Excel Magic Trick 1320: Distinct/Unique Count with 1 Condition using Power Query (Get & Transform)

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See how to use calculate Distinct Count with 1 Condition to create for How Many Unique Visitors To Site Each Day with Power Query.

Distinct Count Formula with one condition. Unique Count Formula with one condition.
Excel Magic Trick 1318: How Many Unique Visitors To Work Site Each Day? PivotTable or Array Formula?
Bill Szysz posted:
Excel, Power Query - zliczanie unikanych wartości z warunkiem
Other Video also:
Excel Magic Trick 1319: Distinct/Unique Count with 1 Condition Using 2 PivotTables.
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Power Query is the best Excel upgrade ever!!!Thanx for the video


Thanx for sharing this tip. Power Query rules!


Nice video! Thanks for taking me into Group-By.
Nice feature.


Hi, Awesome videos. Is it also possible to sum up value based on distinct condition?
Lets say there is an extra variable "FTE" where some people work 1.0 FTE and some people work 0.8 FTE.
Just like in your dataset sioux will have 3.0 FTE (summed) but i only want sioux FTE to be counted once. Is that possible within power query without having to delete duplicates?


Great video mike. Am enjoying Power query and power pivot


Don't know if any one has mentioned this method but my simple way of doing this would be to add =COUNTIFS($A$12:A12, A12, $D$12:D12, D12) to column E. The trick here is that it counts up from 1 for each duplicate because the top cell is locked but the rest of the range is not. You can then do a SUMIFS against the date and unique count value of 1 which would give you the desired info.

I have used the above method many, many times the only limitation is the size of the data set which can cause excel to crash if you try and apply this formula against very large data sets (about 100, 000+)


I get a daily transaction report which I summarise by product line and use a different table to add the customer name. PQ and PP helps automate by dumping the files in a folder the refresh the tables and voila the report is ready
