Is the Bible Inerrant? | Is God Violent?

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Speaker: Joshua Tongol

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[The views shared in this video do not necessarily represent the views of the community]

In February 2013, Joshua Tongol was invited to speak to a community in New York. Aside from his preaching, he requested for intimate gatherings where people can discuss topics that are usually not brought up in the "church."

For several days, in these gatherings, many questions came up. Nothing was too sacred to mention in these meetings. The purpose was to ask the "WHAT IF?" question and to also offer alternative explanations of certain ideas.

Whenever a "new" idea was proposed to the community, the question was asked, "IS IT POSSIBLE?" No one, including the speaker, claimed to have it all figured out. But all were invited to participate in the conversation.

Sadly, many religious fundamentalists (Christian and non-Christian) tend to be very dogmatic concerning certain theological doctrines. Yet there is much diversity among them. That being the case, IS IT OK TO QUESTION?

Questions to think about:

-What do you really believe?
-Why do you believe?
-Can your "truth" withstand scrutiny?
-Can you listen to a different opinion other than yours without being offended?
-Can you disagree with another person and still unite in love?
-Can you feel safe enough in a gathering to share your heart without having to feel judged or condemned?

Josh has always envisioned gatherings where people can come together--with all their differences--yet still unite in love.

As you watch these videos, try to have an open heart and mind. And no matter what you may have been taught about God and/or the Bible...don't forget to THINK for yourself.

Bless you on your journey...
Рекомендации по теме

a good witness that what Joshua has explained is true: in the book of Job, God said at the end that the three friends of Job did not speak about Him correctly, yet present day ministers preach the statements of those three men as guides to Truth instead of error of thought.


One needs to understand the difference between the scriptures and the Word if God


Tell that to the 5-6 year old kids who are locked up in prison camps in North Korean in freezing snow. Tell them they deserve death and it is fair for them to suffer because they rebelled against God. Tell the kids who are forced into sex-trafficking that their punishment is just due because of their sins and the sins of their fathers. Humans are not deserving of grace? Was that ever an issue with God? We must stop having a very low view on the God's children which he made in his very own image.


Wow Josh. Def puts a twist on things. Love you man. Jenn W


The Holy Bible is inerrant in its original written languages. To not understand why it may sound contradicting at times is because the reader has not received the full understanding. Arrogance and pride in one's own understanding provokes questioning

(16) All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, (17) that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.


Joshua, I couldn't agree with you more about the O.T being an utterly horrible book that doesn't reveal a good God, but the New Testament is also filled with madness.The N.T presents a God who looks like a cross between Mother Teresa and Joseph Stalin.Sure Jesus said and done some good things but he also had a very dark side Christians would rather ignore.
E.g; He killed a herd of swine to prove he was divine, He called a Samaritan woman a dog, He supported slavery and beating of slaves, e.t.c...


AMEN BRO!!!!:) Remember we are a gift to God as well he is a gift to us.


Overall, I find it a thought-provoking message, which may be particularly useful for those who are open to questioning the fear-based doctrines in evangelical christian circles. Thanks for sharing, Joshua.


Its time for you to step out of hell (spiritual blindness ) my friend. We are all God's loving children and no one deserves hell and death. Jesus LOVE is way time more powerful than Adam.


I see two distinct camps in this thread.  The first are the people who protest Joshua's tendency to use an open mind in processing the macabre epic that is the Bible.  All the kings horses and all the kings psychiatrist's couldn't make sense of the Abrahamic god.  The second are those who struggle to make it to the end of their natural lives without losing their indoctrination.  Josh is right, god is a psychopath and we are made in his image.  He/She certainly wasn't much of an engineer 'cause our human history is reflective of the accounts of the Bible.  It's a good thing god does not exist in the context of the biblical god.


Yeah not really buying this. Listening to preachers and teachers is like eating catfish. When you come across a bone throw it out.


This guy is a master at taking "objective" questions and dropping his conclusions on his audience. "I'm not saying...but what if..." Throwing in possible answers some probably didn't come to on their own but they just nod and agree. He's not just asking questions. He's skillfully planting his ideas that he teaches as his truth in many other settings.


Was this supposed to be a bible study? You led them through and they all followed like sheep :-( Well, at least it appears thus. Obviously, i neither know any of those guys nor what they did after that session. But if you were a pastor then, Wow!
