How to count back change without having to add or subtract any numbers🥰 #countbackchange

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How to count back change #TippedEmployee #Bartender #Server #MathIsHard #CashTransaction #CountingBackChange #CommonInterviewTests 
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It's so refreshing to see someone that knows how to count change! It seems to be a lost art these days.


I admit it took me longer than it once would have to come up with 4.94, by which I mean 2 seconds instead of one. Sigh. Middle age plus years of ceasing to carry cash. But then you said you'd offered the 6 cents. I do not understand how that flusters anyone. By definition, that makes the calculation easier. 15.06 from 20.06 = 15 from 20 = 5. WTH? A habit I learned from parents long ago, and kept up when using cash. Always seize the chance to offload change this way, makes the transaction easier for both sides. Apparently, it no longer does.


All of this. Also be aware of quick change scams. Their intent is to get you all kinds of confused. If you even think someone is quick changing you… close your cash drawer and say “Sir ma’am I am short on change and can’t help you”


I see this happen way too often and it’s only getting worse with the decrease in cash usage.

Also glad you mentioned bartenders etc should give back change in small bills. Frustrating when I give a $20 for a $9 drink and get back a $10 and a $1. I really wanted to tip more than $1 but you’ve made it impossible. I’m not waiting 5 min to get your attention again and I feel bad taking your time away from other customers to go make change for me. And before anyone says it no you’re not getting a $10 tip for a $9 neat pour.


I learned how to count back change in the 60’s while in high school. I loved it when they gave me coins and I only had to count back the bills.


The requirements for a high school diploma does not include basic math, understanding of history and civics, ability to read then comprehend passages or how to have a signature…they print, my son is 12 and he prints his name.


I've never typed in the $$ given. Always do the math in my head before. All my tills come out even. The place I worked from the turn of the century (1999) through to 2016 had handwritten tickets where we wrote in prices, did addition and added tax. Never used a calculator. 30+yrs as an awesome bartender now. I'm 52. Gen X is the most Cheers!!!


I can count money just fine, but math is not my strongest subject and I can't tell in my head what the difference is if someone hands me a bill bigger then their total without the register or a calculator


Not their fault, some people have learning disabilities or just haven't been taught correctly. I remember being taught this stuff in school, but I've never been good at math period. It's not just an age thing; I've known some older family members who suck at math but it's the young kids who are actually pretty good. Also was a jerk move to do that to the cashier while he was counting the change, it's not a big deal if you get a lot of change back. Make your decision and leave it at that.


I knew there was a motive behind your video. No one is ever gonna accuse you of being dumb, that’s for sure. Back in my bar stool sitting days I always hated it for my bartender or server when the establishment raised prices. Beer would be $2.50, yes this was a few years ago. The server would get $0.50/beer tip. The price would go to $2.75, now the tip was $0.25/ beer. I usually drank min 6 beers per visit. The server got half the tip. Not because of me being cheap, I always rounded up to the nearest dollar for easy math and less change wearing holes in my pocket.


I work with ppl who were taught to use calculator’s to do simple math in school. Not kidding. I can do it in my head and it freaks them out. This is a major problem. They’re not being taught to think for themselves, which explains a lot about today’s society. Everyone just reacts, no thinking involved.


If that’s the case then I think I’m the last gen (2000) that was taught how to make & exchange change and cash 😂
We were taught K-3rd grade using plastic toy coins and dollar bills


I already know how to do this but wanted to see if there were videos on it, and I’ve watched a few and have to say if I didn’t already know how to do it the videos would just confuse me. I guess real world situation is better in this case.


i totally do not understand i would be in the same boat


And this is low key why i never bartended
It makes sense but my mind still struggles to make it make sense fully

But ive never been strong in math

You literally could do a whole series on this to be honest


I hope this goes viral ‘cause kids don’t know how to do this. I see it all the time


No the basic math isn't being taught in today's school's.
I'm in my late 50's, even having absentee seizures from 8 months to being tested for them in early 1979 at 12yrs, & being on medication for them. I have a better understanding & ability to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and Division, along with the most basic of fractions.
I've been blessed with no longer having the seizures & haven't been on meds since I was a sophomore in high school the 82/83 school year. Mine were caused by fall on my head at 8months, therefore I grew out of them.


Retail worker of 10+ years. That is a quick way to piss us off. Don't do that again.
