4 SIGNS you’re getting CLOSER with God than you THINK!

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Here are the 4 SIGNS you're getting CLOSER with God (you may not realize it!)

1. Whenever you sin, or get the thought of sinning, it feels uncomfortable. You feel disgusted, you feel guilt in your heart. And it can even happen with activities that you USED to enjoy indulging in before. This is a sign that God is working in you and the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you, Guiding you, bringing you closer to God! God doesn't convict us to shame us; instead, He convicts us to lead us to repentance.

2. You start to stand out more in sinful environments. Not in a sense that you’re better than them or you’re more mighty but the worldly activities in sinful environments don’t interest you anymore. It feels uncomfortable and awkward. 1 Corinthians 15:33

3. When your conversations with a lot of people tend to become dry. Some of them can even be with your close friends. You realize that you don’t have much in common with people because the conversations are usually worldly and you are saved from worldly things. What can you do? Be the example. Romans 12:2

4. You start to feel at peace. Even when so much is going on in your life you find yourself so immersed in the present, unbothered by what’s to come in the future because you know it’s all in God’s hands.

Life Advice
Inspirational videos
Motivational Videos
Self improvement with God
How to increase faith in God
bible study
How to get closer to God
4 signs you’re getting CLOSER with God (you may not realize it!)
sign from God
how to know if God is with you
how to feel God's presence

#motivation #selfimprovement
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The guilt from sin is so real, every time I sin, I feel like the worst person in history.


Acts 16:31
“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.”


Fifth sign: You look forward to worshiping God. This is true, whether it be at church, reading the Bible, or praying to God.


That third one is so true! I was thinking that I was boring or something because I don`t speak to the same ppl I used to as much anymore, and since I came to Christ, most of the convo topics are basically gone, like gossip or games or anime etc


I'm so blessed that my best friend converted to Christianity when I started to get more serious in my faith. Not just because it means he isn't going to Hell, but also because I'm able to help him seek God's way and he's able to help me when I have doubts. We regularly talk about God for hours. I was so worried I would lose him when I started getting more serious but God provides.


The 4th 😭😭
Small testimony
just a couple of days ago i got terminated from my job i came out and prayed to God and told him to have mercy over my life and to help me find a job but the whole time i was at peace. Next day God had a job ready for me got hired for the same pay and better hrs, monday to friday with time to go to church! Our Father is amazing 🙌🏻


I called someone "st*pid". Never before had I thought I would feel bad for that. Thank you Jesus and Holy Spirit ❤


God bless. “Plant the seed, but do rush the harvest” Beautifully said.


Losing my religion to seek first the kingdom of God has left me with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ he is my friend. ❤


That unexplainable peace is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding that will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus❤Philippians 4:7


Galatians 5:22-23

'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.'


Something about coming to God is amazing! ❤


the 4th sign remembers me when i got a bad grade at school, i was crushed, i thougth" oh no im going to have no future", but then at lunch time i went to the library to read the bible and then i read mathew 6: 25-34 that said about not worrying with the future to not being sad for the past, to trust God, and that hit me a lot, made me believe more in God, it was not a coinsedence, i feel it, i was studying the bible and i read those specific verses in that specific chapter after a situacion 100% related to those verses, man thats just crazy, i love God, amen!


Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon Repent & Draw Near To Him ❤✝️🙏


There all true it’s happening to me even though I still lust adultry I’m getting better and Jesus is changing me. I had very bad guilt the other day I could not sleep shaking heart race. Anxiety depression. But I think Jesus is saying something to me


I didn't understand why people cried when they pray before they were on fire for Christ. But in my journey, I was crying when I would sin. And it would be the sin I wouldnt truly see as sin, if God never called it out. To kneel when I pray is to be humbled by God, and when I cry, it is because He is cleansing me. The tears I shed because of God heal me. I feel more at peace crying to Him as He tells me what is right and wrong.

The Father is good ❤


i cried while watching your video, im so happy knowing im getting closer to GOD. God bless you thanks for your video


Amen, I usually don’t even click theses video out of guilt or feel unworthy . Thank you for this message 🙏.


you remind me of Timothy, be bold friend, you have wisdom from The Good Lord


dude all these things are happening in my life and i jus turned to christ yesterday, im glad that all these things are heppening thank you Lord ❤ 🙏
