1 Year With Aggressive Multiple Sclerosis: MRI Results

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Hi everyone,

I thought I would share with you all my MRI results after a year of having MS and a year after my first Lemtrada infusion :)

Make sure you have watched my first video:

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My Wife has MS, she is fighting it every single day, it's hard ... I wish all the best and health to everyone.


My mom was diagnosed with MS in 1972 and she is 87 now. She never had any medication for her symptoms. It took a long time to diagnose her. She has a very slow progressive type. Started by falling down all the time. Her left side is affected and the leg would just collapse. Started walking with a cane, then a walker and now she is wheelchair bound. Aside from the MS she is healthy as a horse and will probably outlive me.


Going on year 9 with ms, myself. I’m so glad you’re doing well. Xx


My name is Justin, I was Just diagnosed with MS. it started when i was walking down stairs my legs would shake and i started getting blurry vision. I'm 36 and I'm in the best shape of my life, so i thought. so when they gave me this diagnosis it devastated me. Im still trying to digest it and figure out what this is going to mean for me. I just want to say your story has giving me so much hope for the future, and has inspired me to fight this in every way I can. thank you so much for telling your story you don't know how much it has helped me.


This is absolutely brilliant news Izzy!! Congrats and happy New Year. I too am on Lemtrada 6 months post round 1. I'm 36 years old and having massive gains for the better. G-d bless you and keep on fighting. MS will not define us we define it!! 🙏🙏


wow so lesions can heal, that's awesome. Your videos are really helpful and you've got a great personality thanks for everything!


This has made me so happy Izzy, I'm so happy for you and this will give so many people hope xx💗


You spread so much Hope! I also was diagnosed with MS when I was 17 (two years ago) und lemtrada is my recent therapy after having daily injections of Copaxone which didn’t worked for me because my ms is also very aggressive. I was very scared of using lemtrada but my doctor said that it would be my last chance. One year ago I got my first injection of lemtrada and it was okay. Not really enjoyable but so is life with MS you know. I was sick for a long time after lemtrada but it was okay. Next week, my second and hopefully last cycle of lemtrada starts and I am very nervous even though the first one went „well“. I saw so many videos about young women who also got the lemtrada therapy and they are so fine with it and I love to see this because it shows that there is hope to live a „normal“ HAPPY life without any affecting disabilities or impairments even though there is no final healing for this awful disease. I wish you all the best for your future! ❤️ hold on and stay healthy as far as possible 😍😘 thank you for sharing your own story, I think I’m not the only person that feels supported because of you 😊


Prayers, I have Secondary Progressive MS. Maybe one day, we will have a cure. Stay positive, and laughter is the best mediciane. XoXo's


Great news! I'm very happy for you! Stay strong and possitive, you give us all hope. I was diagnosed 9 months ago at age 38 and waiting for my own MRI results.


Thank you for sharing your story! It truly helps people with MS not feel so alone! I believe in diet and exercise but not willing to risk my mobility on anything! Finally got on a strong dmt last year and I’m so thankful it’s kept me stable!


so happy to hear this news. you seem like such a lovely person. you're so young to be going through this and it made me smile to see positive news for you. it made me smile.


You have the comfiest voice in the world Izzy. Found you because my granddad has MS and wanted to learn about it, decided to watch every video 👍


Enjoy walking and running as much as you can. Stay strong. It's not who you are. It's a part of you.
Been dealing with it for almost 10 years. You are much more than just this disease


Hi Izzy, Greetings from the Nez Perce Indian Reservation in Idaho! Happy New Year to you too! I'm thrilled to hear the good news of your MRI results. Well done! I'm glad the combination of all your healthy eating, exercise and Lemtrada has helped. You have asked for suggestions for more videos, and nothing would thrill me more than sharing the MS journey with you. My RRMS is fast becoming SPMS. I've done Copaxone, Rebif, Gilenya, Techfidera, and have had such adverse reactions (including some that almost ended my life), that I'm focused on diet now. Therefore, I'd love to see more videos following you through an entire of what you eat and drink with menu and recipe ideas. I used to live in the UK and miss it terribly, so it is delightful listening to you talk about things that I can relate to totally. Best wishes in the new year sweet Izzy! Hugs, MS Janet


Congratulations!!! I am studying MS for a university project and you have helped a lot.


Knowing what you went through before and leading to the time you got diagnosed, I'm so happy and grateful that you managed to pull quite a significant recovery clinically and as shown in your MRI scan. Stay strong, informed and optimistic.


I can not watch your videos without crying. It is the first time that I have felt like someone understands. I am so confused and I miss my self. This video gives me hope that I will get my life back.


I understand what you went through i´m going through such a similar thing. I have Aggressive RRMS, was diagnosed in March and in a few weeks they want to start me on Lemtrada I am scared about the risks and side effects. But they keep telling me that for my aggressive case it is the best option. I also have latent tuberculosis so I have to take 3 pills a day for 6 months on top of Lemtrada which makes me extra nervous. And your videos have honestly made me feel so much better, I know that not everyone is the same especially with this illness but you give me hope. Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)


So very happy for you! Hope all the best for you in the future! x
