The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 1): An Epidemic for Every Body

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How did we get so fat, so fast? The debut episode of this 7-part series debunks the theory that obesity only affects the “gluttons and sloths” among us and is, in fact, a public health problem that impacts everyone. [3/2014] [Show ID: 23305]

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This documentary changed my life. I have lost 65lbs, gotten stronger and reversed early onset of metabolic syndrome. Grateful for this man and wisdom he has shared. Unfortunately so many ignorant beliefs on food and sugar addiction. As an addiction specialist I am ecstatic with the development of brain science and physiology of the endocrine system.


Fast food used to be a treat. I remember my folks (who both worked) ) late 60s early 70s, would buy it for us kids on a Friday night when we would all go out to the drive in movies. Kentucky fried chicken once or twice a year. Pizza 3 or 4 times a year. Chinese rarely. Now people eat these (food treats) as dinner, and for most of their meals? Also, my folks wouldn't dream of serving soda with any meal, except for summer BBQs and picnics, a weekend treat. Jeez, soda used to be expensive, and you never got free refills. I raised my kids the same way. I'm tired of being visually assaulted every time I leave the house. Most have no shame and flaunt it with tattoos and skimpy clothing. Its just unbelievable how quickly obesity has become the norm. Make time to cook at home once in a while, and when your kid is hungry between meals, give them an apple or an orange to suffice. Its OK and used to be normal to feel hunger between meas. Its just awful the things I see kids eating, that their parents choose to give them, as they walk around the grocery store and streets. I'm really beginning to think, now that there are so many obese people. How in the world are they going to raise normal weight and able children, when they themselves refuse to see the light. Just sickening. Stop buying all that processed sugary garbage, and reeducate yourself on eating life giving foods. Its really not that difficult. Sorry for the rant. Just spent!


It's all about the money folks.
I'm staying on a high fat/protein diet - with no sugar. Works really good. 


If a product says its low in fat then you can guarantee it will be high in sugar. Food labels can be very deceiving. And healthy foods are always very expensive compared to fatty and sugary food, which are so cheap and seem to be everywhere you go.


I'm from Norway, when I visited the USA I went into the supermarket and picked out a cereal that looked like it had little suger in it( it was a bit hard to compare since it's not in %', but it was among the better once). I then picked out some low fat milk to go with it. It was so sweet I couldn't stomach it. I forced down a bowl, the rest went in the trash. Back at the supermarket, new reading og labels of a dozen of cereals, came back with what seemed the lowest in sugar, made a bowl with milk. Again I ate one bowl, threw away the rest, it was too sweet to sweet to eat.
After 2 weeks I went back to Norway, but 8 months later I came back to America for a 2, 5 month stay. This time I brought with me the cereal I ate in Norway. Bought the low fat milk again, (didn't knew any better back then), and again the cereal tasted sweet. What was going on? This time I could eat it, but it was still way sweeter than back in Norway. It's not like someone poured suger in the box while I flew over the Atlantic. The only thing that was changed was the milk, so I checked it. In Norway, low fat milk is low fat milk, In the USA low fat milk is low fat milk with 37% more sugar. I poured out the milk and gave up totally on cereals at that point.
My diet wasn't great when I was over there. I ate some hamburgers and fries, some pizza and tacos and sandwiches, but since the products was different than the Norwegian once, I didn't knew how to cook with them, so I ended up eating a LOT of cheddar cheese, almonds and apples. Tended to be my evening meal almost every day and sometime during the day too. I also snacked on seeds now and then. Now I was NOT dieting, and ate whenever I was hungry, I still lost 5 pounds during that time. Without thinking about it I had increased my fat intake and, despite some bad meals, decreased my carb intake. And it caused me to loose weight.
So I say Americans probably have a harder time avoiding the sugar products as they are way more abundance than in some other countries, but it's still possible. I did it without even trying. Of course cheese and almonds is not a good long term solution, but the LCHF defiantly helps regulate your appitate and will probably cause you to loose weight.


I am a dietitian and this guy is 100% correct. I do not practice what I was taught in school. Its false


I want to a family reunion 2 weeks ago and 85% of my family are obese and they are like "omg did you get bypass surgery?" and I was like "no I exercised everyday, ate healthy, had smaller portioned meals, and took control of my life." I never blamed fast food, processed food, snacks, soda, family background, or any of that crap on why I was fat. I'm 152lbs now and was 297 a year 1/2 ago. Take initiative, stop making excuses, and get your body in motion.


I'm a bit of a homebody and thought that this will do well for me, since exercising requires a lot of time, effort, and equipment. Weight loss green store tea worked very well for my needs and was an excellent appetite suppressant.


I think the movie Wall-E is an accurate future for us.


Just bought hamburger rolls at Costco. By the label you would think you are buying health food. The label contains the USDA food plate, and some bogus statement about how grains are essential for your well being. And no trans-fats of course (did hamburger buns ever have trans-fat?). It is a very sad state of affairs.

And who is head of the USDA? The former governor of Iowa. And whose interests does he represent? That's right, the wheat and corn (HFSC) producers. What a joke.


Such a well edited documentary. Calm and reserved. I like it.


Had I watched this one first, I would not have watched the factual episodes.  Just because someone walks by a McDonalds does not mean they have to eat there.  It's a choice.  Lifestyle is a choice. Everyone is personally responsible for their own choice. Junk food may be cheap, but so is a packet of seeds to grow your own food.


Babies are fat at 6 months because they are overfed for 6 months...


This excellent presentation omits a sacred cow--the contribution of rapid growth and increased height to the obesity epidemic. Birth weight is tied to the mother's height and weight before pregnancy. These factors promote higher birth weight and birth weight is correlated with overweight and obesity. Freedman also found that children that are tall at about 8 years of age are 5 times more likely to become obese adults compared to 8 year olds that are shorter than average.

Thomas Samaras


Really good video. That guy has his information well spoken.


Lustig says "it hasn't worked" referring to the idea that a calorie from carrots is the same as a calorie from cake. While that may be true, he's also ignoring the fact that Americans haven't even been trying to get their calories from sources like carrots; people in this country do not eat anywhere near the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.


adding to that is our odd hours at jobs such as driving trucks, working lengthy periods where excess to healthy food isn't available because it's just grab and go. some ppl skip breakfast altogether while others can't seem to put down the fork. ppl are emotionally tied to food, they are socially tied to food. also, mothers who work more than one job or single households where food becomes less of a priority because the emphasis is what doesn't kill me right now is alright to keep doing.


What an awesome documentary. Very informative. I appreciate it


This is a problem that needs to be solved ASAP. It's getting out of hand


Epidemiological studies provide trends not absolutes. Whenever a study says that birth weight correlates with the mother's weight and height, it represents a general trend but there are exceptions as in the example of your 10 lb infant.
