Safest Countries to Hide Out if World War 3 Starts

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If World War 3 breaks out, where will you go? Check out today's video that reveals the safest countries to wait out the next world war!


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"Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die." -Herbert Hoover


The funny thing is;
As citizens, (of any country) all of us have absolutely no problem with each other, for the most part.
The governments and elected officials on the other


To everyone reading this, I sincerely pray for that whatever is causing you pain or stress will pass. May your negative thoughts, excessive worries and doubts disappear, replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love


The safest thing is not where you can hide. But to stop it happening!


You guys overlooked the fact that Switzerland has enough nuclear bunkers for its entire country's population


“It comforts me to think that in the darkest days of war. Absolutely nothing is happening in most parts of the world.” Bryden “The Blackfish” Tully


Radiation from nuclear weapons would spread throughout the planet by the currents destroying crops everywhere, and so millions would die of starvation even if they survived the nuclear destruction. Very few places is really safe unfortunately


The big omission here is that you have totally ignored is the disruption to the financial system. You might escape to a Pacific island but you would likely end up as a penniless refugee.


The safest place is actually space, and plus you can enjoy the "view" from up there


It’s a well known fact here in New Zealand that plenty of wealthy and powerful people from around the world have dooms day bunkers here in the mountains. People like to make fun of prepers until billionaires start preparing.


You could mention also Nepal, Bouthan, Argentina, Uruguay, Samoa, Tahiti, Christmas Island, Seychelles, Mauricius, Réunion, Madagascar... Plenty of safe places.


You might have forgotten that US actually have an Airbase in northern Greenland, Thule airbase, which plays a rather important part of your missile shield, so Greenland is actually a high priority target, together with Iceland, for strategic reasons. And US also have Keflavik AFB on Iceland


My only concern about living on a remote tropical island is that it's so remote that if something bad were to happen there it would be hard to escape the area in time.


Silly optimism. If a third world war broke out, it would likely escalate so fast that none of these locations or travel to them would even be remotely possible.


These suggestions might work if WWIII was a limited, part nuke part conventional conflict. With a total war, we might well see the "On the Beach" scenario where even the safest countries are eventually destroyed by fallout.


I agree with most of your list. I do see all the islands on your list being good pit stops for military migrations and stations. This happened in WWII as well in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. The same goes for the tip of Chile and South Africa. The Panama Canal would not be accessible to all parties in a WWII scenario. So, many ships and carriers will have to go around continents (ie, around South Africa and the tip of Chile). Those parties will want to stake a claim on those ship routes.

They may not have direct battles on their lands (maybe) but they would have allies that will "ask" to port and land on their shores for military stations and etc. Anyways, it's interesting to think about.


We should all hope that the tension in the world doesn't reach the point of war, but if it does, I'll be thanking the infographics show when I'm booking a one way ticket to Iceland.


I'm currently in thailand, I'll take my chances here. During WW2, Thailand managed to survive without ever been occupied by any country by playing both sides. As of today, Thailand is still friendly with both sides, such as US, EU, UK, Russia, China


As an Aussie, theres been a rising heat between China and our country. I very much doubt that we'll be left alone since we are geographically close to Asia. For example even in WW2, we were bombed by Japan in Darwin and Sydney- which unfortunately is overlooked information when anyone brings up the wars. (I love japan though, we can't keep the hatred from the past like our grandparents)
Besides that my guess is if anything happened Australia would be a target as the Chinese gov has seen our soil as very profitable and desirable. I just hope that our Allies come to help us if we ever do get attacked- our big brother the US and our mother country England. Im glad we have strong ties, it makes all the difference in a war.


Most of the places you mentioned are net importers of food, food security could be a major concern and seafood alone is not a healthy diet. Preparing and foraging skills would help but you won’t be alone gathering.
