Why Millennials Seem To Be Aging So Slowly | Explained

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Millennials (aka people born between 1981 and 1996) seem to be aging at a slower rate than previous generations… but no one agrees on why. Some say it’s because they’re just immature, dodging responsibilities and spending too much time on nostalgia. Others blame the rise of cosmetic procedures and the increased focus on looks in our social media focused world combined with the lack of access to the old school markers of “adulthood.” So let’s take a deeper look at this perceived collective youthfulness of millennials, and how cultural shifts have changed our image of adulthood.

00:00 Intro
00:47 Aging more slowly than past generations
01:33 The benefits of letting go of old bad habits
02:46 Societal pressure to never age
03:30 How growing up online affected self image
04:02 The embrace of self-care
04:48 What it means to be an adult is evolving
05:31 Old school markers of adulthood being unattainable
07:44 How they're perceived by boomers & gen x
08:46 How they're perceived by gen z
10:13 Changing the conversation around aging

The Take was created by Debra Minoff & Susannah McCullough
This video was written by Cassondra Feltus, narrated by Charly Bivona, produced by Jessica Babineaux, & edited by Travis Martin
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I personally think it was just God looking down from on high and going, "These kids are not going to be able to afford a house, their economy keeps getting worse, they are going to be working for the rest of their lives. I better slow down their aging to give them a fighting chance."


It's because they aren't baking in the sun with baby oil like I did in the early 80's. Plus they don't smoke cigarettes.


It's easy, we know the secret fountain of youth is avacado toast and pumpkin spice lattes!


I overheard my boss refer to me as being in my 20s. I'm 35 and actively greying 😂


I've been regularly exfoliating, moisturising and drinking water since my teen years. I don't smoke, rarely drink, remove all makeup before bed (and to that point, I find myself wearing makeup even less nowadays), don't frown either, and people assume I'm 25 (I'm turning 38 this year).


29yr old millennials here. I would also like to point out that for the most part, most of us are also still on the young end of the age bracket, so we should still look it right?


I’m 33 and my 23 year old co-worker thought I was 25. Told me I was aging like a fine wine lol. I don’t have a skincare routine either... I think a huge factor is we are having children at older ages or not at all. Children age you dramatically.


It’s probably the trauma but I FEEL 23 still…
I’m 33


37 year old here. I want to add being childfree, either by choice or circumstances. Looking at friends with and without kids and there is a WORLD of difference physically. More and more people are childfree and I can't help but think this helps us remain youthful longer. We can sleep lol.


TBF, the pandemic literally stole years of people’s lives, which means everyone acts a little younger due to missing out on the experiences we would have had during that time. Sure it’s not a ton but it is a noticeable difference


36, married for 10yr and recently had a baby. People on the street literally think I'm a teen mom.


For myself personally I can answer that:
1. Dont drink or smoke
2. Very cautious with my health / what I eat
3. Can do hard labor but dont kill myself over it
4. Clothing / interests. Im 29 and I watch a lot of animation & like action figures & Pokemon. So that makes people clock me as younger than I am.


Millennial here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m just gonna say it, I’m aging so well because no one’s dusty ass son is stressing me out! We’re also appreciating being single and normalizing solo dates when back then we were supposed to get married, have kids, have a house, a car for each of us all at 30! Especially now with the clusterfuck of dating, people are just enjoying their own company now and don’t care about the societal pressure of relationships.


"Finally aging into my personality" is so real


I am 39 years old and I think it's caused by:

- The way we dress, much more casual dressing than previous generations. Also hairstyle and tatoos.
- Health care and gym. Nowdays people exercise more. Less smoke and less alcohol. Better diet.
- Hobbies. We do the same things our parents did (have children, pay rent/mortage, go to work) but keep most of our hobbies from younger years (play videogames, read comic-books, etc) while previous generations dropped them as weren't fit for adult life.
- Internet makes easy for us to catch (or at least know about) new trends in the younger generations and relate to them


36 and get asked about what uni I'm at.

I wear sunscreen. Don't smoke. Almost never drink. Never had any work done. Style hasn't changed much since uni. Pretty sure this is why people keep thinking I'm 25.


My Grand parents and parents never drink water and think a salad is lettuce drenched in ranch n bacon bits.. That’s why.


We have more care for our health. Also, we don't smoke, we use sunscreen, we drink water, and most of us either never did drugs or quit them before they started doing permanent damage.


My secret to be young looking as a 34 year old millennial is to be poor. Never tempted to change my hair, face, inject things, put on fake tan or lashes because I can't afford anything else apart from sunscreen. If you look the same since you were 18 people will assume you are younger.


I’m an elder millennial (42!!) and Iook super young and so do the majority of my friends. None of us smoke cigarettes, we all eat organic, avoid pharmaceuticals get enough sunshine for adequate vitamin D but not so much that it wrecks our skin. We have vegetable gardens, do yoga and laugh A LOT. We are extremely silly and jovial. Sometimes we drink alcohol and when we do, we embrace the silliness of it all and have a blast, but it’s an infrequent occurrence. We all share our emotions and try to be emotionally supportive. None of us hide or suppress our emotions or traumas. None of us have had botox or fillers or cosmetic procedures. Holistic health is important to most of us as well as friendships, fairness, happiness, mental health, physical health, etc. And still including things that we are passionate about in our lives, like music, art, working out, spending time in nature etc.
