China's Insane World War 3 Plan

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If you go ahead and spin the proverbial wheel of global worry today, there’s a good chance you’ll land on the words “China” and “World War III.” Unfortunately, there are several reasons for that and they all lead to the question no one wants to think about:

Is China getting ready for World War 3?

In this video, we address the concern surrounding China's military expansion and its potential readiness for World War III. We examine the reasons why China is perceived as a possible threat, including its growing military might, incursions into Taiwanese airspace, and escalating tensions with the West.
Furthermore, recent events such as Japan's decision to purchase hundreds of new weapons for its own defense and the increasing military cooperation between the US and Australia are also indicative of a looming global conflict, likely to take place somewhere in the Indo-Pacific region. Therefore, the signs all point towards another doomsday scenario on the horizon, with some experts speculating that it could happen as early as 2024.

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The Nationalists were not the rebels. The communists were.


Yup, this is terrifying. I'm normally not into fear-mongering, but this genuinely scares me. I'm so scared for the future of our nation, especially since there's a small army of people who live here who genuinely want us to fail. They don't understand just how good we actually have it.


This is straight out Sun Tzu playbook. He emphasized the use of spying and intelligence to pave the way for victory. The use of sabotage is also a vital part of his plans for victory, which in this day and age is exercised by cyber warfare against Chinas enemies. Sun Tzu said the greatest victory is the one u never fought, because the enemy is so psychologically “beaten”, he makes a decision not to fight. Sun Tzu was the master of the “long game”. Something the CCP has adopted.


my friends calling me crazy for saying "get ready cuz there's gonna be a world war 3 in our lands".


The way to avoid war is to become so militarily powerful that your enemies KNOW-not suspect, not think, but KNOW-that they will be overwhelmingly defeated. Peace through overwhelming strength and national will to use it, to fight! is the only path to peace. If you are strong and fierce your diplomacy will be much more successful.


13:15 Taiwan wasn't democratic at all until 1990s, when first direct elections were held. Until 1991, a martial law was permanently enacted, which suppressed constitutional rights of citizens.

So no, nationalists didn't create a "vibrant democratic state". It became democratic much later.


I have another WWII/Pre WWII analogy: The Russo-Ukrainian War is like the Spanish Civil War. It is a test bed for the latest weapons and tactics of the various powers. One "good" thing about it: it has unmasked problems in our production and supply trains that would've occurred in a protracted war in the Pacific with China. We are now putting in place ways to step up production, including in making artillery shells! The same with our NATO allies. Chinese aggression has woken up Japan (they are "woke" now😉) just like Putin's War has knocked Sweden and Finland of the fence and got Germany and the UK to realize how unprepared they are.


If you have been watching China for the last 40 years you know that Chna has always been getting ready for this's no surprise


Ww3 started on Feb, 24 2022. We are living it and the train has no brakes. The world actually need this war. Less people will die from massive war than those who will from famine because of deglobalization


Well I agree with most of what you said so far, Realistically China does not have the logistics stupid project power outside of hundred miles off the mainland.
China is just now learning how to use naval logistics to project power outside its own boarders.
Case in point as to why they made those islands


Thing is Chinas economy is dependent on one country it exports to is USA. Also Chinas biggiest import is food, 70% of its food is imported....alot of it from the USA. If the world treated China as it did Russia when they invaded Ukraine, then China would be in massive trouble.


No, WW3 won't start in Taiwan.
It's much more probable to start with a reignition of the Korean civil war.


Tired of waiting! Let's get at it while we can beat them!


If the shit hit the fan, I hope that Japan will be as ferocious as it was during ww2. Good luck with one of the most dominating countries in that region.


Free uyghur
Free hongkong
Free inner mongol
Free tibet
Free yunan
Free dali
Salam from malaysia al bait


America is not ready. But we weren’t ready in 1941 either💪🏻 🇺🇸


At 13.34 you described Chiang Kai-Sheks army as Nationalist Rebels and that Taiwan was to be brought back under control of the CCP.
You forget that it was the other way around as the CCP army were the rebels and the Nationalist Army were of the governing power before their defeat on the mainland.
Taiwan formerly Formosa has never been ruled by the CCP and never will !


i've always found it so inconsistent as to how China managed to come up with an identical arsenal to the US


China would never think of war the only country that live on war is none other than? you are right America. God bless peace


Thank you for such an in depth educational, interesting and entertaining video.. I learned a lot from this one and I agree with you 💯 %.... It's a scary time we live in and seems to be getting even scarier... Unfortunately.
