10 HARDEST Quests To AVOID On Your Hardcore Classic Journey | Classic WoW

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Throughout your Hardcore Classic journey, you will be undertaking many quests, ranging from the fairly harmless, to the deviously difficult.
Today I cover what I think are 10 of the hardest quests in Classic WoW, which can easily catch out the unprepared player.
Let me know what other ones you would include below!
For me, these are the 10 HARDEST Quests To AVOID On Your Hardcore Classic Journey | Classic WoW

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"Supplies to Auberdine" fits this perfectly, as its an escort that spawns multiple waves of mobs that hit so hard they can kill the escort in three hits. This means that if all three spawned mobs hit the escort each once you've failed the quest in a literal blink of an eye.


I have to disagree with you at 10:05. You can easily trivialize this chicken escort by doing the quest "Tooga's Quest" at the same time. They are both escort quests to be taken to the same location. The only important difference here is that Tooga will follow you instead of leading you. So within the 30 minute time frame you're given you can easily pick up Tooga, take him straight to the chicken chicken escort and complete two escort quests at the same time. Tooga will also help you fight off anything that attacks so it's SUPER beneficial to do them at the same time. I hope this info helps at least one person. BTW LOVE the content! <3


Ungoro gorilla cave. They can chain pull as the gorrillas do a 90y cry for help when they die that will call other gorillas to your location. Can sometimes go over the caves LoS


2:44: A Matter of Time (Chromie in Andorhal)
4:13: Of Forgotten Memories (Tirion Fordring in Eastern Plaguelands)
5:58: Pawn Captures Queen (Alchemist Pestlezugg in Tanaris)
7:02: (HORDE) Test of Endurance (Dorn Plainstalker in Thousand Needles)
8:15: (ALLIANCE) Absent Minded Prospector (Prospector Remtravel in Darkshore)
9:21: Robotic Chicken Quests (World Quests x3)
11:43: Stranglethorn Fever (Fin Fizracket in Stranglethorn Vale)
13:08: Get Me Out of Here (Melizza Brimbuzzle in Desolace)
14:06 The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Fleet Master Seahorn in Stranglethorn Vale)
15:07 Meet at the Grave (Donova Snowden in Winterspring)
15:59 Gerenzo's Orders (Piznik in Stonetalon Mountains)


As horde there is only 1 quest I won't attempt and that is Hecular's Revenge in Hillsbrad. Turning it in at the graveyard in southshore is truly a suicide mission. Also Test of Endurance can be approached simliarly to Pawn Captures Queen to make it more doable.


I thought you might mention the entry quest to Western Plaugelands for the Horde, Scarlet Diversions. This unlocks All Along the Watchtowers and the Cauldron quests once you complete it. The goal is to annoy the Scarlet Crusade Encampment and pretend to be the Scourge so the Crusade will focus on the Scourge instead of you. To do this you need to use an item to burn down a tent and put up a flag. You cannot do any of this while being attacked from what I recall, so you need to kill the entire camp within aggro range. The problem is that it's nearly impossible to solo pull the guys at the center near the tent, and there's many casters in the group as well. It is possible to slowly whittle the group down by pulling, killing one mob, and then running, but running can be rather dangerous due to the wildlife. I don't know if I've ever done this quest on a character without dying, but if I did I'm pretty sure it was because I had help, even if not grouped with the other person. Given this is a level 50s quest, it's extremely unlikely someone else will be trying it at the same time as you, especially since it's Horde only. Since this opens up the entire zone, there's a lot of xp locked behind it, but I would probably want to be much higher than the recommended 53 before trying on hardcore.


I always found "Missing In Action" to be extremely rough. (the rescue "rambo" from the cave quest)
The area in front of the cave is packed with mobs (both melee and caster) and the you have to work your way into and out of the cave, only to have to work your way through the respawned mobs to get back to Lakeshire.


Another honorable mention is Ghost-o-plasm Round Up in desolace. High mob density, casters, melees, nowhere to run.


"Deep Ocean, Vast Sea" it's underwater so your classic breath meter is going to give you a tiny window to actually explore, it's miles offshore, and its a hard to navigate shipwreck with Murlocs jumping at you from all angles and through walls.

If ever I was going to skip a quest its this one, because even in a group it is absolutely brutal.


HC classic popped off at the exact right time for WillE to keep making fresh Classic videos


Never do a fight where you have to use a trick like jumping back and forward a spot because you're going to most likely mess up one jump and it's panic mode.


There's a quest in Darkshore where a dwarf asks you to retrieve a chest from his wrecked ship off the coast. The murloks guarding the wreckage aggro through the walls, have a mix of casters and melee, you are slow while swimming, and respawn is pretty quick. Not to mention if you don't have a waterbreathing potion it could make it twice as difficult.


Surprised nobodies said "King of the Foulweald" for the horde in Ashenvale yet. Another hold-off against waves but very tough when doing it around the expected level ie 26-28. No time to rest between the waves and you have to fight at least 10+ mobs before the quest mob spawns.


There's a quest in Ashenvale that has you escort a druid back into Darkshore. Right at the end of the quest it spawns a pack of three satyr casters who immediately target the escort. Their combined shadowbolts can outright kill the escort in one volley at a level where you might not even have interrupts based on your class. They then turn these shadowbolts on you. I'm no HC player, but I'd avoid it if possible.


You didn't mention the Goblin warlock quest level 12 in Durotar


Anyone else massively triggered when he called it "One Thousand Needles"? Because it's definitely just "Thousand Needles" and this is a hill I need to die on.


The mine in hillsbrad for horde players is a deathtrap if you're not prepped. Be advised. There's a mob that, at low health, spawns 2 additional adds that hit like a truck.


Vanilla WoW is full of quests in every single zone that just shouldn't be done at the recommended level unless you've done them before and know what to expect / how to cheese it. The other day (not on hardcore mode) I tried to do a quest in Silverpine Forest where I had to place a severed head in an alcove inside a keep on Fenris Isle. I fought my way in easily enough, but holy shit, once inside, it's impossible to pull less than 3 mobs at once, they all dual wield and attack extremely quickly, they pull others when they try to run when their health is low, and if you attempt to run away you just end up running into respawns outside the castle. I came back 4 levels higher and still almost died doing it.


I love how you started with the Plaguelanf quests, like any of us are going to make it that far 😅


The best advice I would give to anyone levelling in Classic regardless of it being Hardcore or not is to simply avoid “tunnel-visioning” on one objective. Almost everything you do while levelling serves multiple purposes. This is one of the absolute brilliance of Classic WoWs game design. If you tunnel-vision a quest it’s simply not as efficient or profitable as grinding mobs that drops crafting items. Treat most quests like bonus XP. It’s not like Retail or Wrath where quests are the most important.
