Clear Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Close by

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Clear Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Close by. While the passing of a loved one can be a tragic and heart-wrenching experience, there are many who believe that they can still try to communicate with the deceased even after they are gone. Feeling someone nearby without being able to see them might mean a deceased loved ones wants to pay you a visit, if only to say hello and ease your mind. They might want to dispel any fears you might have about their well being. They want to reassure you and let you know they're okay.

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Recently lost my mum, I'd give anything for 5 more minutes with her.


My dear mother passed on 12/2/19. She was my everything. I know they say it gets easier with time but currently I cannot imagine this being possible. My heart feels so heavy 💔


My condolences to all that have lost a love one, I just lost my husband 😞 💔


I lost my father due to a drug over dose he was only 56 I miss him dearly I discovered his body in the apartment I was so sad I miss him so much may he Rest In Peace


I lost my oldest daughter in a horrific car accident on July 9, 2018. She has came to me in my dreams a time or two but this last time was so real. I was dreaming and then all of the sudden I walked into a room and there she was! We ran to each other and we were laughing and giggling then she grabbed me and hugged me tight ❤️ but this time I could feel her and smell her. I want you all to know is it was unspoken but in that moment I knew she had passed and she knew but we didn’t discuss the fact. We kept telling each other that we loved and missed each other. I then woke up and I had a notification on my phone. It was a Facebook memory from Shay when she was alive. It simply said “Love you”


Just heard my grandpa passed away. I cant stop crying and i am begging him to give me signs, any sings to let me know he is okay wherever he is.


My mom passed away from covid this past October, and it has been the hardest thing our family has ever gone through. We love her soo much! 💔 My mom has been sending me numerous signs! I kept seeing cardinals only days after her passing. She has been in my dreams often. Tonight I was looking through some of her old magazines (some of them were still brand new and never opened in the plastic) and I stacked them vertically next to my bed. Shortly before going to bed I noticed the unopened magazine facing me had an advertisement in the back that read, “My Daughter, I Love You Forever” ❤️


I lost my greatest grandmother at 95, this Christmas .. on the day. I cry evertime I see her Facebook and others. I just rlly want to talk to with her or see her in my dreams. I didn’t even say goodbye or I love you.


my sister passed in sept. 2016 and she loved butterflies and at her funeral a bright yellow butterfly kept following us. I knew it was her and it gave me comfort. When we was leaving it tried to get into our car. When we went through her things there was a calendar and flipped on the page was the same exact butterfly that we saw so I knew that was my confirmation. It's just a sigh of relief to know someone else has seen the same sign and this validates that even more.


My big sister was 22 years old when she was shot in the head while waiting at a stop light 1 month ago. Her 6 year old son and husband were in the car with her when it all happened. Im so thankful her son and husband are ok though but I really feel like she wanted me to see this video because she knows how lost I am without her, I usually only have makeup tutorials or food videos on my feed and out of the blue this video pops up? Thank you for this video I really needed to figure out some signs that she’s here with me.


Omg! When my Husband died I was so depressed because he died while I was at work. The next night on a busy road I saw what I thought were large dogs coming towards my car on my right side. Wow there stood 3 deer and one looked me right in my eyes and seemed to smile. I had a feeling of comfort come over me. I was like you are free! AND HAPPY!


When my Dad was alive he had a way of gently patting my shoulder to reassure me if I was feeling down. After he died I was, naturally, deeply upset. More than once I felt his touch on my shoulder, I could feel his love. A couple of years later, during the few weeks following my Mum's death, I could smell her perfume everywhere. It really was very comforting to know they were so close by.


Whoa, its 3:25 am Im sitting outside watching this video and suddenly a bird started singing. In my oak tree🙏💞


My brother was killed a year ago, I buried him a day before my birthday 💔 I’m much better than before today was very hard for me some reason I can’t stop thinking of him, so I’m here to anyone who’s ever took a loss know that you will never accept it but know that the lord has a plan and even though it may not make sense you have to be the best you can for your loved one and strong for your family. Your loved one is now closer than they’ve ever been and honestly it’s a beautiful thing, I have my moments but that’s what life’s about. I’m strong so can you be ❤️


My dad was in emergency room surrounded by doctors and other hospital staff.althrough the night myself, my husband and my uncle had taken my father to 3 hospitals to treat him for difficulty in breathing.morning when he was taken inside the emergency, we were made to wait in the waiting room.suddenly a doctor shared the bad news abt my father that he was no more.i was shattered I was crying suddenly I heard a voice calling my name.i was sure it was my father's.till this day the feeling is in my heart.after reading all the comments my belief has grown more strong that it was my dad who called me.I miss u dad.


My Dad passed 4 years ago and I was inconsolable because I couldn't get there in time. 4 days after he passed I had a visitation dream, it was so real. I don't remember dreams, this was very different. I still can remember the feeling in the air. He told me he was ok, to not worry, that nobody needs to worry, its all ok. I woke up feeling so loved and I knew instantly he had come to let me know . A year later I sat on some steps in Rome taking a break and a beautiful butterfly flew to me and landed on my hand, it sat there a good 5 minutes, my friend with me couldn't believe it. I knew it was Dad. In January just gone I lost my dearest friend, he took his own life. I am still not handling this well and miss him dreadfully. My husband and I both have had messages we feel...vapour passed my husband and 'touched ' him after we came home from the funeral. Electrics blowing, someone tapping on a door . Then a feather dropping in front of me. I feel its him..I cant explain how or why. But I believe they are waiting just beyond and we will continue as planned when we return home.


We lost our only daughter at 5 years old. She passed away 7 months ago our lives have been shattered I’d give anything to hold her again..❤️😓


So what about smells? I always smells cigarette smoke, out of nowhere and I think of my granddaddy because he used to smoke


My Mama just passed Wednesday 1/19/21 and a crow woke me up with the strangest song ever the morning she passed....pray for me


My Dad passed in March 2010, it was a very hard time for me. He had dementia but still knew who I was, who my kids were. He had fallen at home & broken his back; this was literally a week before we were going to start the ball rolling getting him into assisted living. He was living with his brother who was 14 years younger, but he was neglecting him. When Dad went into hospital he began to decline. He got a catheter, and they were never able to take it out. He was terrified to stand up, so he spent two months in bed & got frozen limbs. I’m an only child & I was working full-time plus the single mother of two kids. I tried to go to the hospital every day. At some point they told me he wasn’t swallowing anymore & they asked if I wanted to put in a feeding tube. He couldn’t walk, his mind was going, & knowing him & I said absolutely not. At that point they said when patients stop swallowing it’s the first steps toward dying. They put him in palliative care, removed all IV because they said fluid would just get caught in his lungs. He was awake the first couple of days then they started giving him heavy doses of dilauded that kept him unconscious. All I could do was sponge his mouth with water. It took my Father 10 days with no food or water to die like that. I felt horrible!!!! I felt guilty, like I had murdered him; starved him to death. They told me he would pass in 3-4 days max, but it took 10!!! My dad’s heart was strong! His mother lived to be 100, his Aunt 107!!!! Longevity runs in his family. I think his heart was strong despite the problems with his brain. I could not forgive myself & I questioned just listening to what these nurses told me. I should have asked more questions, I should have talked to more Doctors. Anyway after Dad died I immediately started finding dimes EVERYWHERE!!! at first I didn’t get it but it didn’t take long to figure out that I keep finding money & it’s always dimes, never any other coin. So every time I’d find one I’d say “ thanks dad “ I’d find them in the weirdest saved every one of them in a big can. I tend to find them when I’m struggling, so I know he’s watching over me. My latest one was in the most ridiculous & most inconceivable spot. My dresser I only have 6 drawers in it. 2 are for pj’s, 1 for bathing suits, 2 for t-shirts & 1 for tank tops. There’s nothing in there that would have money or coin, no pockets. I open up my drawer & after pulling out this wooden drawer I look & there is a dime sitting flat on the side of the drawer panel!!!! How in the hell could that have stayed balanced liked that while I pulled out the drawer???? It was right at the corner where the side panel meets the drawer front. I said “ WOW Dad I hear you loud & clear!!! “‘ I took a lot of pics & sent to my kids who couldn’t believe it. They’ve seen some crazy things too. Lastly my Mom was taken into the ER in May, I went home to let my dogs out then right to the hospital. She was in a bed in the ER as I go into this area she’s in and pull the curtain open something glimmers & catches my eye, there in this room in the ER on the floor is a dime!!!! I picked it up & showed it to my Dad’s here mom “
