25 Year Abandoned American House - Family Treasure Found in Backyard!

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This abandoned house in the American countryside has been frozen in time since 1999, when the last known occupants, Roland and Marjorie, passed away.
The couple had been married for 50 years and raised their two children in the house. They were both passionate about vintage automobiles, and their love for each other was evident in every detail of their home.
After Roland's death, Marjorie found solace in the support of her children and her love of cars. She purchased a 1954 Buick that looked like the one they had on their first date, and it became more than just a car to her. It symbolized their love story and carried treasured memories.
The Buick is still parked in the backyard of the house, along with all of the couple's other belongings. Nobody knows what happened to Marjorie or why she never returned to the house. But one thing is for sure: this abandoned time capsule is a treasure trove of memories that are waiting to be discovered.
Join us as we explore this mysterious house and uncover the story of Roland and Marjorie's love. Who knows what we might find?

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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @ES.Forgotten

Abandoned Time Capsule House of Roland and Marjori
#abandoned #explore #exploring
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This makes me so sad you can tell there was some real love there once, wish their belongings were taken care of too


I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but the car is from the 70's, and the microwave was from the 70's. There was also no color film in the 50's. I would say there were people living in the house until the mid 70's.


I would say 1970's or early 1980's. The cars, ziploc bags, photos in color, hairstyles. The stitched embroidery is lovely over the fireplace. All the photos, it's so sad! Seals and Croft album my parents had. Electrolux vacuum, made in the USA. Thank you Leslie for the respect you give the house.


Oh Lesley, my heart is in my mouth every time you go on those risky floors ❤ I Pray for your safety in all you do ❤🙏❤


Lesley, you are such an elegant man. We Americans love you.
I could sense that the house loved you as well. You show such respect for not only the house but the one time occupants of the house. I sense that the occupants were killed in a car accident. 😮


Hard to see so many memories left behind, especially so many that must have so much meaning, like letters, photographs, books, and toys. Thank you for sharing.


the curved window decorated with all the beautiful ornaments simply awesome!!


The home was a beauty.I really like all the built ins.The layout of the house was nice too. The cars seat you called sofa seat we called it bench seats, and back then the vehicles were made of metals and were very heavy and to ride in them was so quiet and smooth, especially the luxury car Cadillac.Wonderful vehicle.Not a lot of people could afford a car like that back then, so these people had money.The home was lovely, sad now such a waste.❤️👍🇺🇸


Muito emocionante, lindo e também triste.
Sempre que assisto vídeos de casas abandonadas comparo essas casas à imagem da mãe acolhedora, cuidadosa, carinhosa que foi esquecida pelos familiares e nunca mais foi visitada.
Eu vejo isso em cada detalhe da decoração, flores, quadros, loucas, bordados.
A presença da mãe, das mulheres dessas casas sempre é mais evidente.


You do give these abandon places existence and the people(s) an eternal rest!!!! When I go I hope (you or someone like you) might let the world know that I existed too!!!!


Very beautiful house all that dolls I remember me I was 7year old now I’m 63 years old I still remember thank you so much for sharing it I fallow at you I love your videos we love too God bless


Hey Lesley, How lovely to see again a video from Bros of Decay with such an interesting and fascinating background story!
The room in the picture is looking so untouched and very decorative. - Of course I am especially interested to see the rare cars,
as I am a big fan of the American classic cars from the 1940-ies to the 1960-ies
I am already excited to see the video and hear you telling us about the secrets of that abandoned house somewhere in the USA.
Stay safe, my friend, peace and kindest regards from again quite suny and warm Switzerland.


I never thought in all my life that I would see frozen crochet squares 😅


I believe this home was likely last lived in sometime in the 90's. I noticed alot of decorative ducks which were an item in the 90's. The hairdo of the young lady on the dresser in master bedroom was a Farah Fawcett style hairdo, and that hairdo became notorious back in the 70's. But, it became notorious again back in the 90's when it was referred to as the "Rachel". I believe this pad was likely last lived in sometime back in the early 90's. Last but not least. I absolutely loved that beautiful master bedroom. And the furniture was beautiful. The wood on the walls. You could never imagine what some of the other rooms in the house looked like, after viewing those two beautiful bedrooms. Another question we are always left with, "What happened to the family that at one time called this beautiful decaying house theor humble abode??" Thanks for sharing, Leslie and hopefully you didn'tget frost bite. Carry those packets that can be crushed and bring warmth out. Put them in your socks, gloves, etc. They sell them at Walmart and most convenient stores.


I love how you feel so deeply for the family and who they might have been. Your gentle and compassionate comments are very meaningful. Thank you for caring so much. You are an empath, like me.


This house was once a stately "craftsman". It's not too far gone to restore but it would be an act of love not a financial investment. Thank you again for sharing a glimpse of the past. RE: the shower combined with the tub, I don't know if this is true for all Americans but some women bathe & wash their hair in the tub then use the shower to rinse off with clean water. Has anyone else heard of that?


This seems like an amazing location for sure! Its sad to see so many personal belongings and relics left behind just to rot. Keep up the good work! 🔥


The curved windows most beautifully designed 😮


It's an uneasy feeling when people just disappear and no information about them


Fascinating. How isolated from other homes was this place?
Glad you didn’t go into the basement!
