THIS Will Change Your Child's Life | A Message for Parents

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You are enough and you can do better too.

| Aubrey Marcus |


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Founder of Onnit and modern philosopher Aubrey Marcus asks the important questions: How do we find our purpose, wake up to who we truly are, have a few more laughs, and human being a little better?
The Aubrey Marcus Podcast brings in world-class guests from the fields of athletics, health, business, fitness, science, relationship and spirituality, and asks them to open up about the failures and successes that define their wisdom and character.
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My father told me I was a mistake when I was 7 years old. He spent the next 12 years of my life making sure I never forgot it. I'm middle aged now and still struggle with self esteem, and self worth every day. This message is tremendously important. Every child deserves to be loved and protected.


At first I was like “what kind of cheesy stuff is this.” By the end I’m like “why can’t I stop crying”


I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and disfellowshiped from the organization when I was 20. I’m 27 now, and the hardest part was being shunned by my father. For the last 7 years it has taken me awhile to forgive my father, and to say “dad you are enough, and I know you did your best”. Thank you Aubrey for this reminder. And if some way some how my dad sees this comment I hope he knows I love him unconditionally and forever.


🥺🥺🥺 my dad was very strict about grades and school. I was a TERRIBLE student.. and put my pops through hell and back as a kid 😔 I had a lot of trauma and I’m 30 now.. forever apologizing to him for all I put him through. Ugh.. literally makes me cry just thinking about it.

My mom was an addict that passed when I was 12, my brother was 13 and my _ sister was five. Leaving my poor father with three young _.. all on his own. He owned a business and traveled a lot for work and that man is the hardest worker outta anyone I have ever met in my life. He busted his ASS for his family. And luckily was able to sell his business/retire at 50 and he’s been coastin ever since.

But anyways.. back to how I was a terrible _ 🤣 I failed and dropped outta high school, got pregnant at 14 (miscarried and had to tell him because he took me to the hospital), got involved in _very_ bad things.. and _very_ bad people.. so finally he kicked me out of the house at 17 years old. For a long time, I was sleeping outside on train tracks, stealing food from the dollar store to feed myself, and even broke into his house to sleep on the concrete floor basement. When I heard everyone leave for school/work, I’d run upstairs and eat the whole damn kitchen lol. Which he later caught onto and it wasn’t good.

After I put him through (and I can go on for days and days and days. He’s had detectives knocking on his door looking for me.. like can you imagine being a parent in his shoes?? Ugh 😔) he made it *very* clear he’ll always be there for me. He wouldn’t enable my behavior! Absolutely not lol. Which to me.. shows the love he has even more. It definitely didn’t at the time 🤣 I was miserable lol. But many parents out there do things to enable their _.. just to make themselves feel better. Even at the detriment of their _. Which IMO, isn’t okay at all.

School is a huge thing to my dad and I know it hurts him so much that I dropped out and never went to college. And I don’t regret my decision.. but I do absolutely hate that I hurt my dad. So much. It eats away at me sometimes. But I had a spiritual awakening when I was 18 years old and all the bad things I went through or was involved in happened for a reason. It changed me more than I can even explain and I’m grateful for it every single day. And I’m BEYOND grateful for my father and how he raised me. He feels like he made a lot of mistakes but I’m constantly reassuring him that he couldn’t have done so anymore perfectly. We’re literally best friends now. I’ve lived with him twice as an adult after being kicked out. Both times were my complete rock bottom moments. And he welcomed me each time. Without judgment. Because he knows I’ve changed and want nothing more than to live a good life on a straightened arrow.

It means *the WORLD* knowing he’ll be there _no matter what._ Like.. I cannot even explain to you. He’s all I’ve got and I *literally* would not be on this earth if it wasn’t for him. Well.. I mean, obviously 🤣🤣🤣 physically lol he made me. But I mean without his love and support.. I could not have made it through those years. I’ve been watching a lot of NDE stories and experiences.. and I really hope whenever his days comes (I wish it never would 🥺💔) he understands how much he means to me and truly what he’s done for me. Because I cannot put it into words. I try to tell him sometimes.. but I fail every time 🤣

I try to tell young fathers that I know stuff like this.. especially single fathers. Because I know if every dad out there was like mine.. the world would be an amazing place 🥺♥️

Be good to your _s out there dads! And moms! And grandparents! Everyone. It’s so, SO important.


As someone who constantly questions, "am I enough?" and who has a 3-year-old son, I NEVER, EVER, want him to feel the way I have, do, or question if he's enough. I tell him I love him every day, and that he is enough, great, and will always be forgiven. I hope he never ever feels the way I have before. To all the sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers out there - forgive yourself. You are doing the best you can and you have been and will always be, enough. You are loved.


Close to 90% of the prison population grew up in a single parent house. Mainly w/out dad. Fatherly love is so important. It’s a major predictor if success


That flip at the end.. Stunned me because i know i cant make my dad forgive, but i can forgive him..


Tears.. whew. As I’m finishing up preparations for a birthday video for my son’s 16th birthday, I stumble across this video. I am inspired and I will absolutely be including my version of this message. Peace and love to you, Aubrey. You’re a beautiful human and soul.


"You are enough AND you can do better" That gave me instant goosebumps all over my body


As a dad of a 4 year old, this really hit home. Thanks Aubrey!!!


I lost my 27 year old son about 2 months ago. It has been very hard due to our relationship being on an amends phase so I have a lot of things I wanted to say but thought I would have tomorrow to say them and tomorrow will never come now. But I know my son can hear me and I have made amends with him now and all is on a better path. If you a re a father or mother don't wait until tomorrow to make complete and full amends, do it now or as soon as possible because tomorrow may never come. Namaste. Thanks for this beautiful vid Aubrey !! I appreciate it my brother.


Wtf, this just came up as a ad for me in the exact right moment. Been at a cross roads yet feel stuck and unable to move forward, like there was something missing kind of in a rut and been lost in the distractions of life. I feel like this message was the exact component I was missing to really fuel me in truly moving forward to the next chapter of my life. On top of that, I also have issues with my father too, got in a fight and stopped speaking with him a few years ago and no joke like less than 10 mins before this ad came up I had a moment where I think I kind of realized the vantage point of a general perspective/angle I feel like he has always had. What a awesomely bizarre synchronicity. Thank you, Aubrey.


Powerful!! I think it's important to shed light on parents love for their children. Not just a mother's love, but a father's love as well. I wish men would rid this notion that you can't be emotional, show love and affection to men in a loving, caring and nurturing way.


WOW! Such a beautiful and powerful message! I definitely teared up and connected so much with the messege you conveyed here. Thank you for showing a new side of masculinity and the importance of sharing our feelings and that vulnerability is actually a sign of courage and strength. You have done so much good for the world and I hope you are also able to feel enough. Much love, brother.


Damn, son. I can't watch even half of your videos without tears in my eyes and a bittersweet recognition of the shared love that is so precious to us all. Truly the key we all possess to change the world if we would but use it. I recognize my tribe, brother. Love and Light to you, Chris(we grew up sharing this name I believe), and of course Love and Light to you dear reader. 💕☀️ From a fellow traveller and humble lighthouse...


Aubrey has a way of changing my plans.
For example I did not plan on crying today, but here i am...
It's beautiful though, thank you Aubrey.


I appreciate you so much, Aubrey—— thank god for social media so I can connect with things you share. Been checking in for a few years now


I got chills listening to this.
I knew I had a father wound.
Didn't realize the weight of it.
And the weight of my judge.
I want to grow our relationship.


Wow, man! The father in you and the son in you ♥️


I don’t know if Aubrey or anyone else needs to hear this but this is some life changing stuff. Thank you. This will be paid forward.
