When The Narcissist LOSES CONTROL Of You, They Will Do This To TRAP YOU! | Dr. Ramani

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What up homie! Let me tell you how excited I am to share the incredibly powerful episode that exposes even more of the narcissistic tricks and emotionally abusive behavior so that you’ll never question if you’re crazy again!

Dr. Ramani is no stranger to Women of Impact and she’s an absolute powerhouse when it comes to shining the light on narcissistic abuse and behaviors straight out of their playbook. Not only has Dr Ramani been here more times than I can count, she’s delivered levels of insight that has helped millions of people spot it and create their escape strategy to take back their power, every single time.

Today we’re unmasking the tricks narcissists use to stay in control, and arming all of the ladies watching with the knowledge to recognize B.S. manipulation and control tactics immediately.

1) How narcissists use threats, mockery and even the silent treatment to keep you under their control,
2) Why a typical narcissistic response to you setting boundaries is more manipulation and a fight for control (Girl! Not only is this exhausting, but it’s even more reason for you to get away),
3) Dr Ramani unpacks the unconscious process of narcissistic behavior that makes them unreasonable to stay and deal with.
4) When toxic partners weaponize your shame to maintain control over you, Dr Ramani shares exactly how you should respond)
5) Dr Ramani reveals why self-reflection is absolutely critical in breaking free from narcissists,

Whew! Ladies understanding narcissistic behaviors and being able to spot their manipulation tactics may actually save your sanity (or even better, save your life!). I want you to have a little more knowledge, and at least one more tool in your belt to become stronger and more badass.

*****Empowering Bonus for Women Feeling Extra Bada$$ Today*****

Because I want so much for you to have all of the knowledge, the tools, and motivation you need to frikin’ get away from and end any relationship where your value is not acknowledged and your self-love and appreciation is at the bottom of your partner’s list, I have this bonus conversation from my homie Najwa Zebian.

“Their motivation is to maintain the ground rules of the relationship that works for them, and that’s usually that they are in a dominant position.”

“You need to know who you are, and be able to be self-reflective, [...] but it’s also about knowing your history. Sometimes ‘disproportionate’ responses to something can have origins in trauma.”

“The key is that if you have something that if you have something that you love and do in your life, never ever share it with a narcissistic person.”

“You can make one of these relationships work easy! Just give into everything and give up on your sense of self, and if you do that this relationship will work.”

“The work of therapy, the work of healing is that you were in something where you were paying the ultimate cost which was yourself.”

“If you set a limit early in the relationship with a narcissistic person, they’re going to walk, they’re not even going to be interested.”

“We’ve got to create a world where people feel whole within themselves.”

“We are now shedding light on what’s acceptable behavior in a relationship.”

“If you have a narcissistic parent, you don’t get to fully form your identity because your identity is filling the service of the parent.”

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"They don't like being held accountable." SPOT ON!


This is the scariest part of it. The narcissist cannot stand it when you’re calm and collected.


When i stopped sharing good or bad information i felt like whats the point of being in this relationship anymore?!! Its empty.


Don't make the mistake of sharing your traumas to the narcissist. They will use it against you or to manipulate you, sometimes the same day you shared it with them. No shame to them as long as it hurts you and puts you in your place


Sharing your woundedness with a narcissist is like cutting yourself in front of a shark.


When I was 5 I knew something was wrong with my mother. So the terrible things she said and did to me, made me get stronger. I knew it was her not me and that made her crazy. It didn’t make sense to me I found her behavior to be irrational. I did hate her for along time, I saw her as pure evil. I did forgave her, but I had to keep her out of my life. She was filled with poison and the antidote is to stay away from poisonous people.


The only thing a narscissist is sorry about, is getting caught.... plain and simple


My sister told me that she didn’t like the person I had become when I told her I was no longer willing to tolerate her toxic behaviour. My response was “that’s ok, I like who I am and that’s all I’m worried about”
She rolled her eyes and walked off.
We no longer talk 😊


Love starved as a child and the need to fill a void.


"Just because you FEEL guilty does not mean you ARE guilty." I use this phrase to remind myself that I'm allowed to make my own decisions even when others do not approve or agree.


I had to truly be done before I took my 4 kids and left. No money, no support but I knew I had to go. I was done. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE!!!


Someone once said to me: "Dont take criticism from someone you wouldnt turn to for advice"
That stuck.


"You made me feel bad by feeling bad about the bad thing I did." Oof, slap. AKA: "I don't want you to resent me for doing things you don't like. I'm still gonna do them, but you're not allowed to dislike it."


No one “completes me”. Someone can add joy to my life but I am not less than a person without them


Does anyone else have short term memory loss? I forgot I watched this video four months ago, and now I got an hour into it and just remembered. 😢


My experience is that even when you try to do everything the narcissist wants, they change what it is that they want. That realization was what catapulted me to make changes and eventually leave.


I remember when I told my narcissistic ex that I got approved for the house that I found for us. I was so excited like jumping up and down. He just came in the room and asked me why I was making so much noise. I told I got approved and he gave me a THUMBS UP and rolled his eyes. I knew than something was wrong. I had no idea what a narcissist was. I just thought it was jealousy and misery


Narcissistic people are attracted not only to empathetic, generous and kind people. There’s also our own narcissism, which exists on a scale, that attracts a narcissist. I was “caught” one who clearly displayed red flags, came with bad references, I KNEW what he was but his lovebombing appealed to my own narcissistic ideas of believing I was different and special, his flattery appealed to my vanity at the time. Now, I’m more aware and have taken accountability for my own narcissism and ignorance instead of just thinking my ex was a monster, don’t get me wrong, he definitely is BUT I wasn’t just a poor little “broken empath”! While I definitely was a victim, I also had responsibility in it all and by taking responsibility for it, I am now more protected and aware of these types and much less likely to fall for one again. I spot them much easier now and I don’t ignore my gut or the subtle/glaring red flags.


For every person who is in a tough situation with a highly difficult individual.. my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I do understand how very difficult the manipulations can be.
