Does microdosing LSD make you smarter? | WIRED Explains

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Microdosing psychedelics refers to the practice of taking tiny amounts of drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms. Some people claim that microdosing brings them benefits such as improved mood, focus or creativity. But there’s very little scientific evidence to show which effects microdosing actually has – or if it has any at all.

Now, several groups of researchers are running placebo-controlled studies to explore what microdosing does. They ask participants to take either microdoses or placebos, without telling them which they are getting, then have them complete tasks testing things like cognitive function and psychological wellbeing. Having a placebo control is particularly important, as otherwise the reported effects of microdosing could be down to a placebo response rather than a physiological effect of the drug.

#microdosing #lsd #psychedelics

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People who have never tripped, love to express there expertise on the subject.


Psilocybin LSD mushrooms and psychedelics, as a whole, have shown substantial promise as beneficial agents that can truly aid individuals grappling with mental health difficulties.


My recovery journey was supported by the therapeutic benefits of mushrooms & lsd


Jesus christ, might as well rename this video "Basic Introduction to a Placebo Study" and even then it would be lacking details. "So what do we know?" Nothing apparently.


Summary of this vid:
"does microdosing LSD make you smarter?"
"we don't know"


Welp... theres 7:05 ill never get back 🤦🏻‍♂️ shouldve just titled this video "were gunna waste your time because we know nothing"


I micro dosed LSD today for my first time (properly tripped before) and it was highly beneficial for mind and soul


"More research required" yeah that's exactly what you should do


This woman is a perfect example of somebody who needs a psychedelic experience... shes so rigid and trust me, from experience, Microdosing works. Its too early to say how much, but all I can say is on my microdose days I have an energy and a positive intent to get out and enjoy life. God bless LSD.


I have been helped tremendously with the use of psychedelic mushroom, it helped me get over negativity and focus on a positive attitude and good sense of reasoning to my surprise this helped me go through the most difficult part of my life and to be sincere I’m glad I gave it a trial


I am a software engineer programming mostly on server side applications and other core algorithms stuff.
I did LSD micro dosing..
Boy oh boy. I highly recommend it. My productivity improved more than 3 folds. Normally I am easily distracted. But after micro dosing on LSD I can focus more and get most out of my time even after a week of micro dosing.
I took quarter of the stamp at a time.


I have only just started watching but wanted to say that I had been self teaching myself piano for about 6 months or so and having a trip made me play absolutely insane as if my brain had unlocked the codes to play perfectly in key and after the trip my playing skills stayed boosted although definitely not at the level they were at during the trip. I tried this since and ive learnt how to do a few extra things very fast that wouldnt have been possible without it, it’s mind blowing the power of your brain


I've used Lsd and D.M.T. before. I definitely wanna do it again. It was a great experience. I saw how physical existence is composed of harmonizing frequencies.
1 saw a roygbiv of moving waves, and this voice spoke to me with rhyming poetry with a british/ Australian accent, but in a language that I could somehow understand but not translate or repeat, but it explained to me that I was seeing the separated "notes" that make up these harmonies or
"chords" that bring about the existence of the elements. It explained atoms to me in a way that made my physics teacher sound like a big doughf


As someone who's first experience from acid or hallucinogenic drugs was a micro dose and I can backup that it definitely isnt a placebo


This was less of an explanation and more of a video trying to get you not to microdose


As a teenager I had a bad trip on shrooms and didn’t do them for a while. Later in life I realized doing drugs as an adult is different then trying them as a teenager. I’ve had great trips ever since and always wake up feeling relieved. I do them few times a year and the laughing attacks on shrooms are truly a medicine and great for your brain.

If you’ve had a bad trip as a kid then don’t be afraid to try it again as an adult. If your struggling mentally as most people are, try it again and you won’t regret it.


Products of psychedelic mushroom like the chocolate bar and the rest you can get the best result with magic mushroom studies have proven the affective activity that psychedelic mushroom does to the mental stability of anyone, I remember an heartbreak that made me so sad but I got through it and now I’m happy and walking in royalty


Microdosed dmt, sharpened my vision and enhanced my color in vision. It did wonders for my depression that day


I know for ME for a fact lsd did make me smarter for a time.
Hs, some auto class, we were watching a video, took dose half hour or so before and... I have never absorbed so much information in my life. I was just mesmerized by this video and everything being said, I hooked onto every wood. Long story short, to this day I still remember in detail the steps and tools needed to disassemble a Chevy small block. Though I admit I have never applied it


rename the video to - " Heck, even we dont know whats what."
