The unbiblical doctrines of inerrancy, univocality & inspiration

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Strikingly, learning about the profoundly fascinating origins and evolution of the biblical texts made them feel much more lively and "life-giving" than when Fundamentalist Me believed they were basically dictated from Heaven.


Also the idea that the Bible is inspired because it says so and therefore everything in the Bible is god-written is the one of the most simple examples of circular reasoning in existence.


Dan for the win. Inerrancy is not defenible. Univocality (the Bible speaks with one voice) is also indefensible. Free yourself from religious control by understanding what Dan and so many others are helping us understand.


On a similar note, I’ve always been amused that “sola scriptura” - the notion that the Bible is the only legitimate source of authority for Christian doctrine and practice - isn’t in the Bible.


I was going to Bible College and planned on earning a Pastoral Theology. But, I realized it is impossible for the Bible to be the "perfect and inerrant word of God." The denomination I was in required acknowledging that it was to be a member and I could no longer do that. So, I definitely couldn't have been a pastor. I ended up withdrawing from the college and reenlisted into the Marines. (What I saw and experienced in Iraq didn't exactly help either.)


I always think that those who say that the Bible is univocal or inerrant want to use it to support their beliefs and theology. Iirc, Christianity has always been a theologically diverse religion. I believe that we should accept differences in theology and practice.


Am I the only one distracted by the moose painting behind Dan?


Picked a hot week to come back to Colorado. Been loving your podcast basically since launch and I'm currently living in Longmont. Odd coincidence


Once you've made the claim that God specifically chose you and your kin as his messenger to the exclusion of all others, doctrines of inerrancy and univocality are pretty much indispensable.


Taking an elective class in spring on old and new testament and looking forward to it!
I ended up chatting with someone with via Reddit about a Christian Nationalist article I posted, Rolling Stone, "Christian nationalist want to Stone adulterers to death"
He was a theology student at one point in his life and he suggested for me to look up and see my college offers any religious classes.
And surprise surprise, my university does! 😁
Spring semester, it's going to get biblical as all get out.👍😎


Dont worry Dan, an podcasting convention sounds alot more fun than Ken Ham's Young Earth Creationist museum.


Why were sandals referred to as "life-giving"? They just reeaally good sandals?


Are there any theologians watching Dan's content? Do you guys agree with his overall approach and opinions?



Question? If the writers in the NT and therefore the folks 1st Century used the Septuagint as their scriptures (as I understand it, that was the most prevalent translation at that time), it is interesting that in Protestant bibles the 7 deuterocanonical books are missing... 🤔... Could not one make an argument that if the writers of the NT considered it scripture, then Christians who believe the Bible to be inerrant now today should? If they understand Paul saying "ALL SCRIPTURE (2 Tim 3:16)... which at that time he was referring to the LXX...then they should follow suit? I mean it seemed to be partially influenced by the reformers to remove those books from evidently Luther and them boys knew something that Paul didn't? 🤔🤷🏾‍♂️.

Am I off here or is there something to be said about it?


IDK if I would say that something which is extra-biblical is necessarily _un-_ biblical. In any event, I think the more fundamental issue is that the ideology of biblical supremacy - _sola scriptura_ - is heretical.


It fascinates me that these are so important to people. My feeling is it all points to trauma.


Does it not go even go much further?

For example, some people being involved in the lietral translation of the Bible say that for example the word "God" is not even found within the Bible, all we get is Elohim, which referes to Yaweh, other Elohim like Astate, but also to Angels and even Mortals... So basically Yaweh was not the God of everything, but he was one of many Elohim who got assigned to the tribes of Israel, which also would mean that most of what they received in regards to laws and so forth, was not even intendet for the whole world..

But also words like "the glory of God", or "Spirit", have literalyl taken a much more neutral meaning, meaning, many of the theological aspects were inserted over time ...

Would love your thoughts on these things


If a book is prophetic in nature, like the Nevi'im, then surely it's inspired by God, otherwise it wouldn't be prophetic?


I think the spirit is true and completely captured in the "great sneeze" - " The Jatravartids of this faith believe that the Universe was sneezed out of the Great Green Arkleseizure's nose."

Now thats the breath of life!!!


And with the whole "inerrancy" thing. ONLY God is inerrant and infallible, so if you say that The Bible is completely without error and is infallible, you are saying that The Bible IS (literally) God itself. I believe that is called idolatry (or "bibliolatry").
