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Emotional eating, binge eating, and food guilt are all unpleasant and more common than we think. Here are some ways that may possibly help you stop.




Contents of this video
00:00 - intro
01:12- what is emotional eating?
02:11- what causes emotional eating?
03:56- identifying emotional eating
05:20- common settings of emotional eating
05:28- why you should stop
06:00- how to stop emotional eating
07:58- what not to do
09:21- coping skills to try instead
11:32- closing thoughts
12:01- PO Box package opening
13:24- the end

#emotionaleating #eating #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #food #foodie #advice #eating #muscle #gymmotivation #mindfulness #leanmuscle #musclebuilding #bodybuilding
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Bro this woman is straight wholesome. Helped an old man start getting back in the gym and now helping me reflect on my eating psychology. Truly grateful for you Patty.


I eat cause I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy cause I eat 😢


Before anyone in my family has a second serving of food, my mom always makes us drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. I now realize how good that advice was.


My brother passed away a few months ago, and my binge eating has just been out of control. Thank you for this video.


It's nice to see the younger generation is able to talk openly about these things and actually get therapy.
Our parents thought sending us to therapy reflected a failing on their part so many I grew up with never learned how to deal with things in a healthy manner.
Thank you for mentioning guys can struggle with this, too. We can't be "scrawny" or "tubbos" so we get it on multiple fronts to look & act "like a man", especially as teenagers who don't know better.
Thanks for all you do & you being you.


Listen I’ve got a grocery list of mental health issues but nothing makes me feel mentally or physically worse than binge eating. Thankfully I was able to drop about 80lbs but I still struggle. It’s been especially rough this week so thank you! Needed this.


As a dude who struggles with a cycle of restricting then bingeing and feels like it’s wrong to be feelings this way because I’m a dude, this video was very reassuring & beneficial for me. Thank you patty ❤


I think my best advice with binge eating or any eating disorder is to realize it takes a lot of time and work to overcome. It’s rarely a habit you can kick in a week. If you can work a little more on mindset shift and learning about nutrition (meal prepping if you can). One day you will have a sudden realization of how much better your relationship with food is and how far you’ve come. You may still have bad days but you’ll start having more good days than bad days and remember you can always “reset” the next day and eat normally like nothing happened. Also don’t deny yourself food you love or eat food you hate bc it’s “good for you.” If you want ice cream, have ice cream just get a smaller scoop and don’t get a giant potter of it so if you binge it isn’t as much.


This is so far, Patty's best video in my opinion, not only because it deals with a serious subject, but also because she maintains her charisma and humor, and it doesn't feel forced, great video Patty, greetings ❤.


This was such a genuine and caring reality check I appreciate it so much


i was anxious to click on this video, cause i have this stereotype that gym community usually approaches those issues with the whole willpower thing, but i was so glad to be disproved, thank you for being so real and genle❤


Patty is our internet angel! Thank you for all the support and understanding you put out into the world. P.s. very cool mood lighting in the computer room!


In general, reducing my carb intake (significantly but not drastically) as a person who previously had an unbalanced, 90% carb diet has almost gotten rid of my emotional/binge eating. Getting my macros in balance and reducing the amount of breads and sweets in my diet has helped me relearn what hunger and fullness feel like and stop using food as a stress cope. I eat the same amount of calories as before, but in healthier portions and made up of more whole foods, fat, and protein… don’t have those emotional sugar crashes that make me want to eat an entire loaf of bread in one sitting anymore


Thank you, from a 40 year old dude who has been overweight since his 20th. Thank you for saying it's okay. I just needed someone to put things in perspective and give me a drive to work on myself. They say wisdom comes with age. I dissagree. It comes with experience which can come at a very early age. It shows with you. Subscribed.


the “clean plate club” mindset taught to kids causes so much inner conflict and shame. literally telling kids to ignore their bodies own cues… is so bad for development. tell the kids to eat when they’re full and don’t eat when they’re hungry but eat when they’re sad and hate how they look and constantly work to achieve a particular but ever changing standard of beauty.. no wonder so many people struggle with disordered eating and body dysmorphia. when i first started going to the gym, barely tween-age, i wanted to change my body to make other people like it more. now i go to the gym because it makes me happier, healthier, and stronger. thank you for being such a safe and honest space for us who have not always had a great relationship with food. ❤


I CRIED when you said “it’s OKAY” this video was much needed I love you Patty !!❤


Needed this. Been working really hard on losing weight, going to the gym and have been killing it. Went from 195lbs to around 155lbs. Yesterday I got the urge to eat ice cream and ate the whole container. In my mind it makes me feel like I’ve ruined all the hard work immediately. I know it’s irrational, but my mind keeps telling me otherwise. A little bloating feels like 15lbs of weight gain, even in the mirror. Crazy. Body dysmorphia is a bitch.
Great video :)


Seeing this video honestly makes me want to cry. I’m in a tough spot with food right now trying to come back from a stint of pretty heavy restriction, and just seeing someone so prominent in the body building community (which I believe my involvement in was a direct cause for my disorder) is just…so comforting. Thank you so much for your content!!


i’ve struggled with restricting for a long time and this would almost always make me emotional eat. this video really helped me understand why and how to stop. your channel is really comforting and makes me feel understood


Patty is like the most wholesome, entertaining, down to earth gym youtuber I've ever seen. Talking about a serious, helpful, relatable topic like this is still quite like a taboo, or people just don't really pay attention to it enough.
