How to Get Closer to God | Alex Wilson

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I feel so much close my overthinking stopped i can finally relax in God


I just wanted to share this:
I just began to realize how much I lean on my own self and understanding rather than the Lord. My first instinct is to worry and over analyze, rather than just trusting our heavenly father. I began eating lunch and just looked out the window at my backyard and admired God's creation, when Mathew 6:26 popped into my head. ("Look at the birds in the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?") At that very moment, I kid you not, a bird flew onto my porch with a seed in its mouth, looked at me, and flew away. God cares for you and wants you to lean on him!


I believe this is a sign from Lord himself, and I thank you for relaying his message. God bless you.


I was literally just procrastinating reading my Bible because I’m really tired and then I clicked on this video, brb gonna go spend some time with the Lord!


if you see this God wants you to know that He loves you and will always be there with you. He wants a relationship with you and wants to be in Heaven with you. He will return for His PEOPLE one day and Not every day is promised. Remember that when God is silent He is testing your faith He hears your prayers and His TIMING is PERFECT. God bless you and your family.


1. Intentionality
2. In spite of
3. Intimacy

God bless you all


I vomit lust and I lie And cuss and use his name in vain I need to work on this I hate that I know I hurt him and I’m sorry I will work hard to not hurt him and praise him for all my life


i’m doing stuff that’s glorifying God but my heart feels far from him.please pray for me.


I’ve lived a sinful life up to this point a few days ago i felt something like god reached out to me I can’t explain it but my faith has been put back to god . I’ve just picked up a bible for the first time in many years. My hole out look on what’s important in life has changed and your videos are helping me find god again thank you for what your doing wish you all the best


Wow! I'm a new christian. Fell out of the faith when I was a tween. Came back to the church at the start of 2024. I pray multiple times a day. Gave up drinking, swearing, pornogrophy, and writing smut. I keep hearing people these days getting prophetic word about people not leaning into god. I didn't know how to do that! I only knew I was excited to learn more about God and Jesus. To learn more about the bible and to pray. I think I pray at least three times a day. I also talk to god anytime I'm alone. It warms me to know I'm doing it right.


This definitely helps a lot, I will work on my relationship with Him.


Please pray for me and my families relationship with God. We’re all struggling and some have fallen


I i have been trying to force myself to love God with all my heart until i saw this video, i now know that my love for God will grow slowly but surely


This is what i needed cause ive been vaping for 3 years now and i wanna stop and get closer to God. Thank you.


I love you super chill about this. Your not like commanding, Thanks


ever since i stop smoking weed and smoking period god has been so proud of me and i been proud of myself… it’s attached to the old me and the new me dont like it i hate the smell lol its crazy .. i spend time with god soon as i wake up after i eat and drink my tea i go to my prayer closet and spend HOURS in there lol when im in there time doesn’t even matter.. i walk out feeling so good and refreshed like i just left a therapy session. God is so good to me i love him best father i could have


Hey guys jesus is coming soon so I know alot of people are going through something so pray or pray for someone may god bless you all


Thank you so much for this GOD Will continue to bless you as you keep on making yourself available for his work❤❤❤❤


I keep sinning while wanting to grow closer to god, it hurts that I fall to my temptations often but I will always go back to god and ask for forgiveness 🙏🏻 hallelujah to our benevolent lord


Amen Jesus and God loves you all❤️🙏🏽✝️
