New study examines testosterone replacement therapy

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South Florida doctors look at efficacy and safety of new testosterone replacement therapies
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Steroids has a lot of benefits, particularly for muscle recovery and strength. Personally, as an athlete I use anabolic steroids to speed up recovery from intense training or injuries. They also really help in rebuilding muscle tissue and enhancing performance.


I've been on TRT for two and a half years, I'm fairly young considering I had to start earlier than most. My base level was 120 before treatment. I try to maintain around 500 now. TRT has changed my life, I remember being winded just dragging the trash can to the road which was really depressing. No matter what or how I ate I was staying fat and felt like sh*t 24/7. I lost 40Ibs, I grow an awesome beard now, not the patchy pretend kind. My libido is pretty awesome. TRT gave me the energy/ability to take back control of my life. I'm no gym rat, just a normal everyday schmuck that works hard to provide for his family and you know what? I'm fine with that!


Them saying theres dangers to testosterone causing high blood pressure but lwts not talk about every other pharmaceutical that has a laundry list of side effects.


Been on trt for about a year now, i dont care if i drop dead tomorrow, its give me the best sex life imaginable.


I've been on TRT for 19 years. Is still feel like i'm improving... no lie.


I donate blood every 16 weeks and my hemoglobin is normal. I also get blood tests done every 6 months to make sure everything is good. I been on TRT for about 6 years now. I’ve recently had a full physical done with a heart tests. I’m 43 and have the heart of a 35 year old.


TRT for 17yrs. Haven't had to take any anti-depressants since. Get your levels checked, it really is life changing!


I’m on TRT. Helps me keep my weight down and be energetic which lowers my blood pressure. I have full bloods taken every 3 months. 🤷🏻‍♂️ all good here.


Ive been doing the injections for years since having testicular cancer. I also take a fairly high dose daily of vitamin E for liver health, which acts as a blood thinner anyhow. You can get similair effects from fish oil. It basically counters any thickening effects. The androgel is terrible and causes more problems. Not as familair with the nasal gel. This study was probably pushed by a secondary agenda behind selling the product as usual in pharma industry.


Doing testosterone shots once per 2 weeks is the problem. If you do 2 or 3 small shots per week that is the best way


I'm 58 and have been on TRT for three years. It has TRANSFORMED me. I've never been a weakling, but I'm at the strongest, fittest, and most muscular I've ever been at in my entire life. I feel great. I use topical gel type TRT therapy and hold my T level in the 750-800 range which is about typical for a man at the age of 20. Yes I hit the gym VERY regularly. Three to six days a week, with a workout partner and a trainer.


I've been on TRT for a few years. I drink Garlic with Lemon water every morning. It works as a natural blood thinner and my blood comes out fast when I donate blood every two months. It also helps lower your cholesterol and Blood pressure. I haven't had any acne breakouts lately either.


Yes but how is the treatment? How do the men feel on nasal TRT? Side effects? How much? Pointless doing a study on purely blood thickening. And who does intramuscular injections every 2 weeks? Just goes to show they haven’t got a clue already


When they say your blood thickens they are really saying your hematocrit levels go up. Not for everybody and for some people it doesn’t matter. For people that are sensitive to it just donate blood and get lab work done every quarter.


What they aren't mentioning, and it's really important Is that the kind of blood thickening you get from TRT is only your red blood cell count, which you could also get from being a highly trained athlete, or living at high altitude. This doesn't carry the same risk as someone who has something like polycythemia vera, which not only increases hematacrit, but all blood cells including platelets.


I use 200mg injections of testosterone weekly and it is by far and away the best for me to get good results from the therapy. However, you do have to get your blood checked every 2 months and donate blood if your hemoglobin goes up.


I've been on TRT for 1 year under the guidance of my doctor. My initial T was 360 at age 37. Now I am up to about 1200. I do have increased RBC/Hemoglobin because of TRT but I just donate blood and its completely fixed. I also have improved my LDL and HDL cholesterol while being on TRT ( I stopped eating so much sugar.) The gym performance? I was at a peak for my size, age, and diet doing PPL split with extreme dedication to the gym. While on TRT I slacked slightly with my gym schedule due to work and still managed to increase the weight on EVERY single exercise. My Bench PR went up 20lbs with minimal effort. I feel good EVERY DAY because of TRT and if you are over age 30 you should talk to your doctor about TRT. Dont abuse this stuff and DO NOT do it without blood work every 3 - 6 months.


TRT subq microrosing is the best and safest method.


These doctors always have some agenda.


3 Times a day...!!!?
Ain't got no time for that
