LSD Does Amazing Things To The Brain

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Recent scans reveal that psychedelic drugs do some amazing things to the human brain. Scientists are now trying to discover how LSD can help treat mental illnesses. Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker (Pop Trigger), and Grace Baldridge (Pop Trigger), hosts of The Young Turks discuss.

Do you think LSD will be used in medicine soon? Let us know in the comments below.

“In recent years, a handful of scientists have begun seriously investigating the use of psychedelic drugs like LSD as a way of treating mental disorders like anxiety, depression, or PTSD. And yet no study has ever captured what, exactly, it is that LSD is actually doing to the brains of the people who take it. What does a brain on LSD look like?

This week, scientists have a first attempt at an answer. A study published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, led by neuroscientist Robin Carhart-Harris at Imperial College London, used brain-imaging technology to create images — the first of their kind — of human brains on LSD. The gist of the results is perhaps not so surprising: The regions of the brain associated with vision were more active when the participants were on LSD, a finding the researchers believe may explain some of the hallucinations people typically experience after taking the drug.”


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Рекомендации по теме

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
― Terence McKenna


LSD caused a stroke in my brain that was later identified as a brain tumor. Had I not had it I would have gone years before seeing any symptoms of my brain cancer. LSD saved my life.


LSD and Shrooms are beautiful creations on this earth


Everyone celebrate 4/19 the day Albert Hoffman the creator of LSD-25 had the first LSD trip. He lived to be 102 years old.


It’s hard to watch people that don’t do psychadelics talk about psychadelics


"LSD Does Amazing Things To The Brain"

"No shit", say college students across the nation


"No, not allegedly. I did mushrooms." I love you, Ana.


Psychedelics is a great way of kinda resetting yourself, a way of building yourself up from scratch from seeng your life in an other perspective. I also know a lot of people can cure their addictions by using psychedelics. My life got so much better after trying LSD, life changing in the best way possible. The way i appreciated everything around me, how much more beautiful everything got, i became more confident, i got rid of my depression, my opioid addiction disappeared (that i got from being in the hospital on morphine for 10 weeks when i was 16). I can without doubt say that the 7 months after trying LSD has been the most interesting, fun and adventurous time of my life.


“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.” -T. McKenna


This shit saved me I was on the brink of suicide and this shit changed me for the better peace people.. we know who the real eney is


I love lsd it's a thing of beauty. Breaks barriers and makes you a better person


When I first took LSD, it was like waking up for the first time. It's hard to even remember how life used to be beforehand, it opens your mind so much and it changes how you think and view the world in a very drastic way. I would recommend to anyone to try LSD


END THE WAR ON DRUGS! - Legalise marijuana at the federal level, decriminalise possession, focus on rehabilitation not punishment!


The whole notion of making these drugs illegal is just pathetic. I wonder when the "war" on drugs will end.


LSD will never be allowed in US because heighten people's consciousness is the kryptonite to the US government


I have taken and it’s true. It opened my mind years ago. I do not need to use it again because your understanding does not go away


psychedelics are amazing. I feel consistently down, depressed, and in stress related pain, and one trip relieved all of that for MONTHS after I already came down. I actually felt like a normal person, able to handle all of lifes problems.


I love that, he says "allegedly" and she's like no no I did shrooms... great


"No, not allegedly, I took mushrooms."

Lol I love you Ana.


When I was a teenager, I also took really shitty anti-depressants for a while that really just crippled my emotions even more and made it harder to relate to people. However, recently I've been experimenting with LSA (similar to LSD but occurs naturally) and I feel like it's actually started to undo some of the lingering damage that was done by the prescribed anti-depressants many years ago. I've been able to feel more empathy and connection to people again.
