Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Effects on Body | WORLD IBD DAY- Dr. Rajasekhar MR | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Rajasekhar M R | Phone 📞 +919448311802 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Proctologist | Chirag Global Hospital, JP Nagar 2 Phase, Bangalore, India | Registration No: 47861 Karnataka Medical Council, 1997
IBD are inflammatory bowel disease. Let me explain little. Inflammation is body's response to any injury, whether it is by bacterial viral or some other injury to the body. Body response with inflammation. So if the inflammation is happening in the bowels, it's called inflammatory bowel and that is a disease. So inflammatory bowel disease is inflammation happening inside the bowels. Bowels is intestines. So in that infective conditions are excluded. Because they are separate. Bacterial inflammation, we call as bacterial infection, amoebic infection, different infections are different. In this IBD, it is our own body's our immune system attacking our own intestines. So in that there are two different varieties. One is called the Crohn's disease, the other one is called ulcerative colitis. So these two come into the same category of inflammatory bowel disease. These being autoimmune that is immune our own immune system attacking our own tissues, they'll have repercussions on the rest of the body also. So many of these two immunities they are not only show in the local part, they have inflammatory reactions in the rest of the body. So that has to be treated as a whole. So whenever we treat autoinflammatory or immune diseases, we treat local causes and local symptoms and all. Apart from that we have to treat them more vigorously to suppress the immune response so there are different methods of doing it. So IBD is a serious issue but if you take care of it properly regular follow-up with gastroenterologist, and rarely surgical interventions will be needed. So if it is maintained well they can lead almost normal life but it should be taken seriously and patients should have interest in his disease. It's not like any other disease, you take some treatment stop in between. Please don't do that. The message on the IBD day is take IBD seriously, but don't get depressed. There is treatment for it. Some of them can be cured. Most of them will have to be maintained for a longer term.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Inflammatory Bowel Disease pathology | Inflammatory Bowel Disease treatment | Inflammatory Bowel Disease symptoms | Inflammatory Bowel Disease pharmacology | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Ulcerative colitis vs crohn's disease
Dr. Rajasekhar M R | Phone 📞 +919448311802 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Proctologist | Chirag Global Hospital, JP Nagar 2 Phase, Bangalore, India | Registration No: 47861 Karnataka Medical Council, 1997
IBD are inflammatory bowel disease. Let me explain little. Inflammation is body's response to any injury, whether it is by bacterial viral or some other injury to the body. Body response with inflammation. So if the inflammation is happening in the bowels, it's called inflammatory bowel and that is a disease. So inflammatory bowel disease is inflammation happening inside the bowels. Bowels is intestines. So in that infective conditions are excluded. Because they are separate. Bacterial inflammation, we call as bacterial infection, amoebic infection, different infections are different. In this IBD, it is our own body's our immune system attacking our own intestines. So in that there are two different varieties. One is called the Crohn's disease, the other one is called ulcerative colitis. So these two come into the same category of inflammatory bowel disease. These being autoimmune that is immune our own immune system attacking our own tissues, they'll have repercussions on the rest of the body also. So many of these two immunities they are not only show in the local part, they have inflammatory reactions in the rest of the body. So that has to be treated as a whole. So whenever we treat autoinflammatory or immune diseases, we treat local causes and local symptoms and all. Apart from that we have to treat them more vigorously to suppress the immune response so there are different methods of doing it. So IBD is a serious issue but if you take care of it properly regular follow-up with gastroenterologist, and rarely surgical interventions will be needed. So if it is maintained well they can lead almost normal life but it should be taken seriously and patients should have interest in his disease. It's not like any other disease, you take some treatment stop in between. Please don't do that. The message on the IBD day is take IBD seriously, but don't get depressed. There is treatment for it. Some of them can be cured. Most of them will have to be maintained for a longer term.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Inflammatory Bowel Disease pathology | Inflammatory Bowel Disease treatment | Inflammatory Bowel Disease symptoms | Inflammatory Bowel Disease pharmacology | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Ulcerative colitis vs crohn's disease