Want to learn how to make your life a little easier in the world of retail? This video will you show the simple basic principle of how to count back change to customers.
this lady is an absolute angel for teaching the girl instead of embarrassing her bc im 16 and i just got my first job and im terrified of this
Im 17 working behind a cash register as a volunteer, I have extreme social anxiety and get really worried that Im counting change wrong, THANK YOU FOR THIS I will watch this as many times as it takes, really appreciates it
Instead of Algebra and trigonometry in high school, they need to teach this stuff! Thank you for this because I just became a cashier. I will watch this 1000 times if I have to!
I don’t think you realize how much this helps so many people !!! You are 100% right about school not teaching us. I am 19 and I have struggled with math skills and especially counting money because ... I WASNT TAUGHT IT! And now I’m trying to get a job and struggling and you taught me and I can’t thank you enough ! ♥️♥️
I’m a senior in high school and in trigonometry and didn’t even now how to do this. Now I do! Thanks
I’ve had someone help me behind a cash register at a ball park because they felt bad for me and how I couldn’t count change back. It was honestly so embarrassing and I felt so dumb that day. I also get so nervous when I’m behind a register because I’m so afraid I’m going to count the money wrong and that I’m going to get in trouble for it. But now I honestly don’t have to worry about that. This video helped me so much! Thank you!!💕
I'm an 18 year old with a retail job and my manager just got me started on the till. She told me I needed to learn how to count change, and I have no idea what she was talking about even after she explained it 4 times.
So out of my desire to not look like a total idiot, I came here looking for knowledge and that's just what I found with this video. Thank you so much! I totally understand how it works now.
I'm 18 and have never had a job before. I'm trying to get a job at this record company store and counting back change is an essential skill I have to have. Thank you.
What makes me so mad are the people who give you one amount after you tell them their total and when you go punch that amount in they say “wait a minute I found a dollar!” Or “I found a quarter!” It makes me freeze up completely and I no longer know how to help them because I get completely confused. I already typed in the previous amount! 😭 Sometimes they see me freeze up and get extremely impatient with me and start speaking to me like I am a child. This gives me so much anxiety about counting change. So thank you for this technique!
29 years old and so grateful for this video! I was one of the unfortunate students who learned geometry/calc and not how to count back change
Counting coins might not sound like a big deal to some people but for others it's a really big deal. Some people have difficulty with numbers. Some people fall through the cracks in the education system. Thank you for this video.
I work at a snowcone stand and never learned basic math ( literally ) it was always so complicated to me. I use a calculator everytime someone gives me a bill higher than 5 & I’ve always wanted to know how to count money without one. This is the only video I have watched that helped and I searched for months on videos to count change.
Thank you for your generosity!!!! I have always panicked when it comes to counting back change. Schools are not teaching this.
This really helped, I'm 17 and I'm planning to get my first job. I always had a huge struggle with money and had horrible social anxiety when it came to money. Watching the videos and doing the problems with you really really helped. I feel more confident now, but I will continue to get better at this. Thank you super much
I’m 16 and getting my first job next week and we have to learn to count back. I never knew how to because I was never taught so thank you so much for this.
I'm 17 years old (very embarrassed rn) but always had a hard time with learning how to count back change. Very helpful video
Thank you SO much for this video! For all the adults on here whining about people my age (I'm almost 22) they teach way more stupid stuff like geometry, algebra, and statistics far more than real life skills, even in college. I do blame calculators and technology for this, but the other half of it lies with teachers/schools that don't make basic life-skill math classes available to kids/teenagers.
I got my first job today and i will start tomorrow as a cashier
I always need to count money 5 times to make sure i actually have $7🤦🏻♀️
Thank you so muchhhg
I need to know how to do this for a working interview I have and am so glad this straightforward video was here to show me how to it so clearly. Thank you for making it!
O.m.g. I just applied for my first job at target and I am SO scared for the job, and the fact that i don't know how to count change makes it even worse. Thanks so much for this video. It helps WONDERS!