Two Years with Aggressive Multiple Sclerosis

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Sorry for the weird light in this video! Also hope you all liked the video if it liked you haha... p.s. it did

But yes I can't quite believe it has been 2 years since my first MS attack! Time really fliiiiiies. I have worked so hard in these two years and pushed myself to keep moving forward when at times I just wanted to bury my head in the sand - and I am SO glad I pushed through every hard time as here I am, reaping the benefits two years later.



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Honestly, I just enjoy that you update that you’re doing well. My partner was diagnosed ten years ago and they are doing well, and it just gives me more comfort to see others doing alright or emotionally how they are dealing with MS. So many people don’t talk about it.


Great to have an update from you. Realize that you are a new phenomenon: A young person who contracted MS early AND has had treatment AND has changed her life style accordingly; You might be worth studying (medically) because you might find you recover better than predicted and do not relapse severely again as long as you maintain your healthy balanced lifestyle. Good Fortune!!


So so happy I've come across you on YouTube... I was diagnosed 2 months ago and I've just been at a loss... so thank you xx


Thank you so much for uploading Izzy. I was diagnosed with MS about 5 months ago and seeing your videos gives inspiration and hope. Glad you’re doing so well. Being so recent I’ve found having or hearing positive thoughts is very helpful, thank you


Izzy, glad to see you're feeling well. I can definitely relate to your description of MS fatigue; I used the same description I relayed to my nuerologist. I'm now on Ocrevus for my RRMS, and it has really helped reduce the fatigue. Although, I notice I'm less symptomatic, the MS is still on the march. This disease is relentless and has now made it's way to the left side of my body. I am grateful for the medication, because I'm a second generation MSer; my Mom had an awful relaspe after I was born. She never regained her ability to walk or vision. Seeing your video gave me hope that the MS journey is filled with more help than what was available during my Mom's life. Please continue to share your journey and personal insights. May your future be blessed with happiness, strength and resilience.


Hey izzy, I'm glad you're still improving, and growing stronger each day. I've followed you for the past couple years since being diagnosed at 22 with aggressive rrms myself. Your channel has kept me positive and feeling less alone. Your story was very close to mine and I feel your pain and at least we never have to go through the spinal taps again. They stabbed me with that thing five times, and call themselves pros. But I digress. Here I am nearly two years later and my Dr couldn't be happier with my results. I too have grown stronger each day and have been viewing life completely different. The damage to my noggin will be there forever but at least it's not getting worse so far. Keep moving forward, and keep the positivity. Thanks


Missed you Izzy! You really helped accept my diagnosis💗


Izzy i'm glad you are fine. I have MS since 2002 i had 16 years free from attacks, i had a few months ago an attack, after a 5 days of med, and in 2 or 3 months i recover and getting stronger, i used to praticed sports, not anymore . Hope you get fine every day and enjoy live!


I’m so thankful for this video! I know you wondered and I’m here to say YES! I’ve been struggling and going down hill for 4 years at least! Everyday is different! I have a chair and stick! I have decided just this year I’m so done with drs and all of it bc I’m going to live my life! I only get worse not better and I am determined to make myself better!

I would love to see what you eat recipes and exercise and please don’t stop you inspire me! I’m blessed to have found you on here!


I got diagnosed this summer. Im on copaxone and not feelin as good as you. Still feeling the symptoms your describing. And I live in Sweden but please keep posting videos like this. Makes me feel som much better. 🙏keep well 💪 your such an inspiration!


I’m so happy that you made a new video!
Your videos are still inspiring to me. Thank you so much for taking the time out to do them.🧡


I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your story. I was diagnosed in January after losing vision in both eyes and experiencing paralysis of my left side and my core. I lost the ability to walk, could barely move and spent four months in the hospital. Listening to your story and hearing your improvements and strength we're so inspiring to me I'm really did help give me the hope and optimism to fight through it. I'm not fully recovered yet but I have come a long way, I am close to being able to walk again and my vision is about halfway returned. The doctor said I also have optic neuritis in a rare instance where it affected both eyes, but hopefully as the inflammation of that optic nerve goes down my vision should return.
I just wanted to let you know how much listening to your story and what you have been through and how far you have come have helped me to keep the hope and optimism that I can get through this too. Even if it's sharing accomplishments like this, it is so so helpful and inspiring the people like me. Thank you so much for having the courage to share your story and everything you went through, so that people like me who are going through something similar know that they are not alone and can see that recovering is possible and that there is so much to look forward to.
I have to use the voice to text feature to comment as my vision has not fully returned yet, so I apologize if there are any weird words in this I sometimes the voice to text makes mistakes haha. Anyways, thank you so much and I wish you all the best you're super inspiring



Happy to see your doing so You went through so much and you came out on the other side !!!! SooooGlad to hear your feeling better ....all you videos are very helpful


You MS video was one of the first videos I watched when I was first diagnosed with MS, it helped me a lot and kind of took my fear of this disease away, thank you very much. I learned from your videos that nutrition is key, I bought the supplements you recommended, please keep making videos about MS and life in general, we need more people like you in YouTube, you seem like such a wise gentle soul, I wish you the best


As someone who also has ms I'm rrms it's always good to see someone talking about it my first relapse was bad two years ago in two months i was numb from the neck down and terrified it took me about a year I've recovered 99 percent had to relearn to walk feed myself hopefully you continue doing as well as you are ☺☺


Glad to see and hear that you're doing pretty well! It's amazing how much this disease can change ... and often for the better. Keep hanging in!


Thank you so much for sharing this, Izzy. My first episode (and, consequently, my diagnosis) was on August 25, 2018. I am still struggling with balance and am frustrated with what I consider to be my lack of progress, but you have given me hope. Thank you for that!


Pretty, articulate and brave. So very glad to hear that you are doing well. Please continue to keep us posted. Thoughts and prayers.


Glad you've not relapsed and are symptom free! I've past my one year anniversary for my first attack and am approaching in a couple of months my diagnosis anniversary; however still have balance issues and parethesia. Hoping to move onto lemtrada though since it seems to have done you wonders!

Thank you for your vids, and I hope things continue to go well for you.

All the best


Neurogenisis baby!! Love you loads Izzy, I can't tell you how much you've motivated me through my diagnosis. Yes please do post more, just so we can see how you are x
