7 Beagle Training Mistakes Owners Make

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Beagles can be challenging to train and new owners often make mistakes training them. So in this video, we will go through some of the most common Training mistakes Beagle Owners do and how you can avoid them.

Don't forget to check out our channel for more Beagle-related videos.


I am a beagle owner myself and raising him was the toughest thing as there was hardly any beagle specific information on the internet. So I took it on me and decided to share all the knowledge that I learned the hard way. In my videos, I cover all kinds of topics related specifically to beagles. So make sure to subscribe to our channel as I upload 2 videos every week.
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This is so true! On number 6 you mentioned "mental stimulation", sometimes i see people walking their Beagle or any dogs with a collar, then pulled it when they start sniffing the ground or grasses - they forget that every dog needs a balance of both mental and physical stimulations. Letting our Beagle sniffing around while walking is a win-win situation by letting their physical and metal get stimulated. My 8 months old Beagle use to track her dog's friends and will find their location everytime i walked her by sniffing the ground 😅 and i will encourage her to do so by saying "find it" command 🤣


This channel is so helpful! We're using it to learn how to make our new beagle Otter's life as good as possible.


These are great points to make regarding mistakes that beagle owners make but one mistake that I would highly avoid is using treats or high value treats to train your beagle. No matter what you offer, your beagle will always loose interest and also because beagles are very foodie dogs, using food to train them will make them be more foodie and less obedient. Try no food and more of interactions.


I would love it if you could make a video about convincing parents to get a Beagle. It would make my life much better and help a lot out!


This is very helpful information, and the video is super cute! 8 believe that the" 7 mistakes' video applies to all dogs, not just beagles. Thanks for posting this super cute and helpful video 💕


Hillo. I love this channel. I am 13 and planing to get a beagle. And your channel helped me a lot. 🤗😍😍.
I love theese videos..


Well my name is Sophia Woods I have 5 months old beagle his name is Bingo well all the tips were very useful I teach him new commands each week. He is sooo active and obedient


Lovely my friend. TFS. Stay connected 😊


Hi I’m having a BIG problem with my 8 month beagle. He has severe separation anxiety. I tried many options to made hime calm like the tip you give on your videos but nothing works. I place a play pen in my living room with some kettlebells weights and he was able to climb the 30” pen. He already destroyed one of my sofas . 😩


I love this video! Thank you and have a great day!! : )👍


What age should we start training beagle?


Can you make a video on how to leash walking properly... My beagle always pulls and pushes when on the leash.. 🙂🙂


Post a video about all dog trainings and tricks to teach for dogs


Milo has already worked out that he needs to sit even before commanded for a treat. However, if there's no treat in sight, basically he's like "nah, not happening".


Gonna subscribe coz I have a 3months old beagle ❤️❤️❤️


i have my mother my sister in law and her son in our family. my mother is in IAF and my sister in law is working too. i have college hours from 7 to 6 in afternoon. i have summer vacations right now so we decided to get a beagle puppy. was it a good decesion? my vacations will end in about a month. i have no idea what to do now


ok so i have a dog he is also a beagle, I need t ask a question if they are a puppy how can we make them sleep on their own?? Can u make a video on that???


Though I would not recommend this for anyone, my first beagle was far better walking (at heel) off leash. He would always pull to do his things with the leash on but was perfect (well most of the time) when I gave him the responsibility.


Great video! I would love a video on how to deal with "witching time". My 4-month puppy goes wild every day from 7 to 9 p.m. He gets totally out of control! Should I ignore it? I am told that it's a phase?


Have a question have a begal no one yet constantly hungry is the normal
