10 Minimalist Rules That ACTUALLY Work (even if you're not a minimalist 🤫)

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I wouldn't call myself a full-blown minimalist anymore (more minimalist-ish these days!), but these "rules" of minimalism are the ones I still follow to save money, buy better and live clutter-free. You don't have to be a minimalist to benefit from minimalism. To me, it's a set of values and habits that you can implement to improve & simplify areas of your life that need it.

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1. Buy Nice or Buy Twice
2. If its not a "HELL YES" then its a "No"
3. Declutter before Organization
4. If you don't use it, you lose it
5. Wishlist and Wait
6. A place for everything
7. Don't Buy a Problem
8. Have a "Why" before you Buy
9. The "Spark Joy" Rule
10. If you can't buy it with cash, you can't afford it


I recently saw a post about decluttering that said, "if it had poop on it, would you throw it out or take the time to wash it off?"
Best tip I've ever seen.


People may or may not agree with this. I used to work in high-end retail where my employee discount still wasn't good enough... I would try on whatever I wanted, Then if I saw it on ebay months later and it was affordable for me I could reconsider getting it and know what size fit. One benefit of trying on everything you're interested in helps you know what actually looks good and what doesn't so you can stop daydreaming about an item and take it off your list of things. There have been plenty of times where I was so in love with something and then I tried it on and it did not work for me at all and I was so glad that I didn't waste time or money on it.


What is really messing with me is that I noticed that the more expensive clothing I buy recently is often as cheaply made as any H&M stuff I buy.


A rule I lived by this week was Before you buy, use what you have. I needed a notebook for a project, but went through my stationery basket and found a new, pretty good one. My eco bag broke. Instead of buying a cute one I saw in a shop, I looked in my gift pile (fun, small gifts I keep on hand) and found one. And now, I think I want a sleek, small knapsack with a water bottle holder. I might buy one, but for now, I’m using a knapsack that for some reason I never used. So far, it’s working well. Even though there’s no dedicated bottle pocket.


I think it also depends what you are buying. My mom bought me a cheap t-shirt for what amounts to a little more than a dollar, closer to about one euro when I was a teenager. I wore that t-shirt regularly (think about 2 times a week regular) for about 8 years before it tore badly enough that I can't wear it as a t-shirt (I plan to turn it into a tank 'cause I love it). You should judge the quality of what you're buying rather than judge by the cost.


Number 9 reminds me of the William Morris quote: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." I like this philosophy because some sentimental or decor items are not necessarily useful, but they are special and beautiful to me. And that means they are worth having. 💕


Your channel has literally changed my life. This February, I came to terms with the fact that I was not only a shopping addict, but a full blown hoarder. I have worked tirelessly since then selling, rehoming, and donating to my local shelter. (And even throwing things away because honestly a lot of it was literal trash.) I just bought a house and I'll be starting fresh in a new space with only things that I love and need, and it truly feels like I'm walking on air. Never again will I allow "stuff" to control me. I own it, it doesn't own me. Thank you for your vids :)


I'm a firm believer in functionalism. Everything in my life should serve a function of some sort. That way people have room to be themselves and identify their needs without being too restrictive.


I think it also really helps in reducing waste and forced labor. Fast fashion, hauls, and consumerism directly affects humans in the Congo, Palestine, and Kenya. The more intentionality we bring into life, the more intention we give to others too! Love it.


Some of my friends cannot believe my cheap self will buy $70-90 ThirdLove bras...but if I bought $20 Target bras I would not be comfortable or look as good in my (mostly thrifted) wardrobe! Sometimes better quality is so worth the price.


I love the saying if it’s not a hell yes… my partner says I’m so fussy about buying things but I don’t go to work to buy things I don’t love!


I think that at times the urge to shop comes from a general disatisfaction with yourself or with your life. Going shopping was a quick pick-me -up for me but it usually only lasted till I got home and realised I didn't need what I bought and could have saved the money. I've slowly learnt that I actually get more of a buzz being out in nature so I'm now more likely to head for a forest or park etc than to the noisy shops. Even if you're living inner-city you can go for a walk and take time to notice leaves on trees, the sun behind clouds... I come home feeling refreshed rather than exhausted :-)


I always have Vivienne Westwoods "Buy Less, Choose Well, Make it Last" in my head whenever I find myself wanting anything. It definitely helps control any impulse I have for things that I may not necessarily need, but also, which I might not want for very long! I can't have clutter in my closet or really anywhere in my house because it really distracts me from my work (i'm a poet), and it just helps me a lot to know what i truly WILL wear, and will love for a long time. So happy you have a membership level for your channel now. Hope you get lots!!!!


To keep me from impulse buying on Amazon I will read the negative reviews. Works like a charm!
Too bad they don’t have a review section in the stores.


I remember coming across a saying that was attributed to a Rockefeller. "Buy the best you can afford and use it up". That always stuck with me, even if I don't always follow it.


Love all of these! I need to think before I buy. I've definitely learned my lesson that if you buy a less expensive substitute for what you really want, you never really enjoy it. Just took a huge carload of donations to charity. Applied the "hell yes" test, which was so rewarding!


The buy nice or buy twice is a great rule. I think it works best for items that you know you like or use frequently. If it's an item for a new hobby though, I like to buy the most affordable option first just to see if the habit or hobby sticks. Then when the behavioral change I'm trying to make is more permanent, then I start looking at more high end models/brands.


I love "if it's not a hell yes, then it's a no". I have so many things on my wishlist and they sit there for a while before I make a purchase, but actually trying things on and thinking about how it makes you feel wearing it can help with deciding if it's a hell yes. I also learned recently that instead of shopping for your fantasy future self, you reflect on the past season and what you felt you actually needed, what it was that you didn't have that you wished you did.


I hear my late father's voice in my ear every time I think of buying something -"If you can't afford it, you can't have it " .Wise words I've always lived by even through tough times. Sandi UK
