Minder 80s 90s TV 1991 SE8 EP3 - Whatever Happened to Her Indoors

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Minder 80s 90s tv programme starring George Cole & Gary Webster.
With a serious cash-flow problem and a newly-erected flag-pole advertising "British is Best" at the car lot, Arthur is suspected of bumping off his wife for the insurance and burying her on the forecourt when she disappears and he cannot account for her. Needless to say she returns, having gone to a health farm, but Arthur is more concerned about the flag-pole than Her Indoors.

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Brilliant episode! I've never watched the Ray Daley ones before and am really enjoying them.


Thank you for showing have really enjoyed all the episodes thanks again😂😂


The flag guy is every Canadian Government worker.


It cannot have been easy for Gary Webster (or anyone who was chosen to star as Arthurs sidekick) in Minder after Dennis Waterman left. Me being me, I always try to keep an open mind and give something new a chance. These are not bad, after season 7 ended and Dennis left. For me, any Minder is worth a watch simply to see the great George Cole in action. Good to see Dave at the Winchester too. Dennis Waterman did roughly 10 years as Terry McCann. Not a bad stint. I noticed a 3 year gap between season 6 and 7. I think Minder in its original format had done its time. Also what actor wants to be trapped in a stereotype for ever? The way I assess Minder season 1 - 7 & 8 - 10 is not as one is better or worse than the other just different. That walk along the long pier is hilarious. Also the beginning where Arthur and Ray walk along the high street and Ray has a wandering eye for clothes shops, women and nice cars. The visual humour without a spoken word. Like Benny Hill used to do. Very good.


I’d argue that the fine shouldn’t stand. A fine is a penalty to discourage something from happening. The council worker knew he was going to put the flag up and that it would incur a fine. They could have stopped him prior to that or told him, but chose not to. At that point it’s not about stoping him, it’s about profiting from the situation. I know ow it could be argued that it’s not their job to stop people from doing things in the first place and only to punish them afterwards, but the motivation is dubious


that traffic light scene is comedy gold


Cool upload of Minder mate just went to the pictures this afternoon. How are you have a good evening everybody.


18:52 Somehow it is always the males fault when things go wrong. We want you to check her wardrobe. No, she won't be in there. 😂😂👀👀 Policeman on motorbike at traffic lights and the dialogue was brilliant.. 21:05 That stunt with the cars almost colliding was excellent. Not as easy as it may seem to set up. 26:44 The geezer on the right looks very similar to Sir David Jason's brother? Arthur White.


I'd like you to check her wardrobe, nah...she wont be in there lmao


This is the early 90's, the start of the dreaded political correctness.... at the time people thought the council guy telling Arthur to take the flag down was a joke, it couldn't happen in real life - oh


Isn't Billy from Bradford the actor Brian Glover who played among many other parts that of the illiterate Heslop in Porridge?


What was your wife wearing last time you saw here?
Yeah the woman you are reporting missing
Oh that wife
Haven't got a clue
