyfriend of 4 years overdosed on Fentanyl 3 days ago. He did not survive. I don't know how I'm going to make it in this world without him.

I love you so much, Preston. 😭💔


going through chemotherapy and i got prescribed a SMALL amount of morphine for throat pain and right away it hit me very hard and i felt like i was gonna pass out so seeing how much stronger a small amount of fentanyl is in comparison to morphine is insane. can’t even imagine it


I wish that addicts would recover and get their lives back. I'll keep them all in my prayers.


Keep in mind this was made 5 years ago, you see how bad it's gotten over time. Truly sad:(


I feel like, especially these days, everybody is struggling with mental health and could benefit from careful/ intentional therapeutic use of substances like these.


I got Fentanyl a lot after getting run over when I was 19 (2008).
That stuff... wow. It stopped the pain entirely. It was the only thing that did at the start, then methadone. That one led me down a dark road.
Here in 2021, I'm 8 years sober, nothing stronger than a Tylenol save for prescriptions after surgeries.


Psychedelic’s definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it’s just so hard to source here


i lost my mom to this drug, not too sure if she took the drug on purpose or if another drug she took was laced with fentanyl but she was an addict for 20 plus years off and on and there was nothing more I could've told her to make her stay sober. she wasn't a great mom but she was my mom. so to anyone out there struggling with a drug abuse problem or anyone who knows someone stuggling I hope you or they get all the help you or they need and take it one day at a time. peace and love <3


20-year-old battling fentanyl addiction . I lost so many loved ones to this overdose four times myself checking into the residential treatment at overdose toontowns and about 10 hours I'm going on my own not for probation not for the courts nobody for myself. It feels good saying that hopefully I can get it this time around by attacking my mental health issues along with my chemical dependency issues. This will be my sixth treatment in the last 16 months. Hopefully something clicks this time around I don't want this lifestyle no more.
