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Guys remember to make dua for people in Palestine they are suffering may Allah protect us and protect all the people in Palestine


We can't really say that to anyone that it is Allah's revenge. Cause we simply don't really know. You never know if its Allah's punishment or His plan to bring someone on the straight path. This is my opinion on this and Allah knows best.


If you believe there is only one real GOD ☝️


I am a christian but will not mock other religons


I’m a Christian I respect all religions


The Bible says if any man believes in his heart and confesses with his heart that Jesus is Lord, will be saved


We can't really say Allah is taking revenge. For we do not know what is it that Allah truly intends to do. It would be presumptuous to say we know what Allah is planning or doing in actual fact.

Allah is very forgiving and loving. He reminds, warns, humbles, and then when the heedless take no heed, the does He punish. Take for example the town of Lut, that is a punishment. He gave warning before he punsihes. He will avenge those who have neen wronged, perhaps in this life or in the next.

He does not need us to pray to Him. Prayer is for us, to remind us that we were created and to be close to Allah, to submit to His will.


You’re not Allah’s spokesperson. You’re not qualified to declare the intent of Allah’s actions.


Brother ALLAH never takes revenge.The almighty only punishes you for your sins for which you don't repent. Please be careful while selecting your words for ALLAH.
May ALLAH guide us all. Ameen


He literally said that happened after he mocked Christianity on his podcast


Dua for Palestine 🇵🇸 and ummah: allahumma aslih ahwaalal-muslimeena fi filisteen, allahumma aslih ahwaalal-muslimeena fi filisteena wa fe kulli makaanin ya Dhul-jalali wal-ikraam. Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad. Allahumma farrij ‘an Ummati Muhammad. AllahummaRham Ummata Muhammad [sallAllahu alayhi wasalam]

Translation: "O Allah! Rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine. O Allah! Rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine and in every place, O Lord of Majesty and Bounty. O Allah! Improve (help) the state of the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah! Grant ease to the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah! Have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad.”

Dua for Gaza 🇵🇸 and the Muslim ummah (by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al Afasy) : wahasbuna allah waniem alwakila..
ya dha aljalal wal'iikrami..
'anqidhuu almuslimin fi ghaza..
allahuma 'anqadh almuslimin fi ghazata..
allahuma kuna lahum hlyfaan wnsyraan..
ya allah 'amrak la yarudu 'abadan
wala yahzam jundik abdan.
walak alhamd fi aliamtinani..
allahuma khadh alyahud alzaalima..
allhm munzl alkitaab alkarimi..
muhrk alsahab, muhzm aljiush..
'ahzamuhum wa'ahzahum..
allahuma harar almuslimin fi ghazata..
ya dha aljalal wal'iikrami..
allahuma fakahum min hisarihim..
washfi mardahum wafaraj karbatihim..
allhm 'ubadil khawfahum amnaan..
ya dha aljalal wal'iikrami..
allahuma 'aeazu al'iislam walmuslimina.
wakhazaa alshirk walmushrikina.
wasahaq 'aeda' hadha aldiyni.
wayahmi wahdat al'iislam wayuahid almuslimin
ya rabu alealamin 'ajmaeini..
allahuma ansar dueafa' almuslimin fi kuli makanin..
allahuma 'ahsan 'ahwal almuslimin fih
filastin waleiraq wafi kuli makanin..
allahuma anshur alkhayr bayn qulubihim,
wahadihum 'iilaa subul alsalami,
wa'akhrajahum min alzulumat 'iilaa alnuwr..
ya dha aljalal wal'iikram wal'iikrami..

Translation: "Suffice is Allah our best advocate..
O the one of Majesty and Nobility..
Rescue the Muslims in Gaza..
O Allah rescues the Muslims in Gaza ..
o Allah be their backer and ally..
O Allah your orders are never refused,
nor your soldier are ever defeated.
Praise to you in Gratefulness..
O Allah take care of the oppressing yahood..
O Allah sender of the Holy Book..
Mover of the Clouds, Defeater of the armies..
defeat them and shake them..
O Allah liberate the Muslims in Gaza ..
O the one of Majesty and Nobility..
O Allah release them from their siege..
and heal their sick, and relive their anguish..
O Allah replace their fear with security..
O the one of Majesty and Nobility..
O Allah strengthen Islam and the Muslims;
and disgrace shirk and the mushrikeen;
and smash the enemies of this Faith;
and protect the unity of the Islam and unite the Muslim
O Lord of all world..
O Allah rescues the weak among the Muslims everywhere..
O Allah better the conditions of the Muslims in
Palestine and Iraq and Everywhere..
O Allah spread benevolence between their hearts,
and guide them to the roads of peace,
and guide them from darkness to the light..
O the one of Majesty, Generosity and Nobility.."

All this dua are none from me, some are by Google Translate since Arabic is not my main or second language and the complete dua is dua Qunoot by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al Afasy
and a following dua

When you make a dua for another people it will consider as sodaqoh or charity and the best part is angels will pray for you back. May Allah save all Muslims until the end Aamiin


No matter what, you should never wish for someone’s downfall, but also, never underestimate the power of Allah (SWT).


He isn't talk about Islam, he mocked about Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is holy.


Allah never took revenge # he is merciful #.... Alhamdulillah


Allah the Most Merciful was even patient with Pharaoh the Tyrant. Allah is Most Forgiving.


I’m a Christian but I don’t mock any religions because I know religious prays to God


I’m Christian but I love everyone and and may God and. Jesus heal everything that’s in pain


W Muslims I respect u all as a christian


Allah himself in the Quran claims to be the "Best of Deceivers" as per Surah 3:54

And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers.

Also, make a note that Muslims do not like to translate the word Deceiver into English as that, so they substitute it with "schemer" or "planner", but in Arabic it is clear.

مَكْر [makr] Translation with dictionary)

So according to the Quran and Allah himself, he claims to be the Best of Deceivers, the closest title in the Bible to which would be the Father of Lies, a title for Satan.


Many people forget that the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was a very forgiving man. He was chosen by Allah and his heart washed with zamzam water so he could be an exemplary role model to this ummah. He would not have spoken like this about a non believer. He was firm, just and wise. When he was ill treated by the people of Taif, his feet so bloody from the stones they threw at him, the angel Jibril came to him and asked if he would want him to punish them. He said no, he forgives them. How forgiving and magnanimous. SubahanAllah.

This person in the video speaks from a judgemental place and insinuates that he knows Allah's intentions. May Allah guide him and forgive him.
