10 Extremely UNFAIR Quests in Video Games

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Some games feel like they give you insurmountable odds. Here are some moments that truly challenged us in BS ways.

0:00 Intro
0:18 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
1:53 Red Dead Redemption 2
2:55 Hollow Knight
4:06 Final Fantasy 10
5:40 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
6:40 Donkey Kong Country 64
7:45 Driver
9:06 The Witcher 3
9:58 Monster Hunter World
11:12 Final Fantasy Tactics
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As a note with the 200 lightning dodges. The closer you get to 200, the more random and fast they become.


Oh man, I remember the tank mission from AC Brotherhood. That was the only mission I couldn't fully synchronize. My save file ended up at 98% synchronisation and that was a huge blow to my 16 year old self esteem.


I'm glad you included the gambler challenges from RDR2, more specifically Gambler 8. I was honestly debating if going for 100 percent completion was even worth it after attempting Gambler 8. Gambler 9 isn't as bad as 8 but still painful AF.


I remember doing the lightning strikes for FFX in a dark room with no distractions. I got to 198 and then, as the kids like to say these days, EMOTIONAL DAMAGE.


I completed Driver, eventually. That mission was a nightmare. I have no idea how many times I had to do it. It's a miracle I even got to play the game, as the initial tutorial was tooth-grindingly hard!


Those RDR2 gambler missions just felt straight up like trolling. Like they wanted you to think about what you were doing with your time on this earth.


For the Delicate Flower quest, the easiest way to do it is to figure out the path you want to go and clear out all of the enemies on it before grabbing the flower. You will still face some enemies, but the ones that don't respawn unless you sit at a bench won't be there making it much easier. Well, at least until that one stupid jump entering the last area that ended 90% of my runs. If you set a dreamgate near where you pick up the quest you can warp back there if you take damage, allowing you to retry without having to clear your route again.


FF Tactics was all about unfair fights. I remember quitting when we had to save a dude that was surrounded by enemies, and basically the only way to save them was to perfectly position the specific units in specific places, and then do specific moves. And this was in the beginning of the game.


That tank mission in Brotherhood is a pain to complete perfectly... even though the Da Vinci missions are sus but fun in general


That Driver mission just unlocked a hidden memory of me playing that over and over for DAYS as a kid. I had no idea why it was so damn hard but it almost cost me a controller!


I just played through the Witcher 3 and it’s entirety for the first time and I can attest that this side quest in the blood and Wine DLC is definitely the hardest thing I ever had to tackle in game By far. I just thought I was under leveled or something lol


The 200 dodge is pretty easy, although time consuming. Just look up the crater trick. You can loop around a specific crater and the lightning strikes the same place, same time, every time. Still an endurance slog, but it removes the randomness making it a ton easier


I like a challenge but when it's stright up unfair I tend to rage quit


Forgot about that Driver mission, but as soon as I see the footage of the car being rammed the memories came flooding back.


Honourerable mention to ultimate Spider-Man's final Johnny storm race. Currently trying to get good enough to get it done. You race around the entire city which takes about five minutes. there is absolutely no room for error and it's required for two separate costumes.


When I encountered Extreme Cosplay in W3, I was convinced that the quest was glitched because of the incredible damage the enemies dealt.
Most frustrating of all was that I thought I'd abort the quest and get back to it later and be more prepared...but you can't. When I went back, the door to the estate was closed so it's one side-quest that I never got to finish so far


That AC Brotherhood mission actually deserves a better spot in that list !


The FFTactics mention was very worthy. Playing that game without a guide often meant replaying the same mission multiple times. Or at least until you've learned that: you need to put the right characters, with the right skill sets, on the right places on the pre-battle map; AND you need to spend some 3-5 hours leveling up your party before every "major" plot point. Then, you'll only have to go through every mission twice or thrice.


I miss final fantasy tactics back in the day. Good times


Props for giving FFT some recognition here, it’s probably my favorite Final Fantasy game and one of my all time favorite ps1 games.. brings back good memories
