The Surprising Truth Behind Costco's 5 Dollar Rotisserie Chicken

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Going to Costco is like going to an amusement park for shopping where you’re definitely going to spend a few hours, and it’s only normal to pick up some of their fresh $5 rotisserie chicken before you head home.

After all, making a quick meal out of Costco’s rotisserie chicken sure seems like a healthier option than any other junk meal you could get from a drive-thru. Plus, their chicken actually tastes quite good, too.

However, is Costco’s rotisserie chicken actually a good option for a healthy meal? Take a look at the real truth about Costco’s $5 rotisserie chicken that will totally surprise you.

#Truth #Costco #Chicken

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Are you a fan of the Costco rotisserie chicken?


5 dollars for that chicken is an incredible deal. Don't ruin it for me! I like it!


Basically if you don't prepare and cook the food yourself you can call it processed nowadays. Lol


And? You don't think any off-the-shelf dry rub you season a fresh chicken (then allow to sit for a few hours to over-nite for the flavors to go throughout the chicken) with has the same preservatives added to keep flavor and prevent clumping? Even if you make your own rub, the paprika, garlic powder, onion powder and the like will still have preservatives and additives to prevent clumping and preserve freshness/flavor. Being preseasoned at a factory is no different than doing the same at home using an already prepared rub or marinade. And if you don't think the chicken you buy at a store has been frozen before shipping; I've got a bridge to the moon to sell you. Short of killing the chicken yourself, you aren't getting a bird that's not been frozen for shipping. The benefit of buying at Walmart, Sam's, Costco etc.. is you don't have to cook it or clean up afterwards, and often the price is neraly identical to buying a raw bird and having to do all that work yourself. I swear, Mashed/Buzzfeed and the like are all just a series of click-bait videos with no redeeming value, and often outright incorrect information presented in a way to sound alarming when the information is anything but.


You can't go wrong with a Costco chicken. Only side effect is a full belly.


Wow, there's sugar on the chicken. It must be terrible for you.


People have been brining chickens in sugar and salt for centuries. It's really not a big deal.


Many decades ago, when the US still had agrarian roots, I remember my grandmother going to her chicken coop and grabbing a hen for Sunday dinner. (I must say, the poor chicken's very quick death scene is still seared in my memory 6 decades later, lol.) That was the most delicious chicken I've ever had! It tasted NOTHING like even the freshest grocery store chicken, which beats Costco by a mile.


MSG was bad for my mom. She used it by the spoonful. Unfortunately she died young. She was 97. My brother took after her and he lasted only 89.


Using Dr Oz and one of his guests as a reference? Weak.


This is a lie about the preseasoning I work for Costco and we ship raw chicken every day literally


I don't care, their are $5.00 and can't even buy and cook it for that.


I like how everyone thinks everything is soo bad for them when it comes to just so they can look like they are soo precious with their bodies and how important they are so they avoid anything at all costs, even if they don't know anything.


None of these birds featured were from Costco... such a scam


Why are you guys trying to demonize seasoning with brown sugar? It's not like there's an excessive amount of it in three


I thought there was going to be some horror story behind the chicken. I love Costco shopping, but have never bought the rotisserie chicken. I think I might try it. As suggested in the video it is moderation. Enjoy it with a healthy side of salad or vegetable. Probably should not eat a whole chicken, seven nights a week, all by yourself.


That guy is just looking for something to bit*h about.


I saw this episode of Dr. Oz and it is real chicken. This guy didn't know what he is talking about Dr. Oz corrected him in saying " let's not get carried away this is real chicken".


"It actually looks like chicken". where do they find these people?


The Dr. Oz show was not about Costco chickens. Although there is too much sodium in Costco Chickens, there is no MSG or Gluten in them. The ingredients listed on the label of a Costco rotisserie chicken are: whole chicken, water and seasonings (salt, sodium phosphate, modified food starch, potato dextrin, carrageenan, sugar, dextrose, spice extractives).
