6 Things I Wish I Knew About Ray Peat Inspired Nutrition

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#raypeat #thyroid #stress

Medical Disclaimer: The ideas and research provided by myself are for information and education purposes only. Individuals wishing to make changes to their dietary, lifestyle, exercise or medication regimens should do so in conjunction with a competent, knowledgeable, empathic medical professional. Anyone who chooses to apply the ideas and research provided by myself does so of their own volition and their own risk. I cannot take responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm from the use or dissemination of information provided. Your health is in your own hands.
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Introduction: How I Got to Ray Peat
01:07 - Part I: Collect Self-Metrics & Find The Best Information Available
02:53 - Part II: Antibiotic Foods, Sporebiotics & Safe Pharma Antibiotics
05:31 - Part III: Source Sweet Juicy Fruits & Avoid Tart, Sour & Unripe Rruits
07:34 - Part IV: Adopting a Judicious Attitude Towards Supplements
09:12 - Part V: The Irreplaceable Value of Ruminant Liver & Oysters
10:51 - Part VI: Learning to Cook is a Necessary Skill


1:01 Bro what other 80 year old has no extra skin on their chin?? literally only Ray Peat. And pretty good hair too.


Really appreciate these more practical application ideas of Peat. Useful for me as a beginner to work on these from the start. Looking forward to the next!


I've been struggling against food sensitivities all of my adult life and oc was the primary push towards extreme diets that initially gave some relieve but on the long did not solve the issue, made it worse. The Peat's perspective on it being thyroid and energetic flow (lack of) driven makes so much sense. The days I am very active, stay outdoor and do strenuous excercise I digest even the bricks, but normally my reactions seem very random, not food-specific. The extreme diets only made me more sensitive to the removed foods in the long


I can vouch for the vitamin observation, I remember my band was playing a festival and I had forgotten my vitamins, and for a week I was vitamin free, and I couldn't believe the relief! The bogged down feeling was gone! I felt free(er), so now I take vitamins on an occasion, and i find they work better that way, it was quite a revelation!


I listened to this last week just to see if I was missing anything. And when you mentioned sour oranges especially the expensive oj in sf I connected the dots on why it wasn’t sitting well with me. Switching to very ripe mangos helped a lot! Always good to listen to something o think I already know.


I recently discovered your channel and it´s amazing how much you know, really glad I did it. When you talk about your past diets and struggles it feels like we had (I still have) some simillar difficulties.

I started the carnivore diet for the same reason (thinking that everything else makes me react) then I discovered that it was bacterial or fungal overgrowth and I started to use a lot natural fighting infection substances such as oregano oil, spices, salts, clay, act. charcoal, and I seem to tolerate better raw dairy (at least cheese is perfectly fine now and maybe some yogurt) milk makes me run to the bathroom if it´s too much but not as bad as it used to.

The sad thing it´s that I still breakout (with acne) if I eat a considerable amount of carbs of any kind, anyway I eat raw honey and some raw dairy cause doesn´t feel good to eat only meat 0 carb, despite it makes me break out a little. I´m kind of stuck or maybe I´m healing very slowly, I do feel better compared to some months before. I don´t really want to try laboratory antibiotics by now haha.
PD: Congratulations for being so smart and dedicated regarding to health, you are ahead of almost every person I´ve seen (If not all) in the health department.


Great vid. I’d add:
-When cooking for yourself, track your appetite and eat a variety of dishes. I fell into the rut of making the same two or three dishes out of convenience, and it made eating at home unappetizing and probably incomplete nutritionally
-Prepare to explain to everyone why you’re eating the way you are. And prepare for some people to be critical of you. If you’re well-studied it’s easier to stand your ground, and even win over some
-And I’ll just echo your oyster/liver sentiment. Eating 4oz of liver everyday for breakfast totally revitalized my skin and hair. Oysters on standby following sexual activity is huge too. I’d always notice my skin and hair brittle the day after sex. Upped my zinc game and fixed it. Seems to be especially important as I get older


i cant believe you dont have 9 thousand subs!! great


Hey Danny, I totally agree on your last point. Cooking is an essential skill. Ray said something in a KMUD interviews about eating foods that are appetizing to you and how easy those can be on your digestive system. Learning to cook rich, delicious meals at home is a fundamental skill that should be taught in schools. (Here in Quebec learning those skills, along with sewing etc. used to be a part of the school system until the early 00s. Growing up in the 90s and 00s I could see those classes being phased out). I'm seeing some famous chefs trying to reverse that movement however, with Jamie Oliver for instance being a proponent of teaching young kids how to use knives properly and cut up their foods.


So happy to know that this is still circulating in the internet. Very concise information, true back then as it is now. Thanks for all that you do and share❤


Great stuff as always man. Really appreciate what you do 🙌🏼


The way that I started liking liver was to eat it with lots of fried onions and bacon and even gravy. Once you eat it that way a few times you get used to the taste and even get to like it. I started my husband out with a little bit of liver and a lot of onion fried in coconut oil and we're gradually cutting back on the onions. Also make sure to cook the liver very soon after buying it. We made the mistake of waiting several days and even though we made it before the end of date on the package, it wasn't very good. So use it within a couple of days of buying for the best flavor.


Thanks for all the insights and research you’ve shared with us - it’s helped me a ton! Appreciate all the work you put into the video quality with citations too!


Great video Danny - thanks! It should be great if you could create one on the tests you mentioned at 2min mark? Thanks again.


Great topic.. I really enjoyed the editing. Glad you're making content again.


Great video, Danny. You always learn so much more from mistakes, so kudos for sharing yours with us.


This was great Danny thank you! I'll share with my clients!


Liver Tip: Calf's liver ...

SOOOO much better than the full mature shabang.


Sort of like carnivore, but with OJ, carrots and mushrooms? I've experimented with a lot of diets, too, and I know I feel best and my stomach is happiest when I DON'T eat potatoes, legumes, grains and seeds. A plant based diet gave me four times the usual number of gout flare-ups over an 18 month timespan. So I'm pretty sure red meat is not to blame, like the doctors say!
