How Did Doctor Gero Build Androids Stronger Than Frieza?

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How Did Doctor Gero Build Androids STRONGER Than FRIEZA? Does this make sense in-universe or does it break the Dragon Ball story? Laughingstock Media discusses that in this video featuring the Dragon Ball Z anime and manga!



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By sheer coincidence, a scientist made cyborgs that were more powerful than the Alien emperor who rule the universe. They just happen to came right after the Heroes defeated the Alien emperor.


Easy, he made the androids train for 3 days out doing Frieza's 0 days of training.


Because Gero is Built Different (Literally)


The real question is scope. Humans can look to stars and imagine going there. The strength frieza shown during the namek saga was unfathomable. If goku and piccolo were the examples, then radditz should have been the goal for the androids. Frieza was hundreds of millions times more powerful than the strongest being gero had ever seen. That's like designing a bomb to destroy the universe after seeing gun powder.


I really wish Toriyama would have stuck with his ki absorbtion direction for the androids, aside from being more interesting then "theyr'e just generically stronger/faster and don't tire", it would have given a logical explanation for the threat. Since the androids are enhanced by the ki they steal, the very reason the androids were so powerful was BECAUSE the Z fighters were so powerful, not inspite of it, and the fact that the Z fighters trained thanks to trunks in this time line not only didn't help, but actually made things worse, since upon absorbing their training enhanced ki, they just became even stronger still then they would have been if the heroes didn't train, the ultimate difference making in the time line not being how strong any of the characters were, but new techniques they learned in the time gap that allow them to combat the power level neutralizing ki absorbtion in creative ways. Heck, it could have brought back the old characters to relevance, a straight beam attack is useless, but Yamcha has created a Sou-Ki-Dama, a fully controllable miniature spirt bomb that he can navigate around the absorption points, or whatever just for a random possibility.


Dr. Gero was a hero, even tho he died like a b****. that dude literally created an Android that saved the entire Multiverse.


Imagine all the great things Gero could've done if he was a good guy


I really don't think it's a problem that the androids were stronger than Freeza. The only thing that makes it a problem is Toriyama's shortsightedness as he decided that Freeza is the strongest in the universe. The Dragon Team had just ventured out into space and they've already encountered the strongest in the universe? Why couldn't Freeza have just been a strong guy among a universe full of strong guys? Toriyama fetishizes the idea of someone being the strongest, so when someone even stronger comes along afterwards, everyone calls bullshit on it when it didn't have to be a problem in the first place if it were never stated that Freeza was the strongest.


Dr. Gero was able to create many things but his greatest achievement was making Krillen win for once.


Are we going to mention Dr. Gero is a God? He gave Cell a soul to go to hell.


The big question is how did he build himself into an android


I always found it absurd that A human from earth built a couple of Androids who were indefinitely stronger than an alien tyrant with multiple transformations. Toriyama just needed to process the plot due to popularity


To be honest, even Gero creating a computer that was able to finish his work is incredible.


I've always wonder why did Doctor Gero make 17 and 18 stronger than himself.


I think the problem feels so glaring because it defies what TVTropes calls the “Sorting Algorithm of Evil”. Where every villain is a bigger threat than the one that came before.

1-Pilaf was a silly manchild who had 2 henchmen under him.
2-The Red Ribbon Army was a powerful military bent on world domination.
3-King Piccolo was the greatest evil the world had ever known. And now he’s back to plague the Earth once again. When Goku defeats Piccolo Jr he becomes the strongest being on Earth. The next logical step is to introduce threats beyond planet Earth.
4-The reason Goku was so strong was because he was a member of a powerful race of space warriors. Raditz was a being from the same planet that Goku is from and has the same abilities but even greater power.
5-It turns out Goku and his brother were both weaklings among their people and Earth’s heroes must now face the elite of the Saiyan race. Particularly, Vegeta, the mightiest Saiyan of all.
6-The adventure leaves planet Earth and enters the very stars as our heroes must now face an intergalactic empire made up of the universes strongest fighters; led by the same invincible tyrant that annihilated the Saiyans and rules the universe. This tyrant can only be defeated by fulfilling an ancient alien prophecy.
7-The heroes must change their fate by defeating 2 cybernetically enhanced humans created by a scientist who worked for an organization that Goku already defeated when he was a kid.

You can kinda see how the Androids might feel out of place to some people.


Dr gero build this android in a cave with a box of scraps


For me it's not even a question of HOW he made such powerful androids, but WHY? Even if he extrapolated an increase in Goku's strength based on when he last observed him (Saiyan Saga), there's no way he should have predicted super saiyan. Based on what he knew, his androids should have been like using a nuke to kill a mouse.


I think the Mecha Freiza arc was also a way to ease us into believing powerful androids were possible in the dbz universe.


I think it, ultimately, boils down to "He wanted to be absolutely certain Goku would die."

Having examined the whole of the Saiyan saga, he realized the explosive, almost exponential growth of Goku in the intervening year of his death. He also saw the Oozaru form for the first time, and realized it offered a ten times increase in power...and it's also possible he saw the Zenkai boost. We also know he worked heavily in DNA, so he could have seen the potential of further massive growth.

While I doubt he saw something that would indicate the Super Saiyan transformation, he wanted to be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SURE Goku was going to die no matter what. All his androids up to that point wouldn't have even scratched Vegeta, so he went for as much power and capablility as possible.

Except, he went too far. 13, 14, and 15 just wouldn't have been able to completely, absolutely outclass his maximum estimated growth. At this point, he had already created the power source of the androids, an infinite source of energy, but they couldn't make full use of it.

So he built 16, who more than exceeded his wildest calculations. But, in his rush for power, he realized that 16 was too powerful, and sacrificed many limiters for that power to work properly, namely most of the behavior modifications. He couldn't even assume that 16 would TRY to kill Goku due to those flaws. (Also, apparently he was based on his son so...It's really up in the air.)

He determined that utilizing this engine with pure mechanics just wouldn't work. This wouldn't give him something that was both strong enough to kill Goku, and completely loyal to him to ensure they would try.

So, he went the Cyborg route. He kidnapped the twins who would later be 17 and 18, wiped their minds, and started to put all his Android knowledge into making them the perfect weapons.

However, this method was a complete failure in terms of his goals. He had, successfully, turned them and made them more than capable of killing Goku's greatest projected power with ease...but there was even LESS loyalty, and they were still too unrestricted for him to control. The infinite power engine just wasn't going to work.

So, back to the drawing board. He returned to the mechanical side of things, and came across the idea of surpassing any projected growth by absorbing it. A method that would keep the Android (comparatively) weaker, but would still be able to kill the Z-fighters without disabling the behavior limitations. Thus, he built 19 with the absorption engine in place. And he worked perfectly! Loyal, powerful, and more than enough to kill Goku by his predictions.

But he still wanted to be certain, and one Android of 19's power may be overwhelmed by a combined force of Goku and Vegeta. So, using the knowledge gained from 17 and 18's conversion, he converted HIMSELF using his computer. But, the Infinite Engine was too risky without his personal touch, so he became an absorption model like 19.

Now, we know how it all goes from there.


The Android Saga was a hugely missed opportunity and a prime example of how Toriyama arguably isn't that great of a story writer, in my opinion.

Goku had far outclassed everyone when he achieved his Super Saiyan form. Putting him out of the fight with the heart virus was a great idea. The other characters would need to rise up to combat the new threat (would have made narrative sense for the androids to be weaker than Frieza). Through the tribulations and training, everyone could have closed the gap a little to catch up to Goku and remain relevant.

But perhaps coolest of all, Vegeta could have had a huge development arc, initially fighting the androids out of pride, but then achieved Super Saiyan in order to save his son as well as the earth. (Poetic, since he'd tried to destroy it).

Oh, and Kami's sacrifice would have actually meant something. And it would have been so dang badass to see the Saiyans alongside Piccolo battling Cell together. It's frustrating to me how much better written the series could've been...
