The Mexican American War: The War that Made Modern America

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1:20 - Chapter 1 - South of the (disputed) border
4:40 - Chapter 2 - A game of dominions
8:15 - Chapter 3 - War games
11:50 - Chapter 4 - Opening salvos
15:55 - Chapter 5 - Take me to monterrey
19:40 - Chapter 6 - The american cortés
22:20 - Chapter 7 - Aftershocks


"Strictly speaking, it wasn't true, but strictly speaking Congress didn't give a f*ck."

US Congress in a nutshell.


So glad you got this quote in:

"For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure [for war], and to this day regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation."

~Ulysses S. Grant


You already covered the Franco-Prussian war but I think another really good, lesser known, war that you could cover would be the Russo-Japanese War. Highly influential to the way the Japanese military would conduct itself in WWII and often gets glossed over as a mere footnote leading up to WWI.


You should do a video on the Batallón de San Patricio. The core was formed around US Army deserters, but they were more than that, and the reasons for their desertions shouldn't be swept under the rug. Plus their existence forced some changes in the US Army, including making sure soldiers were not denied the freedom to practice their particular religious beliefs. The US Army even denied their existence until a congressional investigation in 1915.


That's pretty insane how one war fought paved the way for civil wars on both sides afterward.


The Mexican-American War also led to the Comanche War which took decades to finish. The Comanches controlled more of Texas than the Mexicans or Spanish ever did. The Comanches were among the most skilled horse archers the world had ever seen.


This was a great breakdown of the setup, specifics and consequences of this war. Great Job 👍. Recommendation for next video would be Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.


Actually super happy you mentioned St. Patrick's battalion. Fairly unknown and a pretty important part of history.


Hello! Thanks for the video. I'm a humanities professor, Mexican, and this is a great video.
But personally, I would spend more time on the New Mexico and California campaigns.
In both cases there were some Mexican victories, but they ended before the invasion of Veracruz and Central Mexico. By then the American objectives had already been achieved.


Back when a president had to ask congress to start a war. Good times


As a professional historian, I always refer to the Mexican American War as the "Cameo War". As in so many Civil War generals first appear in this war.


By giving West Point cadets a chance to use their book learning, the Mexican-American war gave those officers involved (Grant, yes, also Lee, whose performance on the road from Veracruz marked him as a rising star. ) experience. The early civil war was marked by battles lost by officers without this experience and battles won by officers who had already lived through the stresses of combat. Excellent show, how about a few more maps next time? Illustrate just what distances supply lines had to operate over.


The Mexican American War and the Spanish American War don't get enough attention. They really helped define the path the US would take on the world stage. A tv mini series about each, that tells the truth from each side would be good.


I'm American but honestly I feel bad for Mexico. They have so many extraordinary figures like Father Hidalgo and Madero/Villa/Zapata, all a match for many American heroes, but all elevated by tragedy, while many American founding fathers ended up dying in their beds surrounded by loved ones. Yet try as hard as they all did it seems like their history was a constant lurching of one disaster to another. They've honestly come out pretty alright though compared to a country like Venezuela


Hey Simon & Co, Awesome vid as usual. Are you guys considering doing a video on the Paraguayan War (1864-1870)? One of the most bloodiest war in Latin American history.


Simon is on fire! Into the Shadows, Decoding the Unknown and now Warographics, the new channels are a treat!


This war gained more territory but also had the effect of making the slavery issue more difficult for us to deal with and fast forwarding the arrival of the Civil War.


The st Patrick's batallion was comprised of Irishmen who deserted and fought with Mexico, the Americans were incredibly racist towards them that's why they decided to fight and die for Mexico. Very brave men


12:41 My great great grandfather died in that battle. Major Samuel Ringgold. Aka "Father of modern artillery" Through his research at West Point it was one of his innovation to load lighter gun/cannons mounted on carriages and pulled by horses, called "Flying Artillery" it was a huge factor in winning the battle. An enemy cannonball however ripped through his legs & the horse beneath him & he died 3 days later.
