Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island Official Trailer

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Official Selection: 2023 Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital

Covers the never-before-told stories of Three Mile Island in the wake of 1979's nuclear accident: four intrepid homemakers, two lawyers who took the local community's case all the way to the Supreme Court, and a young female journalist who was caught in the radioactive crossfire.

Directed by Heidi Hunter
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Heidi Hutner did an excellent job on this film. It is so accurate. The partial meltdown at Three Mile Island was much worse than reported by the NRC. I am a TMI survivor who lived approximately 2 miles from Three Mile Island nuclear plant when we had the partial meltdown at TMI on March 28, 1979. I and so many others had a metallic taste in our mouths after controlled and uncontrolled amounts of radioactive gases were released into our atmosphere. The radioactive gases caused molecular and cellular damage in the plants, animals and insects found after the partial meltdown at TMI. There is now a huge latent cancer cluster since the partial meltdown at TMI in Middletown, PA and other towns near TMI. The Fukushima, Chernobyl and TMI nuclear accidents had many similarities such as people reported having metallic tastes in their mouths after radioactive gases were released into the atmosphere and mutations/deformities in plants, animals and insects found after the nuclear accidents at Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.


Where can one see the full movie..?

Is it for sale or rent ?
