How Can You Tell If Your Pastor Is A Coward?

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There appears to be a growing divide in American Evangelicalism. Whether it be the political sphere, cultural sphere, or church sphere, the “middle ground” seems to be rapidly disappearing. Today, pastors are either bold or compromising. So how can Christians quickly identify whether or not a specific pastor is a coward, before investing multiple years in that local church?
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I have like 20 years in the evangelical churches and this is the first time I hear this kind of preaching. Thank you and God bless your ministry!


Agree 100 percent Joel. My wife and I drive 45-50 minutes away from home to hear the truth. Our local churches constantly preach solely on Gods love, and do not present the gospel. It’s all about tickling the ears of those in attendance while suppressing the truth.


Courage is speaking Truth regardless of how people receive it. That alone is a hard trait to find in the Western 'churches' of the 21st century!


This is great! My husband and I talk often about how little the issue of modesty is brought up in churches now. I was raised in the church and never once heard a discussion on modesty aside from my dad and even he didn't go into the detail that I needed. When we were looking for a new church after we moved, there were some we just couldn't go to because when we went there were so many minors dressed inappropriately. For some reason the two major issues of men/boys and pornography addiction/lust and woman/girls not dressing in a modest way are largely ignored these days. Both are sins and both need to be addressed. Neither sin justifies the other sin, everyone is accountable for their own sin, but sin needs to be called out regardless of feelings. Causing someone to stumble is not a good trade off for looking "cute".


On point! I have been “visiting” churches for a couple of years now; searching for sound biblical teaching & a pastor with boldness. I’ve stopped attending churches that refuse to preach against sin. I have no church family at all anymore; when you strive for truth, when you search the scriptures on your own, people label you (me) a rebel. I’ve discussed my concerns with different pastors and they pretty much Pat me on the head and brush me off. The Holy Spirit has increased my discernment and for that I’m grateful, however not having a covering does concern me from time to time. Jesus is my covering as I have no husband or godly mentor to turn to. I rely on ministries such as John MacArthur, Steve Lawson and others like you. Thank you very much for what you are doing for the true body of Christ! May God continue to bless & increase you as you teach the word with boldness and love.


Grateful for you. This message is so needed in our church today. Praise God for brave shepherds.


Praise the Lord for pastors like James Coates, Tim Stephens, Jacob Beaum who courageously preach the gospel without apology.


Amen!! The problem is that most pastors are hirelings that run away from the sheep when the wolf comes. My old pastor is so mealy-mouthed these days. Left that church 6 years ago because he wanted to go down the Bethel/Bill Johnson road. We who knew better and even confronted him, left. Almost cost me my marriage. I took a stand for the truth. I love my wife to this day after 21 years of marriage but God comes first.

What a great commentary on yoga pants. I worked at a marketing firm where the young women were wearing them all the time. It was disgusting what they got away with wearing. Painted is correct. We have had 40 years of the feminist movement and even godly Christian women are tainted by it without realizing it. You are courageous, sir, for speaking the truth.


This was great to here and very much needed today. I literally cheered when he said pastors tend to use words like "careful" and "winsome" instead of being courageous today. Its pure cowardice and they know it. I need to look this guy and his ministry up because this is gold.


I loved this, and totally agree. I’m plugged into a healthy reformed church now. In my early years as a Christian I listened to many online sermons from a guy that talked about boys that shave. Now I’ve moved on to less hip preachers, and I dig expository preaching a lot more. God bless 🙏🏼


My pastor SPECIFICALLY called out women today! So I went and congratulated him and told him about this video. He was a MacArthur student, so i’m not surprised, but the timing was beautiful. I listened to this getting ready for church😂


Joel God bless you for speaking the truth about the American cultural church it has failed the people in this country


Great message brother. Bold preaching is much needed in an ever increasing fallen world.


So spot on! Thank you so much for
This! God bless you!


We have FINALLY found a pastor/church who is courageous and preaches truth. It has taken us 22 years of marriage and lots of reforming, but we finally feel like we have found what we’ve been searching for.


So well put. Long time coming. Thank you !


I confronted a female "pastor" (not my church, but the one my in-laws go to) about quoting Rob Bell in a church where no one yet knows who he is and what he stands for. Afterwards I was smeared, words were put in my mouth and the lead pastor screamed at me over the phone. Me, a housewife, apparently has more courage than all the pastors in that church put together.


It's society too now and signs of end times my mother went to church regularly with her father in 1930's and she always would tell me pastors would be do harsh shouting repent you sinners!!! No one complained but lo should a pastor do that now all congregation would walk out in disgust so this is so true people are boastful proud now and not want to believe that they could even have that word used it's sign of times as I say people are arrogant x


Well said! I think I would take it one step further and include not just the most obvious outward sins that the world celebrates, but also sins that are so rampant even in the church like pornography, jealousy, gossip, etc. and also things like false teachings and popular false teachers. All of these sorts of things need to be spoken about boldly at the pulpit, of course along with a clear gospel presentation. It's shocking how rarely, if ever this happens even in so many churches that actually do look to be orthodox.


This was quite good. I've seen you interview Doug Wilson but never listened to anything else from you. I think I may subscribe. 🤔
