Atheist Answers #17: Non-Believers Send Themselves to Hell

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"Atheist Answers" responds to common claims made by Christian (and other religion) apologists. Today's video responds to the claim that God doesn't send non-believers to hell...they send themselves to hell.
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I wouldn't wish hell on my worst enemy, and that makes me infinitely more moral than the god of the Bible


😡 If what Christians claim is true, why aren’t they saddened at the loss of a soul to eternal damnation and not to eternal salvation? Instead they behave gleefully and celebrate such an outcome for another human being. How perverse and twisted can someone be and not realise how horrible they appear to those of us who behave with intelligence and respect? Religious indoctrination has such a pernicious effect on the mind, leaving it incapable of accepting anything but the miseries of psychological contamination.


There is nothing wrong with believing an afterlife, but it's sad and disgusting that there are people who want a torture dimension to exist.


I was a Christian(fundamentalist, , pre-millennalist, Charismatic, Christian-Zionist etc.) for around 40 years of life.My wife and kids are still into it.Looking back, I don't have a lot to show for it.Much of it wasted.I was pretty heavily into"Apologetics"those years-trying to find answers to those "hard"questions.Although I did find"answers", most of them were ready-made, surface oriented answers that I wanted to believe, rather than anything concrete.But the big elephant in the room(among others)was the subject of hell.I always felt uneasy about it and was never quite satisfied with the"answers"--but accepted those pat answers because I was afraid of the alternative, namely that the Bible was not the word of god and therefore my life would have no meaning.Since I have become an atheist, I feel really free for the first time in my life, accept for my family not seeing things the way I do.Anyhow, I appreciate this video as I do all the rest.I like the way you put them together.Thanx.


if any human pulled a stunt like this, there would be no doubt it was a seriously criminal act.


Honestly, even if some god sat down beside me right this minute and said "love me or suffer for eternity", how could I? There is no way I could ever love a god again after seeing how fucked up it has let its creation get.


People send themselves to Hell by not believing in and following "God"...just like a battered wife chooses to get beaten by her husband by not doing exactly what he demands and expects. -_-


Christians still haven't figured out that they're going to Muslim and Jewish, among other, hells.
Let's say just for fun that the Christian God exists. If so, he created the furnace, he created the rule set that sends people to that furnace, and he created whatever force actually sends naughty souls there after they've been judged. It's not logically reasonable to suggest that people send themselves there.


No we send ourselves to a place far away from mental bondage.


To be honest everyday I worry about the possibility of there being a Hell


“2:16” - murder is ‘alright’ - all you have to do is repent. This means that every serial killer and mass murderer that ever repented is in heaven (assuming all this exists in the first place.)


Thank you underlings! another powerful video! This video is already helping me in my battle with the day today nonsense a religion and its opinion of us and the reality we live in!


Christians who say we send ourselves to hell clearly haven't read Romans 9:20-25.


When I wanted to get an understanding of the Bible, I started reading my Bible stories for children I had since I was real young. I lost count of how many God got upset with humans for the little gestures.


Thanks, right to the point and so true. Love your work.


Belief is not a matter of choice. We believe in something only when there is convincing reason. If we don't not perceive an explanation to be a convincing reason, we CANNOT believe in it


As always, another irrefutably logical argument. Unfortunately, logic and reason are alien concepts among the god squad


Whenever a Christian tells me that I am "choosing to go to Hell", my response is usually to say, "It's not a choice, God is giving me an ultimatum. When you go to a restaurant, you have a choice of what's presented on the menu. You can choose to order a hamburger, a chicken sandwich, fish, etc. You can also choose what restaurant you want to eat at. But have you ever been to a restaurant that tells you you must only eat their food or be tortured for the rest of your life?"


Did you know that some atheists have made a Christian Apologist Bingo game, because of how predictable the Christian’s arguments are? It’s hilarious. 🤣 Pascal’s Wager is the free space.


This channel is for individuals who are curious and seeking answers to specific questions related to biblical stories. Those who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of these stories by exploring lesser-known parts of the Bible. It is for people who desire to enrich their spiritual journey and uncover hidden truths within the scriptures.
