What is the difference between Postgresql and MySQL?

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In this session, we are going to see major differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL in details

MySQL is controlled by oracle corporation for license and support need to depends on it
but the PostgreSQL is an open-source license if we need support get from various vendors like EnterpriseDB, 2nd quadrant, Amazon aurora.

this video will help to understand PostgreSQL featured and MySQL key features

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jajaja This video is uploaded on Jun and the intro makes me smile because im seeing the video the 31-dec
pd: happy day from the past to you (reader)


o postgres tá lento pra caramba. já fiz todos os tutoriais de tunning pra melhorar a velocidade e continua lento. pra comparar: uma tabela com 60 milhos de linhas e 7 colunas, um select que resulta em 10 linhas leva dois minutos. se eu fizer a mesma pesquisa usando grep em um csv retorna o resultado em 40 segundos. alguém tem alguma sugestão de melhorias e ajustes para o postgres?
