DIY haptic input knob: BLDC motor + round LCD

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Introducing the SmartKnob View: an open-source input device with software-configurable endstops, virtual detents, haptic touch feedback, and a round LCD.
Since you can't feel the detents through the video, make sure to turn up the volume so you can at least hear them, particularly the fine-grained detents toward the end of the video.
A brushless gimbal motor is paired with a magnetic encoder to provide closed-loop torque feedback control, enabling virtual endstops and detents. Internally, everything is powered by an ESP32, with a TMC6300 BLDC motor driver, HX711 strain gauge ADC, VEML7700 ambient light sensor, and more!
I'll have a lot more to share about this project in the future, like a design and assembly overview, so make sure you're subscribed if you want to see more!
🛒 Related hobby electronics items (affiliate links help support the channel, at no cost to you):
Since you can't feel the detents through the video, make sure to turn up the volume so you can at least hear them, particularly the fine-grained detents toward the end of the video.
A brushless gimbal motor is paired with a magnetic encoder to provide closed-loop torque feedback control, enabling virtual endstops and detents. Internally, everything is powered by an ESP32, with a TMC6300 BLDC motor driver, HX711 strain gauge ADC, VEML7700 ambient light sensor, and more!
I'll have a lot more to share about this project in the future, like a design and assembly overview, so make sure you're subscribed if you want to see more!
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