What Actually Shows Up In An Employment Verification Check

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Have you ever wondered what exactly gets verified during the employment verification process? In this video, I'll be breaking down exactly what employment verification is and why it's so important to employers, and what exactly what gets verified.



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I have to tell you, I had one person be a total JERK to my friend. She worked at one office, and listed this fellow as a reference. I called him, acting like I was a potential company, and he said terrible things about her. People should do that. Have a friend call. Beware who you list as a reference.


Based on my experience, you don't have to be 100 percent accurate with employment dates or history. I applied and got a job with USPS as a carrier, and my employment history dates might have been off by a couple of months for start and end dates. Everything else, however, was 100 percent accurate. My point is that if a federal agency such as USPS hires me with less than 100 percent accuracy pertaining to employment history, y'all have nothing to worry about.


I was terminated for repetitive tardiness. The company I interviewed with didn’t ask or seem to care why I left my previous job. Sterling background is the 3rd party company doing my check. Should I be worried not being hired ?

UPDATE: They hired me and never did a job background check


Thanks for clarifying a very important point. That the 3rd party background check company verifies what information that is provided by us in their application form and not the resume/ LinkedIn profile as they are marketing tools. I have posted this question in so many forums and nobody had the right answer! Thank you.


And you write the truth you don’t get hired either, even if you could be a hard worker willing to learn but they judge you by your pass (mistakes ) like applying your first job just at a job instead of a job that is related where you want to work


Sometimes current employer do not co-operate with BGC as they know the employee is planning to leave. This delays the whole process. Third party companies should themselves try to verify from their sources instead of asking employee to give references.


omg all the dates of my jobs were off because I couldn't remember the start and end date omg


I was laid off after calling OSHA at a factory, I feel that it's makimg my life real rough now. I just wanted to be safe at work.


isnt it easy to make up numbers and have your friend say you worked there?


Hello! My first job as a teen was Target and they fried me during the pandemic because I accidentally walked out with earrings but I realized as I walked out and immediately walked back in to put them back but the AP still found it as a reason to fire me. They didn’t care that I brought it back literally the day of. I’m not one to steal and never have it was a mistake but they did terminate so on my background check I put I left during the pandemic. 😓 I hope this doesn’t jeopardize my future job


Do employers actually check whether you have a high school diploma or not?


I honesty couldn’t remember the start/end date of two jobs that I had :S


Most companies only give dates, title, salaries, and eligibility to avoid getting sued.


Credit checks are commonly used. If your credit score is under 500 or you have bankruptcy in your profile, you will be passed up.


Thanks for the, good advice for prospective employees going through the employment process.


Good video, can you please do another video on the background checks that the Federal Government does, because I live in an area where the defense industry is dominant


Why a third party is asking for my W2 for the last 5 years from my last employer? Is this okay to give those informations? Please need your guidance. Thank you.


Not contradicting any info but I've only put "relevant job experience" on my resume, never had an issue with leaving other work experience off, nor have I ever not got a job for my employment dates being off, they def verify the education and certifications though


Since applying for job A, I have left my current employer to help my ailing mother and work part time, doing side gigs. I've only been out one month and didn't have this convo with the initial phone screen. I left on good terms, but feel I should have mentioned on the phone screen, now I have panel interviews today... thoughts on how to be up front or what I should do?


I’m just a ball of confused right now because some are saying past employments do show up in a background check and some are saying only criminal doings show up😭

Basically, I was doing paid training from July to October (my last day was in September but they sent me a form that says “As of October 4th, you have been discharged” cause I didn’t pass the training/didn’t reach the score I needed to pass). It was 8 online training sessions and 4 field training sessions in total, but the thing is, they assigned me an employee ID number even as a trainee. I don’t want to include it in my resume, but I’m afraid it’s gonna show up in a background check. Can’t companies use our SSN to find past employment, even if we don’t include it in our resume?
