Top 10 Worst Quests In The History of Hearthstone

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In this list, we’ll be going over the top 10 worst main quests, side quests, or quest lines that have been released over the years. These are cards that are 1 mana spells that have various conditions you need to meet in order to get the reward on its card text.

├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10-The Last Kaleidosaur: (0:15)
9-Lakkari Sacrifice: (2:20)
8-Unite the murlocs: (4:17)
7-Bazaar Burglary: (6:01)
6-Rise to the occasion: (8:08)
5-Sanctuary: (10:00)
4-Clear the way: (11:50)
3-Final showdown: (13:25)
2-Making Mummies: (15:40)
1-Hack the System: (17:24)

#Hearthstone #TCG
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The DH quest really isn't that bad. It's free mana chest for combo decks and the reward wasn't even played 9/10 times. It was one of the best decks in standard until ilgnoth was nerfed.


I have watched your YuGiOh content for many years now, either as background noise, sleep noise, or genuine curiosity about the meta, being a former casual player. I am EXTREMELY excited about this new channel and subscribed as soon as I saw the content, as I am a current competitive Hearthstone player and am much more familiar with the game and it’s nuances. Looking forward to what you have in store, you never seem to run out of great ideas!


One major mistake... the dh quest is super strong in Standard! But not really efficent in wild. Thats an importand fact


It's kind of funny how your analysis of Final Showdown mirrors what people were saying when United in Stormwind was first revealed. But as many other people in the comments have pointed out, it was one of the centerpieces to demonhunter otk, which was so good they had to heavily nerf il'gynoth. And even after that, they had to nerf irebound brute, because the deck could spit out 3 6/7s with taunt on turn 4.


The DH quest went from unplayable to Grandmasters potential thanks to Ireboun Brute


Other than final showdown the list is well thought out. I understand what you said on paper but one glance at a deck playing the card or playing against it you'll see how oppressive the quest can be


Definitely missed the mark on Making Mummies and Final Showdown, both were quite strong at the time. Hell, I still find good success with Final Showdown with C'thun the Shattered as the win condition


Glad to see another channel of your amazing works for a game I adore


Using your videos since at least 2 years to help me sleep, you have a good smooth voice man.
Thank for your content


Ah yes, the big spooder is doing Hearthstone now, this is my time to shine. OK, here we go, from the top of my head:

Best/Worst Class Specific Legendaries.
Best/Worst Archetypes.
Best/Worst Hero powers (Including upgraded ones, quest/questlines rewards and hero cards).
Best/Worst Spells (for each class).
Best/Worst Secrets.
Best/Worst Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary Cards.
Best etc.
Top 10 Abilities (Keywords)
Top 10 Deathrattle/Battlecry Minions.
Top 10 Best/Worst 1/2/...8/9/10 mana minions.
Top 10 Weapons
Top 10 Win condition cards (i.e: Malygos for maly otks, Jade Idols, Zul'Jin, Anyfin Can Happen)
Top 10 Shadow/Arcane/Nature/Fire etc. Spells.
Top 10 Card Draw cards.
Top 10 "Mana cheating" (card cost discount) cards.
Top 10 B/W Hero cards.
Top 10 Cards that changed/shifted the meta.

I can probably think of more for the next vid.


To answer the questions on Rise to the Occasion: Paladin has a hero power in duels to both summon a recruit and add a recruit to your hand, which does help with the quest. Lothraxion also exists, but in standard and soon to be wild, and allows the recruits to have divine shield, and makes it extremely hard to keep them off the board before they swarm.

Also final showdown was enough of a presence at worlds to get nerfs. I can't at all call it anywhere near this list.


Woah! A Hearthstone version of a channel I really like?


love your content!!
pretty good stuff


Final Showdown saw tournament level success and was the main demon hunter deck at the time, not so much because of the minion, although he was useful, but especially because of the cost reduction which played an important role in how the deck emptied and refilled its hand so quickly, which synargized with ire born brute allowing you to simply anihilate your enemies through massive tempo advantage and high scale agression with a cost efficent win more card as finisher. It doesnt matter if you only have like 3 cards reduced by it because at that point your enemy should be close to dead anyway.
Hack the System warrior wasnt great but it certainly deserves a better spot than the number 1 on this list, the ability to spawn 4 golems with the 3/4 maze that can attack minions as often as it wants and can't go face, alongside the 2 mana draw 2 forge of souls made it playable, even if the quest it self is rather mediocere


Making Mummies was actually not that bad, I reached legend with it. It had over 50% Winrate. You could also create a Reborn version of zilliax or powerful death rattle minions


I play the rise to the occasion for fun. The aura effect stacks. So, using Brann, Zola and brewmasters, and ways to bounce her back, the recruits get big. There's also the demon legend that gives Divine shield.

This being an aura really messes up priests who uses mirror to board clear. Pally keeps the attack/hp buff. Priest gets 1/1. Silencing a damaged recruit gets a full heal.


How did I not know you had a hearthstone channel??? I love your wow content and I dont play nearly as much of that game


Lakkari Sacrifice really deserves to be put lower on the list in my opinion. It's just so bad, it's even garbage in Duels with the discard hero power and all the discolock synergy pieces


Blizzard was clearly trying to make fun of any Odd Paladin dumb enough to use the Cariel Questline


I really disagree with Final showdown being on the list at all, it might not have been the best, but it was decent, you could pretty easily slam irebound brutes on the board and have lion's fury as your finisher and it wasn't very hard to get around 15ish attack, not to even mention it being used in Il'gynoth decks, where it was most competitive, not for the quest reward, but the rewards for steps one and two, reducing the cost of your combo pieces
