Yellowstone Supervolcano: Could it end it all? How dangerous is it? What would happen if it erupted?

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Could a supervolcano be what wipes humans off this Earth? Could it be Yellowstone supervolcano in America? How deadly is this volcano?

If the current global situation has got you searching for all the other ways in which humanity could get wiped out, chances are you have come across the supervolcano in Wyoming, United States of America: Yellowstone.

For many years now this supervolcano has been a major topic for concern, with many fearing that it will erupt within our lifetimes or even in the foreseeable future. Afterall with Australia's forest fires, Trump almost starting a war with Iran, and now the current situation... no one would be surprised if a Yellowstone super-eruption happened in 2020.

This video covers:

-The difference between a volcano and supervolcano.
-How many would die.
-How much lava there would be.
-The various levels of the explosively, VEI, of an eruption and what this particularly super volcano would be.
-The threat to humanity if Yellowstone erupts.
-The aftermath.
-Prevention measures for the eruption
-And many facts which will teach you enough about the Yellowstone supervolcano to be able to write an essay, or hold a well-informed discussion.

We hope you enjoy and learn something new today!

-The FYI Show


Further Information/Reading:

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Wow. Is that really your handwriting and art?


Coming from Reddit, this video is really good 💜💜💜


Hello I am sure you put a lot of work and care doing this video so I will try no to be rude with my words, and please don't take too badly what I'm about to say:
your video talks about science and tries to make it easy for people to understand potential eruptions of the yellowstone volcano, so it is very important, crucial even, to be sure that what you are saying is true, or at least not wrong.
There are a lot of mistakes in this video. Some are alright, but some others are very important, and I'm sure you will agree that your videos must not have completely wrong and nonsense content about what it is precisely speaking, otherwise what 's the use of making educative videos right ?

One example: 3:30 you talk about very little amount of lava coming out, because ""due to the extreme heat of this volcano the lava would turn it into raging pieces of ash rising in the air""
This statement is not only wrong, but it is also the exact contrary of how volcanoes work. The hotter lava is, the more liquid it is, and so the less explosive is the eruption. Lava does not simply turn into ash at all, even not because of a supposedly extreme heat, it has absolutely nothing to do unless you consider the gas in the magma. One very important thing to know about volcanic eruptions is that the real fuel is not the lava, it is the gas inside the magma. Maybe for you it looks not important, but I assure you that it is !

It's ok not to be a specialist, you can't know everything perfectly, but at least it is important to know the basics of how volcanoes work. I strongly advise you to ask for help from a professional or at least a specialist before broadcasting your video. He will help you with some important facts and datas and processes, and your video will be appreciated not only by random people, but also by passionate people who know their
There are communities of "volcano addicts" that will share your videos with pleasure and help you promote your channel, but ONLY if what you say is accurate.
I find it too bad that you put some much effort in the making of the video, but that the content of the video has so many mistakes that it can't be considered as interesting.

One more time please consider these critics as severe but right, so it is constructive. Ask for help and reviews from specialists when you are creating your videos, and ask again for a final review before broadcasting. I'm sure you want your hard work to be accurate and interesting.


Very informative video! Just to my liking informative and entertaining.


Have you ever been to this supervolcano?


you never know it could end it all. but good work i like how you knew what you were going to say and how smooth it sounds


Amazing editing. Such a calming voice too. I love it.


It's not only supervolcanoes like at Yellowstone that we have to worry about. VEI 6 or VEI 7 volcanoes like Krakatoa, Santorini, or Tambora not only would erupt and cause global cooling as well as ash and other hazards more locally, but such eruptions take place much more often (10-20 times per millennium) than supervolcanoes. Furthermore, even weaker volcanoes can be quite hazardous to nearby cities and towns and farms.


Keep up the good work. Your voice is soothing as well 😁
