Childfree by choice: Why I don't want kids

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This video is for the childfree, for parents with kids, and the undecided, It's important that we try to understand each other's perspectives. And I'd love for you to share your thoughts.
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0:00 Important things to mention
2:27 Questions/comments I get
4:35 Parenthood isn't for everyone
5:30 We don't all hate kids
6:15 Why people choose to be childfree
6:52 Why I don't want kids
9:01 My mom and I
10:04 To Parents
10:26 To childfree people
10:58 To parents with regrets
11:49 To the undecided
13:09 Conclusion

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I don't want kids. I don't have a reason. Am not undecided. I just don't. Period. Simple.


No child asks to be born. There is suffering in life, and unless I can guarantee no illnesses, no emotional trauma, no genetic disorders, and no stress in relationships, maybe it is better to not have kids.


I don't want kids. I honestly feel like if I have a child, I won't have enough time for myself or my hobbies and I think that being a parent is a life decision that it shouldn't be taken lightly because it's going to affect your life for many many years. So I really don't understand why people tell me that I'm ungrateful or selfish just for not wanting to have kids.


One choice is certainly more moral than the other; being childfree never harmed any children! Many children, who were born, lived horrible and meaningless lives.


I'm 48-year-old guy from Greece. I 've too, chosen a child-free life, because, I have too many dreams, I believe, to accomplish while I'm in life, that are, for better or for worse, not related to parenthood, even remotely. My female partner is 42, she is child-free too, and we are very lucky to share the same values and opinions on this matter. Greetings from Greece. We send you our love.


Lets be real ... most people just want a child, they don't want to be a parent.


I'm 36 years old with no children because i remember being told when i was 16 years old " Be sure if you really want kids because once you have them you got them for life! I heard how difficult parenting really is!


I’m a Childfree guy. I’m Nigerian(a poor 3rd world African country)that alone is 1 reason. I’m a Christian. A Child can never go to Hell or suffer here on Earth if it was never born. So win win situation for everyone 🤷‍♂️🙌


I decided in Grade 4 that I never wanted children. Decades later, I still feel the same way


I'm 27 years Old, and I can feel the pressure of people putting on me to have Kids but honestly I don't want None


I thought I wanted kids but then now that I’m 38, I realized that things happened for a reason and being child free is the BEST thing that ever happened to me. You are making the RIGHT DECISION.


What a great message! I have lived my 20s getting into relationships for the sole purpose of becoming a mother. Every relationship failed. At some point I said to myself that if I don't find a partner by the time I am 29, I will find a donor and become a single mother before I am 30. This whole thing, was influenced by my mother's wish to become a grandmother and not by my true wish to become a mother myself. Since I was 18 my mum constantly told me to have a kid soon, the younger the better, that this is what life's purpose is, to find a partner and have a kid. I got to 29, with a loving partner... but I was in a better place, a mind clear space, where I was finally able to make my own decisions and I decided it wasn't the time, I had lots of soul searching to do on this topic. Fast forward to now, I am 34 and have been through a beautiful self-healing and self-discovery journey. Guess what, turns out I do not want to be a mother, I don't want kids, it had always been my parents wish. I love my life as it is and I am so grateful that my life's path brought me here, to this moment of realization. Thank you for sharing Bren!


I feel relieved not being married or having kids. I love being single and free. I am a free bird and don't want to be tied down by anyone or anything.


I don’t want kids because they are too much responsibility.


Haveing babies is not gonna fix your unhappy state or depressed in state


I'm childfree because this lifestyle is way more appealing to me than parenthood. I'm lucky to have a mom who respects my decision and doesn't pressure me to make her a grandma 😊❤


Being an aunt of 9 and having my hands full when parents aren’t around has made me not want kids. I don’t like they idea waking up pissed and bothered. I grew up with anger problems and now an adult and still working on it. It would be selfish of me to take that out on my kid. There are too many parents with these issues and needs to stop.


I do not want to have children, the world is not easy and everything indicates that it will only get worse. I don't want to put a child in the world to suffer.


As a black man, I been called "GAY" because I don't have or want children---I feel free and I have time for myself---I know I wouldn't be a good father if I decide to have a child.


As a 32 year old woman, married, I’m on the fence but leaning towards no. I remember having a fear of being pregnant throughout my whole 20’s and thought that I would just get over it. A lot of people would tell me, “it’s not the end of the world if you get pregnant, you have a job, a good partner” to me it would be the end of MY world.” My world includes just focusing on my hobbies, taking time for me, focusing on my career, and just plain getting to do what I want to do which is part of being an adult. You no longer have anyone to answer to when you reach adulthood so why all of a sudden do we have to answer to society or family by giving them what they want? I always Thought I would just finally get that instinct to have them but as much as I love kids, I’m never had the real urge to just have them. One of my pet peeves is when people also say, “when you meet the right guy”which quite frankly is insulting to say especially to a woman who may have a partner. I have an amazing kind husband who treats me with respect. He is the RIGHT guy. We just may not want kids!
