Spiritual Awakening | The Simplest Approach

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There is such an incredible simplicity to this endeavor of coming into contact with our true nature. At the core of various techniques and inquiry approaches is a living truth that has been with you the whole time.

About my videos: These videos are a resource for anyone wishing to wake up from the dream of separation. Awakening, enlightenment, and liberation are becoming far more mainstream possibilities than they once were. There are many good teachers out there, and if you resonate with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, or Sadhguru, you might find resources here that address these deeper promptings to investigate your true nature.

Disclaimer: The information presented in these videos is not meant to diagnose or treat any psychiatric or medical illness. The inquiries presented herein are potent and can have powerful effects on the way you experience yourself and reality. If you feel you are at risk of harming yourself or others, these videos and practices may not be the best thing for you at the moment. Seek help wherever necessary which might include a hospital emergency department, a suicide helpline etc.
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Angelo I just bought your book, can’t wait to read.


🙏🙏🙏 Well explained !
Being with out any concept !


🎶You can't touch this ☝
You can't touch this ☝
You can't touch this ☝
You can't touch this 🎵


This video is "the one" for me. The ultimate objectless meditation. Before I was looking for the subtle "sense of being". Now I'm not even looking for that. Thank you. 😊😊


Yesss this is exactly the inquiry video I was looking for! How to do the deep stage stuff, you pointed me right there Angelo, thank you !


I know you are so very busy Angelo but there are thousands of people who cannot read your book for various reasons. Some struggle to see or are blind. Others have written word processing difficulties. I wonder if we all donated to create a fund to hire a reader if that would be feasible. Of course, you reading your own work would be best but I know you are doing so much already by donating your time and energy.


You are such a blessing.
This is so clear, its there all the time, no matter of thoughts. Whole sense of struggle is gone when its clear, its so peacefull even when mind is busy. But it also feels like even sense of inquiry is lost. Feels a little bit like nowhere to go. Now i can stay in meditation without any effort. But i know its just a beginning, do you have any advice how to proces from there?❤️🙏


So simple yet so liberating thought u have just shared... I felt sense of deep peace ...will listen again and again to this video... Thanks so much for sharing this... Can only this 8 min short video take me to my self realization.... Yes I think... Just being as u r in this moment it teaches..i listened to this piece of audio 3 times again and again to go deeper even beyond any depth...


Every thing and No thing all rolled into one beautiful orchestrated mess.

Just, lovely Angelo
Thank you 😊


Hi Angelo, after my break up, attention went to present moment after being played like an instrument by thoughts. It’s still in present, as thoughts lost credibility.
But i just got a thought (so funny), i am not sticking to stories or situations, theres suddenly less stickiness. I feel like it is apathy. It’s confusing as I am an empath too. Why does it feel like numbness? Whenever i get lost in thoughts for moments i focus on breath or my heartspace and lose my story. Its like something is trying still. That trying got worried about this possible apathy. Even towards awakening. Desirelessness. No longing. Feels like im describing depression but im not depressed. If im happy it doesnt reach my mind. If im sad it doesnt reach my mind. I really don’t think I’m in any kind of mental trauma from the break up, we ended on wonderful terms and care for each other.

Is this safe, whatever is happening? I don’t think you’ll say it’s dangerous but even after being on this path for so long I still want to ask from you.
Oh thats weird… its not apathy completely…. Theres like an understanding of other peoples thoughts and emotions and acceptance of. Honestly theres no need to describe it to you but i spent a lot of time typing so i wont delete. Anyway, LOVE YOU ANGELO.


This is the crazy thing about resistance and seeking, what we try to pursue and run from are both already here, it’s too late to avoid or be lost from it


❤️‍🔥 Liberation is right here. It's never not right here. Even when it feels far away - it's not. Can you guess where it is? It's right here. Look over there! Just kidding... there is no "over there", cause even over there, is right here. ♾️

Love y'all ❤️‍🔥


Thank you for another amazing video! After listening to this it seems like you’re saying to just touch in when I remember or am reminded (but don’t worry about how I’m reminded) to do so and don’t worry about staying in the thoughtless/beingness state all the time - during times when not inquiring, actively watching thought, or meditating. This has been tripping me up - not just with your videos but other teachers and mentors as well. It can turn in to a type of seeking for me to try to stay in that “state” which also sometimes likely has thoughts as well.


I have a question... so... is what you’re pointing towards simply being in this moment, just... as I am? Recognizing that whatever thought or emotion or sense I might notice is simply a part of my experience of what is? And... isn’t this all just a function of the brain? Thanks so much!


Of course. How could one put it in a box or contain it with a definition? 🤭
It is beyond any concept, and yet remains as the background/source of everything ✨️
🧘‍♂️ Subtle and effortless ⚫️


The simplest path to awakening which few people are ready for or wish to hear is the complete destruction of self-importance. Once you realize that you are not important you can tap into an immense amount of energy tied up in your false self (ego) and finally abandon all conceptual thought. It's a tricky maneuver because invariably people fall into the trap of self-pity which is another form of self-importance.


Brilliant and beautiful. The felt sense is most subtle, gentle and profound. Thank you, Angelo! Appreciated. ❤


Sakasa hishaku, a moment of clarity and it turns up.


So the moment one realizes that what they are is awareness - that’s called an awakening? I’m very confused, been listening to a lot of Rupert Spira recently and he claims that awakening is not a huge experience but simply a realization of the true nature, which for me seems pretty simple to do honestly. But I hear you saying and correct me if I’m wrong, that this is something one experiences that shifts his "awareness" and changes your life? I mean if someone have been highly identifying themselves as the separate self and one day they realize that that’s not what they are - that could be a shock to them. For me right now as I begin to identify more and more often as awareness (meaning I drop the ego), the only thing that makes sense for the definition of awakening would be becoming what you are more and more often that at some point you live it all the time. Is it something like that or is it a moment that everything clicks and your perception of experience changes?


I've heard this term "birthright" mentioned but I don't fully understand. Can anyone elaborate?
