PCOS is more than just a medical condition | Areen Rayees | TEDxGalgotiasCollegeofEngineering

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Please give this speaker a bigger platform! This is so important


The stress and anxiety that comes with this condition is insane, every month we have to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for a period that may or may not come and then to deal with outside opinions especially when we are already tearing ourselves down internally becomes overwhelming, the lack of compassion and care we women with PCOS get is truly unfair as not many speak about this condition as passionately as this woman does, if losing weight was so easy we would some of us then have thyroid issues that causes even more weight gain, we need more people speaking about PCOS so that the world and our families&friends can understand what we go through day in day out. And what methods we can use to ease our symptoms


I was diagnosed with PCOS I think it was year 2020. Advised to lose weight but it's the hardest part of all because having PCOS makes you eat more and feel more. Today, I feel sad and just wanna cry for no reason at all. I wanna isolate myself. I think of negativity. So I came on YT to look for PCOS and mental health and I found out this is where it's all coming from. Until now i still get irregular periods and mood swings. Can't function well because I think my moods affect the way I think. 😢


This needs a signal boost. Ted talk, have her come on to a better guest spot. This message is incredibly important, especially in the US where PCOS numbers are rising in our female population.


Same is happening with me... My clg frienfs tell me that I always looks anxious, irritated.. But actual reason for my irritation is pcos.. I am a medical student and one of my female friend used to tell me Don't worry you will get period...and always cry in front of me because her family financial conditions are not good... But financial conditions can get better but what abput this deterioting body..and pcos.. Messed up reperoductive system.. When she tell me in clg that she has periods and needs to change pad that really hits back me very hard..😢😢😢


My girlfriend suffers from PCOS, and if I am going to be spending alot of time with her, o feel I should know what she's dealing with and how I can help her.
This lecture was a powerful insight. Where do you recommend I go from there?


It’s too bad that the speaker is so hard to understand in this video with all the people mumbling in the audience. It sounds like no one is listening.


Hi girls,

I was diagnosed with PCOS unexpectedly in 2020.

At the time I was eating all the wrong things so I’ve spent the last 2 years developing recipes that are PCOS friendly
and very straight forward to make, as I work full time in London so I don’t get much time to cook!

I’m thinking of sharing this knowledge I’ve built and writing a recipe book.

I just wondered if there would be interest for this and how much you would be willing to pay for a PCOS cook book?

Comment below 👇🏽


I suffer from this PCOS. I'm married. I am not able to give a baby to my husband for the last 8 years .I'm thinking of getting separated for the sake of him having his own baby and me not passing down my condition to another generation.I am stressed and sleepless at night. I don't have a Home to go. 😢 What should I do. Please help me.


It's very sad not to see Turkish language support in translation.


Audio is so poor i cant understand what she's saying.


Why is it whenever a girl talks about an issue on stage she is always angry? On society.. on men..on other women..but, always angry?? I think this girl also has pcod😂
