Millennials Feel Like They Have No Work Life Balance

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Working 9-5 just doesn't cut it anymore... especially with technology.

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He said " The dream is free but the hustle is sold separately" .👏👏👏


Back in the day you could be a factory worker and still have enough to take care of your family. Nowadays we need 10 degrees n a few masters n still cannot make ends meet.


A flexible work schedule? 😑, change your job, work from home, be self employed, stop trying to change stuff that aint broke, I'm good hustling over here with a 9-5 and fulltime college life


As a millennial, I agree and disagree. Yes, you have to EARN your spot. The world OWES you absolutely nothing. However, millennials were constantly told "Go to college, you'll get a good job, and raise a family". Unfortunately, the slogan 'Hard work pays off' isnt necessarily true anymore. When it was our turn to work, the job market crashed and so did our expectations. Those things we worked towards weren't available. We found ourselves in debt (more than our parents had at our age) single and trying to make it by working 12hr + sometimes 7 days a week. To be honest, I think some millennials feel "entitled" to the dream we were sold by the previous generation. We are a generation with very little balance. As a result, the emotions of a millennial are perceived as unbalanced, when the truth for many is..."How does one (millennial) attain the balance that the previous generation had at our age while still being financially stable."


That's not fair - millenials are the first generation to have cellphones, meaning that as well as working long hours (waaaay more than 9-5 in most cases), they never get to "switch off" like Steve's generation did and that leads to chronic stress. And Google's offices are still very unusual - most offices are as boring and cramped as ever. Millenials are getting sick from this (and poor diet, social isolation, etc.), so there's clearly a problem with the system, and saying "just suck it up" won't fix it.


My issue is with a different angle of this question. A good number of jobs have hired you for 9-5 (or whatever hours) but with the rise of tech they really expect you to be on 24/ 7. I'll get phone calls, texts, emails, etc all hours of the day and be expected to handle them at that time. Sure some are a quick yes no reply but most aren't. And this isn't considered billable hours bc I wasn't sitting in the office working. And if you don't do it you aren't doing your job. There is no work life balance if you are never off of work. PS I am considered a millennial at age 35.


"Be prepared to do what's inconvenient to have a life of convenience" was a great take away - thanks.


The past generation tend to think the same rules apply to the next and the point of new generations is to create forward thinking. Nobody wants to wait till retirement to have a work life balance. It’s suicide and we definitely have to work harder with large amounts of debts.


Regardless of your age, if you are *receiving* the paychecks instead of *writing* them, you have to do what your employer expects of you. The employer hires people who they feel best represent them. And if representing the company requires 9-to-5, you have the choice to accept those conditions or go somewhere else for work. That "somewhere else" may not always be *better* just because it's more open, more flexible, more fun. No one owes you a job. When you are entry level, you don't get to make demands of those who are hiring. The structured job may pay better and open more doors for you 5-10 years from now. The flexible job may expect you to be on-call far more often, or you could find yourself down the ladder because someone else is willing to do those extra hours that you won't.


Steve is right, but. He's right in the sence that is how it works in the society that's been created. We dont want to work till we die. We see older generations retiring at an older and older age with less and less to show for it. We want to be self sufficient, though we may not possess the skills that is what we want. The corporate mold that's been making the world turn for the past 100 years or so is not what we want. Our generation is starting to realize what we were told as childern isnt true, that if we work hard it's not always going to pay off. Yes there are success stories, but for ever success story theres thousands of failed attempts by others, and this world isnt as forgiving as it has been in the past.


To be fair, many millennials who have “9-5” jobs actually don’t work 9-5. It would be more like 8-8 and then work 6 hours on Saturday. We are definitely not entitled for complaining about that. We should be able to work at most 8-9 hours a day and not be warped into work related issues afterwards


I am 37 this year so definitely on the older end of the millenial generation. I'm on the fence with this. On the one hand I agree us young ones can have a sense of entitlement, I mean some of my mates are living proof of that haha. On the other hand my parents (Baby Boomers) have even said it is harder for us young folk to get even half of what they felt was much easier to get. In the UK back in the 70's & 80's I think you could buy a house without a deposit. In fact they bought a house borrowing more than the house was worth so they could redecorate etc. Every 5-7 years they sold and moved elsewhere and now have HUGE equity in their current house. We cannot do this anymore and although I'm happy to work and save like everyone else, that is just one example of how it is different nowadays. My Mum also remembers a time when you could walk out of one job on a Friday and walk into another on Monday haha I mean my mouth was on the floor when she told me this haha She has not long retired but noticed the change in attitude to work. She said much more is expected of us now than when she was a 'whipper snapper' haha now we are expected to go above and beyond our role, whereas in the past you weren't expected to do that but if you did you would reap the rewards. If you are now expected to do that it means the reward scale is raised.


Uh...welcome to the workforce and the real world


Millennials work longer and harder than any previous generation. We always have to be logged in and available so what these people are saying is true. We want the ability to work from wherever whenever bc we are actually doing more time on the job


There is no easy way to earn money, you have to work for it. Unfortunately, not everything is handed to you on a silver platter. Welcome to the real world. You are not entitled to anything in life but your basic rights, death, and taxes.


Best dialogue I have ever seen between millennials and a boomer. I am on the older end of Millennial, so I have a unique insight into both generational perspectives, and I would say the reality is that if you want a "work life balance" than you are going to spend all of your 20's, 30's, and a good portion of your 40's earning that lifestyle.

This is of course unpalatable for most Millennials, but is the reality non the less. Sadly when millenials are the policy makers, they will be disheartened to find that when they provide this "work life balance" option for the generations following them, they will discover that the generation of 20 and 30 somethings don't want to work at all, and they will complain and struggle with them the way boomers are struggling with Millennials now. Life is cyclical, and if Millennials are not willing to accept the present realities, that cycle will be more like a downward spiral.


Wow... the entitlement... everything revolves around them. So disgusting... welcome to life kids! You have to work if you want a goos life. You have to be willing to sacrifice. Otherwise, someone else will and the company will be better off for employing a more determined hard-working employees.


These young people today want the easy way. What makes them think that things should come easy to them? They barely got into the workforce. I know what there problem is though. These Millennial's have been cuddled all there lives, told that they are the generation that can "fix" the mistakes of the generations before them. Now reality has smacked them in the face and they don't like it.


I work my butt off and I have no life. As a young adult you do what you have to do. Hard work does pay off. I have to agree that alo t young people have it easy and don't want work nothing. That bothers me because I have work for everything. That's what adults do.


Sometimes I feel like I was born into the wrong generation. Here's the thing, if you want to be truly productive, you have to learn how to work and do your best even in the hours where you don't feel comfortable. You can't make an entire company or the employer change certain rules or criteria to fit an individuals need. I mean how much work would really get done if we lived in a world where an employer would walk around asking each individual what best time suited them to begin working? If you want to work within a community, the harsh reality is you'll have to to comply within the rules and regulations of the community around you. If you want to work within the best time you feel greatest and most productive, start your own business. I may sound angry but it's so tiring sometimes seeing what the world has come too, how now certain privileges are considered rights, things we deserve.
