Searching the Most Dangerous Corners of the Dark Web

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Today, I search the most dangerous corners of the dark web while using a VPN on the TOR browser.

Disclaimer: we all seen the scary stories, In no way does this video condone the use of any illicit acts on the dark web. I also do not recommend bitcoin for the time being due to volatility. stay on the freenet.

Exploring Every Level of The Dark Web‪:

I Downloaded Dangerous Computer Viruses:

dark web mystery box:

tags: dark web, deep web, dark web exploration, exploring dark web, deep web exploration, entering the dark web, accessing the dark web, The Dark Web's Strangest Websites, when you visit the dark web, visiting the dark web, what is the dark web, Searching the Most Dangerous Corners of the Dark Web

0:00 dark web exploration
0:47 hiring hackers
2:18 cleaning metadata
3:27 we are amsterdam
4:29 hiring hitmen #1
6:17 euroguns
7:19 scam site #1
8:10 scam site #2
8:28 bazaar plastic
10:27 bitcoin private keys
11:38 betting bitcoin
13:25 i2p pirate crackers
14:11 fish flexing
14:48 doxing stolen ssn
17:01 criminal marketplace
17:57 doxing zeronet ransoms
19:22 data leaks #1
19:58 data leaks #2
21:09 hiring hitmen #2
22:24 disturbing content #1
23:08 disturbing content #2
23:56 disturbing content #3
24:13 dont hug me im out

Why are you looking this deep into the description? Comment "hodl crypto" if you're reading this. Have a great day.

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To whom it may concern: I am not here because I want to shop or be part of the dark web, I am here for educational purposes. Thank you


Dear fbi agents, i am only here because i need something to watch while i eat my food.


I’m glad videos like this exist for those curious about the dark web but not wanting to use it themselves. I never really knew just how there was to it or how it was even possible that it could work etc. it’s insane


This satisfies my dark web curiosity without going to the dark web. Thanks for making these and putting yourself out there so we dont have to. ❤️


To, The Federal Bureau of Investigation:
I have no intention or interest in exploring or accessing the dark web, I am simply here to fuel my curiosity as any normal human would. I hope you understand, and don’t come breaking into my house.


Respect for becoming our direct tour guide to the hell abyss of darkweb. You sir got a subscription.


dear fbi agent. dont come to my house im genuinely intrested in this just for education


usually don’t watch videos like this but this was super interesting i’ve always been super curious as to what was on the dark web and what it looked like


I like reading and watching video about dark web but would never access it! you do the best work for people to go through the experience & not danger themselves of dark web's darkness.


Hey crypto, we want you to make a video on spending money on deep and dark web, I loved this video so much..! Support from India🇮🇳


Hey crypto! I just wanted to say you’re my favorite channel on YouTube. I watch your videos daily. Thanks for doing what you do and keeping it real!


As a late nineties/early 00's user, I have a question to ask: most of those dark web sites were simply normal sites back then. All the grotesque shit and shady services were out in the open. When did they become "dark web" and/or an exclusivity of onion or i2p networks and why?


i’m from france my friend, i just found your channel. this is awesome !


i love watching videos like these hence I've had my own history with experiences from the dark web, and to be honest, 95 percent of the dark web are simply online forums, useless websites (some made to intentionally scare newbies with obvious and very easy to find links such as on the hidden wiki) and simply scam websites (and many many illegal dealing websites of course). However if you dig deep enough (and i mean a very tiring process of searching and visiting links and trying to find a search engine that actually makes the link show) you get to see the very part of the iceberg that usually stays hidden, even in videos like these. A good point to make is, these authentic, disturbing websites that are actually real, never stay up for long, by which i mean a few days max. before the website and link simply get changed so that it doesn't get traced. That was the part about the dark web that initially scared me the most. There are authentic and disturbing websites, however finding them won't do much, they change up so quickly because they know that these things will get them behind bars, but this part simply persists eventhought it's barely visible.


dark web is something i am always curious about and at the same time always regret learning more about


Your content never fails to entertain us. I'm from Greece and I gotta say, keep it up man!


I'm from South Africa. Your videos are hella enjoyable and informative no lie. For those of us who don't have the means or courage to go to the dark web, it's good to know we have someone in the frontlines for us. 😂


I'm from Germany, Thuringia to be exact, and I want to thank you for all those nice videos you made. I'm always so exited to see a new video from you here and see what you exactly do. Please keep doing videos like this ^^


You seem a lot healthier and more successful compared to the first video I've watched.

Glad to see your growth, my little brother started watching your channel every night.

Keep up the good work.


Dear FBI Agent, I am not here to try this dark web thing, I am just watching this out of curiosity so don't mind.
