Could Frieza Invade Viltrum?

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Could Frieza Invade Viltrum?
Frieza, the emperor of the universe is notorious for not only conquering planet vegeta but along with hundreds of other worlds and was considered the strongest being in the universe. What if Planet Viltrum was in Dragon Ball and Frieza essentially did what he did to Planet Vegeta but now here. Obviously these guys are not going to like a man trying to claim their world, leading into pretty much the Frieza force vs every viltrumite. Could Frieza conquer Viltrum or would he get overwhelmed? Firstly, let's go over Frieza's power level as I never really get to talk about him in any of my videos. The most accepted scaling for Frieza is usually Star Level due to him in his first form casually destroying planet vegeta, which has 10x the gravity as normal earth. This was calculated to be at Dwarf Star level and mind you Frieza did this in his first form casually. As for abilities, Frieza has mastery over ki control so he can fly, shoot death beams and utilize telekinesis to use the area around him to fight. Can also survive in the vacuum of space so he could just nuke the planet and be fine right after. Frieza as well just has ridiculous endurance and can take a lot of pain, surviving a planet exploding with 0 energy with half a body, surviving getting beaten up by characters far stronger than himself like Toppo Jiren and Broly. So it's more than likely that Frieza's endurance is in a higher tier than his attack potency. Now let's talk about the Viltrumites. The most known feat in Invincible and what's mainly used for scaling the verse is the feat of 3 viltrumites destroying a planet which I honestly don't think is as impressive as people think. They needed to specifically hit a point in the planet or else they'd just die on impact and these viltrumites are some of the more stronger ones. For this video will give them the benefit of the doubt and give them these guys the planet level feat. With all this in mind let's analyze. Could Freza solo Viltrum? Uhh Yeah pretty easily too not gonna lie. Frieza with 50% of his energy should be enough to just wipe out the planet along with every single viltrumite there due to the sheer gap in ap and in terms of speed Frieza should be on their tier, if not arguably faster depending on how you go about it. To be honest if we use the anime feats then even the likes of Cui Dodoria Zarbon and the ginyu force might just wipe them out since the gap in ap is too large. They probably couldn't hit them due to the speed gap but at the very least, if any of the viltrumites try crashing into any of the relevant frieza soldiers, then they're probably just dying on impact. Like could you imagine Omni Man breaking his hand trying to punch Recoome? I'm sorry for putting this image in your head but- Unfortunately, this is a very big mismatch and the viltrumites need to worry about the ginyu force before even thinking of taking on Frieza. And especially if we say King Cold is here too? It's just extreme overkill. The viltrumites unironically are weaker Saiyans in the long run and Frieza should conquer viltrum pretty quickly. If you think they're faster he just baby rages and aoe explodes with solar system range. The series follows the adventures of protagonist Son Goku from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts. He spends his childhood far from civilization until he meets a teen girl named Bulma, who encourages him to join her quest in exploring the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several other friends, becomes a family man, discovers his alien heritage, and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls. Toriyama's manga was adapted and divided into two anime series produced by Toei Animation: Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996. Additionally, the studio has developed 21 animated feature films and three television specials, as well as an anime sequel series titled Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and an anime midquel series titled Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018). From 2009 to 2015, a revised version of Dragon Ball Z aired in Japan under the title Dragon Ball Kai, as a recut that follows the manga's story more faithfully by removing most of the material featured exclusively in the anime. Several companies have developed various types of merchandise based on the series leading to a large media franchise that includes films (both animated and live-action), collectible trading card games, action figures, collections of soundtracks, and numerous video games. Dragon Ball has become one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.
#dragonball #anime #comics
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Frieza: "Hello monkeys"
Thragg: "what?"
Frieza: "Sorry force of habit"
*Blow everything up*


"The names recoome, it ryhmes with doom and I'm the one that put viltrum in its tomb"
-Recoome after soloing viltrumite


Coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bomb ahh match😭🙏


It takes three of the strongest Viltrumites to destroy a destabilized planet, but one Frieza to vaporize a planet.


Freeza pulling up to Viltrium after learning more about this ‘warrior race’

Freeza: I feel like we’ve been here before have we been here before


What the fuck is this incredibly unfair mismatch? SAIYAN SAGA CHARACTERS could take down all of invincible, why do we need Frieza?


Yes... end of video. That's it no more need for discussion. Video should be like 5 seconds long max.


Thrag: We are the invincible Viltrumite Empire.
Recoom: You brag about your empire. How you're the greatest warriors in the universe. But guess where they'll be. DEAD!
You talk about your warrior race, and your, invincibility, and your pride. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN THING TO THIS MAN!
Because the names, RECOOM, and it rhymes, WITH DOOM. And you're gonna be hurtin. ALL! TO! (strikes ridiculous pose)


The average Frieza Soldier's power lvl is around 1300~, Frieza deadass could just throw an army of goons or Saibamen at Viltrum and it'd be over.


people always count veltrumites travel speed as their massively different combat speed. They can reach super high travel speeds because their smart atoms allow them to resist high friction and accelerate tremendously. but without time to accelerate their reaction and combat speed, they cannot even evade ki blasts from Frieza soldiers. it's like comparing a drag race car vs a track car. the 1st one can accelerate and reach higher speeds if given the opportunity but the track car is ultimately better at steering and handling tough curves.


Isn't even a side quest for Frieza. More like waiting for your house to be upgraded in Animal Crossing.


Nappa: Hey vegeta..
Vegeta: What nappa ...
Nappa: can we go to viltrum
Vegeta: why?
Nappa: because i want a god warmup vegeeeta
Vegeta: fine


"Lol frieza get speed blitz and one shot, viltrums can travel galaxies in minutes"
-some Invincible fanboy


The real question is how many fingers he would need to lift. The answer is zero because his henchmen could handle the job.


viltrumites are overated at this point i dont know why people think invincible characthers can stand up to anime manga or dc or eve marvel characthers


Viltrumites are just watered-down Saiyans, even their strongest hypothetical warriors like 1000 years time skip Invincible would get slapped around by DBZ Frieza, end of story


Thragg sweating if the Saiyan trio appear. Let alone Frieza.


It takes a already unstable planet and 3 very strong viltramites to destroy a planet
Freezia in his weakest state, did it with ease
Edit: all the replies are just saying how fucking powerful Frieza is, not that I mind:)
Edit 2: How the hell is this still going on? I'm impressed(if you see this, just a reminder that it took 3 viltramites, 1 infinity gun, and a already unstable planet to do a feat a super weak version of freezia did with a single finger. AND THAT PLANET VEGETA WAS PROBABLY BIGGER THAN THAT PLANET*


Don't get me wrong, I like putting characters against different verses to fight but that's when they are relatively close and are capable of hurting one another. Frieza could sneeze and wipe them all out. Like their best option for HURTING him is all of them flying at max speed and ramming into Frieza while he's off-guard or something.


The Viltrum elite should be a decent match for the nervous impulses of Frieza wondering what's for dinner tonight
