Motley Crue’s Abandoned Private Jet Only $64,500

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Motley Crue’s Vince Neil’s abandoned private Lear 35 jet is up for auction.

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As a forty year employee of Lear Jet I was there when this bird was built. What you called a rake were called fences in the factory. Lear built 80 or these planes and ID then as a C-21A. This was a very profitable run of planes as they were all exactly the same. There was also a ferry kit that went inside the cabin after the interior was removed, I think it added 200 Gallons and connect to the existing fuel system. a lot of the plumbing {tubing} in this aircraft was probably built by me.


I can only imagine how much the interior of that jet would glow under a black light.


I worked on Lear 35s for decades as a mechanic for Airnet Systems. We had several 35s. The spoilerons are deployed in descents, as spoilers, and used for landings to give you more roll authority at low speed. The 35 is a very solid aircraft.


I will forever love LearJets. I flew Lear 24's, 25's and 35's in the late 90's. Absolutely a blast to fly and would climb like a bat out of Hell! These airplanes were way ahead of their time.


A black light would make the interior look like a Jackson Pollock painting


The cocaine residue left in it would be worth more than the jet itself


I worked as a lineman for Clay Lacy and got to go up on a multiple new pilot check ride in one of our 35s.
The lead pilot knew I was an aspirational pilot in training, so at Bakersfield he had me jump into right seat and I got to do a take off, and Radar vector approach back into Bakersfield. I was on cloud 9 for months. It was the coolest and hottest plane where everything happens so fast due to those tiny wings. And he helped me feel the planes sweet spot, which happens at climbout by pulling throttle back to around 87% when you could feel the plane "relax" since all Lears to that model were wildly over powered. The frame just settled at that point and you could feel it in the contols and in your butt. It was free, and ready to do anything you directed it to do. I'm so blessed to have that golden few minutes of instruction.


I was on this Lear Jet once in the nineties when it landed in YVR Vancouver, B.C. Canada. I worked at an FBO and had to clean it. It was full of chocolate chip cookies, endless candy, and big gulps. Those rockers really consumed the junk food. 😁


I just love how he talks. I don’t know anything about airplanes or how to repair them. But I could just listen to this guy talk about them and how to repair them all day.


In my Air Force days I caught a hop on a C-21 from McClellan AFB, with a stop at March AFB to pickup a 3 star General and then on to Kirkland AFB in New Mexico. Sweet ride and I felt like it was my own jet being the only 2 passengers on board. Great experience.


Glad you are okay Jimmy. With everyone gone, my instructor, my favourite Doctor, my favorite Haida Indian, Denny Adams, killed flying Grumman Goose, was deeply saddened by the recent 310 mishap, instantly thought of you.


I love your enthusiasm in the making of your videos. I wished I had the money to just take one ride with you since you always explain so much as to the condition of the plane and how you and your friends manage to fix them and get them back in the air. Thanks and keep your videos coming!❤❤


Hi Jimmy, Love this video. You make me smile every time I watch . The aircraft are always interesting but it is the stories you tell that amaze me.I often think how can he improve for the next video. And you always do. Keep it up Mate !!!


I love your compassion for the love of some of these other abounded jets and the walk around and explanation of the basics to these jets.
When you buy these jets how do you know that like the Elvis jet that they will never fly again no matter what you do to them and what do you do with jets in the shape since all you have is pictures and some of the paperwork to them to warrant buying them? Do you recover your investment just selling the parts alone?
Keep the videos coming Johnny especially with your love of flying you show in your sense of humor and knowledge of rebuilding planes the average buyer would not touch. You and your team certainly put a touch of love in every successful plane you get back into the air. Thanks!❤❤❤


Hey jimmy, I'm a disabled veteran, and I absolutely love your videos. I'm homeless, and I'm having my 19th surgery on Oct 11th to replace my right knee, I just wanted to thank you for what you do because it keeps me going, especially when I'm going through some tough times.


This jet was taken because Vince Neil had a charter service in Vegas that went belly-up and he owed taxes he couldn't pay, so the plane was confiscated to pay for the taxes. His plane was to fly in his rock star buddies all over the states and the Caribbean. But that didn't work out too well obviously.


Dude I love your commentary it is so funny so matter-of-fact so quick so witty thank you


One of the last 35s/tip tank Lears made I would guess. Dee Howard reversers were considered superior to those made by Aeronca. The fences/boundary layer energizers/strakes/AoA probes mentioned on this bird were collectively known as the 'Century III/Softflight' wing which were there to aid in high Mach/low speed handling. There were several variations of these features, original 'straight' wing on early 23/25/25 and some 35s, with thinner leading edges and Boeing-style vortex generators just in front of the ailerons, Dee Howard/Raisbeck 'Mark II', Century I, II, III, etc.

I miss flying them. True pilot's airplanes.


also that 35 uses the 731s which is POST hush kit and its still used in the lear 45 re-branded as a honeywell .. so its LEGAL to fly.. pretty sure the ONLY reason that plane is grounded is due to corrosion. i know part of the plane needs to be re-skinned which will cost more than the plane is worth.. there are less than a handful of 35s flying due to corrosion, and because its a pressurized cabin they are very strict on repairs.. hence the price..


Jimmy, I had a 35 for 10yrs, they’re basically fighter jets in a passenger config. Amazing aircraft, but as you might expect new parts are unobtainium. We flew direct from Napa to Fl and still almost 2hrs in reserve. Bad to the bone.
